44 laidų

2013 spalio 17

Mary, Queen of Scots, faces political and sexual intrigue in the treacherous world of the French court.

2013 spalio 6

The adventures of Joanna Beauchamp and her two adult daughters Freya and Ingrid -- both of whom unknowingly are their family's next generation of witches -- who lead seemingly quiet, uneventful modern day lives in Long Island's secluded seaside town of East Haven. When Freya becomes engaged to a young, wealthy newcomer, a series of events forces Joanna to admit to her daughters they are, in fact, powerful and immortal witches.

1-ajame sezone pristatomas 1325–1339 m. laikotarpis, t. y. paskutiniųjų Vladislovo Lokietkos, kurį netrukus pakeis jo sūnus Kazimieras Didysis, valdymo metai. Išvysime istoriją apie karaliaus vedybas su Aldona Ona Gediminaite ir jo santykius su motina bei dar visai jauno Kazimiero įžengimą į sostą. 2-asis sezonas apie 1342–1370 m. laikotarpį. Žiūrovas sužinos istoriją apie Kazimierą Didįjį ir Adelaidę iš Heseno bei jo didelį troškimą turėti vyriškos lyties įpėdinį. 3-iąjį sezoną Jadvyga atvyksta į Krokuvą. Istorija nesikartoja, nors Vavelio pilyje – kaip ir pirmąjį sezoną – vėl susitinka dvi kultūros: lietuvių ir lenkų. 4-as sezonas Jogailaičiai. 1399 metai. Neseniai našliu tapęs karalius Vladislovas svarsto grįžti į Lietuvą. Krokuvos didikai, siekdami išlaikyti valdovą soste, sudera jo vedybas su Kazimiero Didžiojo anūke Ona Celiete. Po pusmečio Ona tampa Jogailos žmona, o vėliau – Lenkijos karaliene, temperamentingoji Celietė pamažu užkariauja vyro širdį.

Trys Gelflingai grįžta į Thra pasaulį, kur atranda siaubingą paslaptį, slypinčią už Skeksų galios, tuomet uždega sukilimo ugnį, kad išgelbėtų jų pasaulį.

Leonardas da Vinčis buvo ne tik didis menininkas, bet ir genialus mokslininkas, inžinierius. Savo neeilinį intelektą demonstravo tuo, kad kai kuriose srityse šimtmečiais pralenkdavo tuometinį žinių lygį. Daug pasaulio mokslininkų atidžiai studijavo šio fenomenalaus žmogaus biografiją bei veiklą, tačiau ir entuziastingiausias tų tyrėjų Kenetas Klarkas pripažino, jog „Leonardo da Vinčio gyvenimas – tai didelis, dar neišspręstas galvosūkis; apie jį dar reikia daug sužinoti. O tam reikalinga nepaprasta erudicija“. Intelektualus, įtraukiantis istorinės fantastikos serialas pasakoja apie Leonardo Da Vinči kūrybą jo ankstyvajame gyvenimo etape. 1-ąjame sezone atskleidžiama dar niekam nepasakota Leonardo Da Vinči istorija, kaip 25-metis menininkas tapo Renesanso Florencijos genijumi. 2-asis sezonas – kur kas tamsesnis. Da Vinči pradeda didvyrišką gyvenimo kelionę, kuri priverčia iš naujo įvertinti viską, ką žinojo apie savo pasaulį ir jo istoriją.

Ronja is the only daughter of Mattis, a bandit leader who lives in a castle in the middle of a large forest. When Ronja grows old enough, she ventures into the forest to interact the strange and magical creatures that live there. She learns to live in the forest through her own strength, with the occasional rescue from her parents. Ronja's life begins to change, however, when she happens upon a boy her own age named Birk.

Loving, loyal and unafraid, the daughter of a wanted robber chief makes a secret friend in her father's magical and treacherous forest.

1988 rugsėjo 6

Count Duckula is a vegetarian vampire duck, coming into the world as an accident. Unlike his family and ancestors, he has no bloodlust, as when he was reincarnated, blood was omitted and replaced with ketchup.

2019 gegužės 20

Chateau Meiland has been on Dutch television since 2019. The Meiland family's adventure started when they bought a castle in France where they ran a bed and breakfast. The family has now been living in the Netherlands for a number of years, where the recordings of the reality series continue unabated.

1997 spalio 25

Tutur Tinular is an Indonesian historical-drama TV series, produced by Genta Buana Pitaloka (now Genta Buana Paramita. It was first aired on ANTV in October 25,1997 (Season 1) and Indosiar in 1999 (Season 2).

2013 sausio 13

Blandings is a British comedy television series adapted by Guy Andrews from the Blandings Castle stories of P.G. Wodehouse. It was first broadcast on BBC One from 13 January 2013, and stars Timothy Spall, Jennifer Saunders and Mark Williams. The series was produced with the partial financial assistance of the European Regional Development Fund.

2021 spalio 8

Follow Hansel and Gretel as they walk out of their own story into a winding and wickedly witty tale full of strange — and scary — surprises.

Historian Dan Jones explores the millennium of history behind six of Great Britain's most famous castles: Warwick, Dover, Caernarfon, the Tower of London, Carrickfergus, and Stirling.

1994 gegužės 9

Nino is a 300-year-old boy who lives with his uncle, Dr. Victor, a sorcerer and scientist, and his great-aunt Morgana, a 6,000-year-old witch. The three of them live in a castle in the middle of the city of São Paulo. Apprentice sorcerer, Nino has never attended a school, because of the unusual age of 300 years. His parents left him living with Victor and Morgan, because they needed to travel on an expedition into outer space, taking their two younger brothers. In spite of having animal and supernatural friends in the Castle, Nino, feeling lack of friends like him, decides to do a spell he learned with his Uncle Victor, and ended up bringing to the Castle, three children who had just left school. Free of loneliness, Nino receives the visit of the three daily.

2022 lapkričio 29

Twenty-two strangers must compete in a series of missions, the more missions they win, the bigger the prize pot. However, amongst the players lie the ‘Traitors’, who meet in secret and decide who to eliminate from their fellow players known as ‘Faithfuls’. Whilst trying to avoid being eliminated, the Faithfuls must figure out who is a Traitor and vote them out to take the prize money for themselves. If a Traitor makes it to the end, they are in with a chance of taking home the cash prize. But there will be twists, turns, and surprises for the players.

2000 sausio 17

At the Castle of Gormenghast, the Groan family has ruled with dusty ceremony for more than seventy generations. A clever and ambitious new kitchen boy, Steerpike, begins to insinuate himself into the affections of Lady Fuchsia Groan and to murder his way to power.

2010 spalio 23
1998 lapkričio 1

Misteri Gunung Merapi (Mystery of Mount Merapi) is an Indonesian historical-drama TV series, produced by Genta Buana Pitaloka (now Genta Buana Paramita). It was first aired on Indosiar in February 7, 1999.

Jane's mother dies when she is born, and her father, a rich English aristocrat, soon remarries to a woman with a son, William, who despises his new father and brother. George and Jane grow up with a dream to make a flying machine. George believes the distant Asian sands hold a secret: a mysterious cerulean sand which can make machines fly. He goes on an expedition to find it, and soon is reported executed for treason. William disappears too. After she recieves an unsigned letter holding a handful of pale-blue sand which floats in the air, Jane is sure her brother is alive and leaves to the East to find him and prove him innocent. There are many mysteries to unravel in store for Jane and her new friends on her journey. But perhaps a mystery should forever remain a mystery...

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