16 de filme artistice

Planul de evadare 2: Hades (2018) urmărește povestea unui expert în securitate, Ray Breslin, care și-a folosit abilitățile pentru a testa fiabilitatea închisorilor de maximă securitate. Ray Breslin conduce o echipă de specialiști de elită în domeniul securității, instruiți în arta evadării oamenilor din cele mai impenetrabile închisori din lume. Atunci când cel mai de încredere agent al său, Shu Ren, este răpit și dispare în cea mai elaborată închisoare construită vreodată, computerizată și în continuă schimbare, Ray trebuie să-l urmărească cu ajutorul unor foști prieteni. Determinat să-i dea de urmă, Ray și echipa sa se confruntă cu noi provocări care le vor testa la maxim abilitățile, strategiile și propriile limite. Care este planul lor de evadare de data asta?

19 decembrie 1968

After being kidnapped and escaping, young drummer boy Aaron searches for his camel and finds him in the Nativity of the Baby Jesus. Aaron gives Baby Jesus the only gift he has, a song on his drum.

23 decembrie 2014

Everyone hates Ward’s wife and wants her dead, Ward most of all. But when his friends’ murderous fantasies turn into an (accidental) reality, they have to deal with a whole new set of problems — like how to dispose of the body and still make their 3 p.m. tee time.

7 august 2024

An examination of Israel and its society after many months of war, seen initially through the prism of viral social media posts - and exclusive interviews with the soldiers behind them. These posts, some shared millions of times, show soldiers humiliating bound Palestinians, ransacking their homes, joking as they detonate schools and whole districts, and laughing as they launch high explosive ordnance into densely-packed areas. The award-winning team behind this Basement Films production traveled to Israel to interview some of these soldiers, who proudly defended themselves and their videos, some expressing callous disregard for Palestinians in Gaza. Through additional interviews with Israeli radical groups, politicians, and media figures, the film reveals Israeli Jewish society in the aftermath of October 7th, gripped by a vengeance and hate that puts into question any possibility for peace.

Un străin se stabilește într-un oraș din Munții Ozark. Prezența lui este benefică pentru viața vecinilor săi, oameni nepoliticoși și plini de ură. Dar noul venit nu va putea depăși neîncrederea unui tânăr care trăiește obsedat de ideea de a-și ucide tatăl, pe care îl consideră vinovat de moartea mamei sale și de toate nenorocirile ei.

Dominique Pinon takes the viewer through various examples of what he "likes and dislikes."

13 august 2022

A troupe of clowns gather to perform a story about a priest and a refugee, but as their misguided tale unfolds, the boundaries between fiction and reality begin to fray.

15 iunie 2022

Santi, a 17-year-old boy, plays football with his friends at the entrance of the village while Marco, his childhood friend, returns after a two year absence. The last summer Marco was in town, Santi began to feel something towards him. But while living in that cave, the best thing for him to do was to forget about it and focus on building his life based on tradition. The return of Marco throws Santi off, who had finally managed to forget him. Under the conservative gaze of all the people, he will have to fight against his feelings as he considers his identity for the first time.

3 iunie 2024

An exploration of two souls inhabiting bodies from 1940's Hungary, and the beginning of the digital age.

While dealing with a chaotic personal life, Daisy Moriarty finds herself sucked into the underbelly of the internet. Moriarty and a motley group of coworkers toil in a cottage industry of agencies that evaluate harmful and offensive pictures and videos uploaded to social media. With detached caution and a deranged sense of humor, they examine the millions of posts that get 'flagged for review'. But one particularly violent video grabs hold of Daisy, luring her out of this office, away from the safety of her keyboard, and into a dangerous world as she obsessively seeks to hold someone accountable.

5 februarie 2024

Juan Méndez Bernal leaves his house on the 9th of april of 1936 to fight in the imminent Spanish Civil War. 83 years later, his body is still one of the Grass Dwellers. The only thing that he leaves from those years on the front is a collection of 28 letters in his own writing.

16 septembrie 2022

After years of a happy marriage and producing a family, the husband of a catholic woman gets sick. This takes her into a whirl of rancor and hate that drives her to the destruction of her marriage, her family and the things that she loved most.

8 octombrie 2023

My debut film made for Uni. A sixteen-year-old boy bumps into his ex-girlfriend at a local park, yet to find out she has already moved on from the breakup. Gabe has to deal with the awkward encounter of seeing her with someone else.

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