19 filmų

2014 gegužės 23

Du vieniši tėvai Loren ir Džimas, išgyvenę išsiskyrimo liūdesį, pagaliau nusprendžia vėl nueiti į pasimatymą. O geriausiai pirmajam kartui juk tinka aklas pasimatymas. Vis tik Loren ir Džimas šia galimybe pasinaudoti nesugeba. Pademonstravę vienas kitam bjauriausias savo charakterio savybes, Loren ir Džimas prisiekia daugiau niekuomet nesusitikti. Tačiau likimas kartais būna atkaklus – jei jau ką nusprendė, būtinai įgyvendins. Po kelių savaičių abu vieniši tėveliai nusprendžia savo vaikams padovanoti visam gyvenimui įsiminsiančią kelionę Afrikon. Štai čia ir pasireiškia likimo ironija: pasirodo, Džimas ir Loren apsistoja ne tik tame pačiame viešbutyje, bet praktiškai ir tame pačiame numeryje. Pamatę vienas kitą ir atsigavę nuo pirminio šoko, Loren ir Džimas nusprendžia pasistengti elgtis civilizuotai savo vaikų labui. Tačiau ar jiems pavyks?

2022 rugsėjo 16

Filmas paremtas Džois Kerol Outs betseleriu, drąsiai pavaizduoja vieną žinomiausių Holivudo ikonų - Merlin Monro. Jame vaizduojama sudėtinga Normos Džin vaikystė, tapimas žvaigžde ir romantiški santykiai. Filme tyrinėjant skirtumą tarp jos viešo ir asmeninio gyvenimo susilieja faktų ir prasimanymo ribos.

1959 lapkričio 17

When a theater troupe's master visits his old flame, he unintentionally sets off a chain of unexpected events with devastating consequences. A remake of Ozu's own silent film The Story of Floating Weeds (1934).

Hubert, a brash 17-year-old, is confused and torn by a love-hate relationship with his mother that consumes him more and more each day. After distressing ordeals and tragic episodes, Hubert will find his mother on the banks of Saint Lawrence river, where he grew up, and where a murder will be committed: the murder of childhood.

Įtemptas psichologinis trileris „Įsilaužimas į namus“ pasakoja apie tai, kas nutinka, kada teroras pasiekia vietą, kurioje mes jaučiamės saugiausiai – namus. Į turtingą moterį kartu su jos posūniu nusitaikius patyrusių vagių trijulei, Klojai (vaid. Nataša Hendstridž) vienintelę pagalbą gali suteikti apsaugos sistemų specialistas. Tačiau kai įsibrovėliai tampa agresyvūs ir prasideda dvejonės, ar ji patikės jam savo saugumą?..

An aging actor returns to a small town with his troupe and reunites with his former lover and illegitimate son, a scenario that enrages his current mistress and results in heartbreak for all.

2014 kovo 9

Keeping to himself in the wake his father's death, James Charm finds refuge in solitary walks and creating morbid sketches — until a charismatic new friend and a quirky young woman begin to draw him out of his shell.

Hedonistė advokatė Džoi važiuoja atiduoti savo naujagimį seseriai, kad pati galėtų išskristi į šėlionių pilną atostogų kelionę. Džoi planas planas žlunga, kai jos taksi automobilį pavagia dvylikametis gatvės vaikis. Šis smagus komedijos ir kelio filmo junginys pasakoja istoriją apie du nenušlifuotus deimantus, kuriems tenka bėgti nuo juos persekiojančio gyvenimo.

1999 vasario 28

Dr. Bob Shushan is an overworked and absent father who runs a centre for the mentally and physically challenged. When Shushan suffers a heart attack, his life is saved by James Jones, a young patient at the center. The two men forge a friendship and help each other rekindle the father-son bond that has been missing in their lives.

2014 spalio 24

37-year-old Marta gets married and wants to have a baby. But her toxic relationship with overbearing mother complicates her life in many ways.

2024 rugsėjo 20

On TJ's 18th birthday, a stranger delivers him a key from his father, last seen as he was hauled off to prison eight years earlier. With the key is an address for a proposed meeting – 3000 miles away and in two weeks. The key unlocks a timeworn 1968 convertible, with a coffin welded to its floor. With each decision that follows, TJ plunges deeper into the mysterious and beautiful landscapes we all navigate – on our own, with our tribe, through the shifting turns of the road ahead.

2024 rugpjūčio 2

An underprivileged, gifted young black man from Newark reaches Yale University, only for shadows and injustices from his past to threaten his future.

2012 rugpjūčio 24

A father who was absent for 30 years of his son's life returns and wants to set on a journey through Finland, so they can learn to know each other again.

2015 gruodžio 12

On the day of her wedding, as Selena Jackson comes to terms with the long-lost love she's never quite gotten over, many of her guests, including her best friends and her own mother, also struggle with past loves, past regrets and past mistakes.

President Choi of Dongseo Shipping is at the verge of bankruptcy because one of his ships has sunk. Right on time, a man comes to Choi and offers to lend money by taking his remaining real estates as security and staying at his place. The man turns out to be a son that Choi has abandoned. The mother has died after living a hard life, and he wants revenge.

2023 rugpjūčio 15

A single mother struggles to raise her only daughter on her own.

2022 rugsėjo 27

Documentary film about Tony Halme, masculinity and populism. The film follows how Tony Halme created a mythical, highly masculine freestyle wrestling character, The Viking, who gained fame both in the ring and in the public eye and eventually became captivated by it. With his brash speeches, Halme fired the starting shot for the rise of the Finns Party. The voice of a forgotten section of the population, a protest against the ruling elite, were the building blocks of Halme's popularity. Halme's great popularity has served as a good example of a populist figure, admired within the deep ranks of the nation, who comes from outside the political elite and changes the direction of politics. Also, despite - or perhaps because of - his openly racist statements, he was part of changing the political climate in Finland to a more acrimonious one.

2010 liepos 12

A modern Irish comedy western set in sleepy rural Sligo.

College buddies Trevor, Thomas, and Sam share a passion for filmmaking. But, when Thomas obnoxiously acquires a rare copy of Sam's favorite film "Cold Soldiers", their insecurities threaten to tear the friendship apart. Trevor, left in the dust, attempts to restore harmony to the trio.

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