18 部电影

1984 年 06 月 08 日

故事發生在美國紐約,突然遭到惡靈侵入,於是他們找來「捉鬼特攻隊」,他們針對鬼魅所設計的電子武器,能夠效趨魔……最後的、也是最難纏的惡靈,可是在比爾祖靈的辟祐下,方得以成功消滅,最後一幕戲,是比爾的母親顯靈覆蓋整個紐約市,呈現溫馨的畫面…… 這可是美國版的捉鬼特攻隊,一九八四年不論在美或是台灣都有不錯的票房,網羅了知名諧星比爾不論在美或是台灣都有不錯的票房,網羅了知名諧星《窈窕淑男》《回到過去》《今天暫時停止》比爾墨瑞、《陰陽魔界》《魔宮傳奇》《溫馨接送情》《神鬼尖兵》丹艾克洛德、哈洛德雷米斯和厄尼赫遜。當時由「庫爾和夥伴合唱團」所唱的插曲更成為全球暢銷金曲。

1989 年 06 月 16 日

魔鬼剋星們在拯救世界免於落入綠色鬼怪之手後,卻遭法院下令禁止從事任何有關捉鬼的行動,於是彼得博士(比爾墨瑞)成為脫口秀主持人,雷(丹艾克洛德)和溫斯頓(厄尼哈德遜)以主持兒童的生日派對為業,艾根博士則回頭從事他神祕的研究,而黛娜(雪歌妮薇佛)在結束與彼得的短暫戀情後,歷經另一段感情、結婚、生子,如今則在曼哈頓的一家博物館任職。 當黛娜八個月大的兒子奧斯卡身邊出現古怪事件時,這群昔日的戰友自然義不容辭地伸出援手,不料卻因此違反法院的禁制令而遭逮捕;正當審判進行時,兩個鬼怪忽然現身,因而被魔鬼剋星當場制服,也使得他們的獨門捉鬼生意得以重新開張。 這次魔鬼剋星的對手是個古老的邪惡巫師維果,他意圖藉由黛娜的兒子重生好回到人世作惡,魔鬼剋星能阻止維果的陰謀得逞嗎?

利姆路為了保護夥伴而踏上成為「魔王」之路後,在位於他與夥伴們共同建立的魔物之國「魔國聯邦 坦派斯特」西方的「拉賈小亞國」裡,持有不可思議力量的女王,正被長久以來的陰謀威脅著…此時,原本被半獸人豬怪滅村的食人魔倖存者「緋色」突然出現在利姆路等人面前。利姆路的同伴紅丸也與這位對他猶如大哥般存在的人物相逢了,這段過去一度斷絕的「紅蓮之絆」,如今將成為引發新戰鬥的導火線…!

1988 年 08 月 05 日

In Arborville, California, three high school students try to protect their hometown from a gelatinous alien life form that engulfs everything it touches. The first to discover the substance and live to tell about it, the trio witness the Blob destroying an elderly man, then it growing to a terrifying size. But no one else has seen the goo, and the police refuse to believe the kids without proof.

1997 年 11 月 26 日

Professor Phillip Brainard, an absent minded professor, works with his assistant Weebo, trying to create a substance that's a new source of energy and that will save Medfield College where his sweetheart Sara is the president. He has missed his wedding twice, and on the afternoon of his third wedding, Professor Brainard creates flubber, which allows objects to fly through the air.

1986 年 02 月 14 日

Stanley Putterman installs a state-of-the-art satellite dish in his backyard, soon unleashing a strange monster that leaps off the screen and needs to feed on humans for survival.

2022 年 06 月 03 日


1969 年 05 月 21 日

A giant asteroid is heading toward Earth so some astronauts disembark from a nearby space station to blow it up. The mission is successful, and they return to the station unknowingly bringing back a gooey green substance that mutates into one-eyed tentacled monsters that feed off electricity. Soon the station is crawling with them, and people are being zapped left and right!

1959 年 05 月 28 日

Nuclear tests create a radioactive man who can turn people into slime.

1983 年 09 月 07 日

After a couple purchases an antique vase at a market, the woman is possessed and killed by a demonic creature. Twelve years later, the demon returns to possess the woman's nephew and wreak more havoc.

1991 年 09 月 25 日

An underground government facility is locked down by its A.I.-controlled computer when an alien entity travels through a dimensional portal and threatens the lives of everybody inside.

2007 年 04 月 26 日

When a mysterious black slime oozes up from the plumbing to infiltrate a new conference center, it causes attendees at an environmental convention who come in contact with it to have horrific hallucinations and nightmarish visions of past tragedies. Environmentalist priest Father Douglas Middleton must team up with conference coordinator Khali Spence to stop the slime -- or die trying.

2018 年 06 月 08 日

Two graffiti artists break into an abandoned, reportedly haunted research facility in hopes of creating an art installation, but stumble upon a secret team of demented researchers who are in the process of resurrecting an ancient sea creature - who they now must fight in order to escape alive.

Indy's (Bibi) slimy adventure continues as a mysterious slime stone with magical powers suddenly appears from outer space. When the evil Xenia Kobalt takes hold of the stone the entire world bursts into a fight. Indy, the happy alien Klatu and slime friends both new and old have to go to the impossible to stop Xenia.

1988 年 05 月 13 日

A student moves into a run-down building in New York City. His bizarre neighbors make a concoction in their apartment they call wine, but when he takes some of it, he turns into a deformed, murderous monster.

2018 年 10 月 01 日

Faux horror film trailers featuring witchcraft, demons, devils and a lot of satanic and schlocky fun. More gun's n'babes, hunks in trunks and slime filled Grindhouse and Exploitation shorts.


2013 年 04 月 13 日

A tour-documentary about the german punk-band "Slime".

2018 年 05 月 13 日

A young man discovers an ominous jar of Purple Stuff in his fridge that leads to dire consequences when unleashed.



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