13 series

In the 1980s, a simple-minded fool named Hideaki meets comedy legend Sanma, changes his name to Jimmy and becomes a comedic superstar.

Son humoristas y protagonizan un drama trepidante... pero si sus chistes no triunfan en las escenas improvisadas, serán expulsados de la serie.

May 31, 2021—as COVID-19 continued to spread, Masayasu Wakabayashi and Ryota Yamasato were on stage in front of an empty house getting ready for their live stream show. Although they’re from different comedy duos, The Nankai Candies and Audrey, they decided to create Tarinai Futari to perform new jokes about their complexes. Their final show is today.

14 oktober 2002

The next generation of Manzai duos compete in a fierce battle of wits and laughter, unleashing their best material for a chance at comedic glory.

He's usually the host; but this time, Ariyoshi lets a rotating cast of celebrities be the MC of the show while he claims the role of bemused assistant.

Tokunaga, un comediante que tiene mala suerte, tiene un choque con Kamiya, un comediante de mayor edad cuando visita un evento de fuegos artificiales en Atami en un trabajo. Tokunaga está profundamente conmovido por Kamiya y le pregunta si puede convertirse en su aprendiz. Kamiya es un genio de comediante lleno de bondad humana. Acepta la propuesta de Tokunaga a condición de que escriba su biografía.

An incident that occurred during the recording of a skit takes things in an unexpected direction...

Is this a comedy or a drama? Is it a drama? A documentary? Comedy lawlessness is here!

Film of tv-serie niet gevonden? Meld je aan om deze toe te voegen.


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