15 部电影


他是几乎成为美国总统的人——阿尔·戈尔。很难说他成为总统会给世界带来怎样的改变,但是现在,他就在改变世界的路上。   本片记录了戈尔作为一个环保专家,一个世界公民,为了环保世界进行的种种努力。他精彩的演说,议会上咄咄逼人的质询,对于环保议程的推进努力,还有在这一切的背后,他的内心世界。

2020 年 11 月 13 日

  2018 年8 月20 日,15 岁的瑞典学生格蕾塔·通贝里决定开始为全球暖化及气候变迁罢课,每周五的时间在国会外举着「为气候罢课」的牌子进行抗争,并以#FridaysForFuture 为号召,逐渐在社群上发酵。


  她的罢课行动鼓舞了全球青年,数个月后,世界各地发起了青年气候抗争游行。这位患有亚斯伯格症、强迫症及选择性缄默症的少女,现在是全球知名的环境活动家、气候活动者。截至2019 年3 月15 日,全世界估计有140 万学生参加了由她发起的罢课和抗议活动,其后格蕾塔又发起2019 年9 月气候罢课,被媒体封为「瑞典环保少女」。

2016 年 10 月 21 日

《洪水来临前》(英语:Before the Flood)是一部由奥斯卡奖制作人费舍·斯蒂文斯所导演、与奥斯卡影帝、联合国和平使者列奥那多·狄卡皮欧花了三年多的时间拍摄而成的记录片,于2016年9月9日在多伦多国际电影节中首播。片中揭露了地球在近世纪来的全球暖化现象,并以科学和人性的角度来分析其影响和可能的后果,目的是希望能唤起大众意识。此片由多人通力制作而成,其中包含列奥那多·狄卡皮欧。


2007 年 08 月 17 日







《打破界限:拯救我们的星球》由大卫·艾登堡爵士解说,由 Silverback Films 负责制作,该获奖团队此前制作过具有里程碑意义的《我们的星球》系列和《大卫·艾登堡:我和我们的星球》。本片将说明这些有影响力的节目所依据的科学原理。《打破界限:拯救我们的星球》记录了著名科学家 约翰·罗克斯特罗姆教授的科学之旅。该片讲述了这个时代最重要的科学发现 — 自文明诞生以来,地球已经稳定运转了一万年,直到被人类打破界限。这部时长 75 分钟的电影带领观众踏上探索之旅,探索我们不得逾越的界限,这不仅是为了地球的稳定,更是为了人类的未来。我们将能在本片中找到切实可行且迫在眉睫的解决方案,以保护地球的生命支持系统。

2024 年 06 月 26 日

Five teenagers join the prestigious Philippine Forest Camp for a chance to travel the world. As they navigate this journey, they unearth far more than exotic landscapes.

2021 年 12 月 29 日

This revealing film examines how human activity is setting off dangerous warming loops that are pushing the climate to a point of no return - and what we need to do to stop them. With captivating illustrations, stunning footage and interviews with leading climate scientists as well as support from Greta Thunberg and Jane Fonda, "Earth Emergency" adds the missing piece of the climate puzzle.


2019 年 05 月 24 日

Upon realising her generation won’t have a future unless the world’s politicians act now on climate change, 15-year-old Greta Thunberg skipped school in August 2018 to protest outside the Swedish parliament. What started as a one person strike soon gained global momentum. We follow Greta and the organisers of the school strikes for climate as they are cementing a worldwide movement ahead of their first global protest that took place on March 15th, 2019. It was the biggest climate strike in history with up to 1.6 million students in more than 125 countries.

In today's climate debate, there is only one factor that cannot be calculated in climate models - humans. How can we nevertheless understand our role in the climate system and manage the crisis? Climate change is a complex global problem. Increasingly extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and more difficult living conditions - including for us humans - are already the order of the day. Global society has never faced such a complex challenge. For young people in particular, the frightening climate scenarios will be a reality in the future. For the global south, it is already today. To overcome this crisis, different perspectives are needed. "THE UNPREDICTABLE FACTOR" goes back to the origins of the German environmental movement, accompanies today's activists in the Rhineland in their fight against the coal industry and gives a voice to scientists from climate research, ethnology and psychology.

2023 年 12 月 04 日

Two young heroin addict lovers, during a desperate robbery, obtain a professor's bag inside which, in a floppy disk, is the antidote that could save humanity.

2024 年 01 月 11 日

A documentary about climate change in Brazil, especially at Atafona Beach (in the Campos de Goytacazes region), which is being swallowed up by the sea. Narrated by Sonia Guajajara and Sidarta Ribeiro, the film deals with the genocide of the native people of Goytacazes.

The battle against deforestation in President Jair Bolsonaro's Brazil is also a fight against criminal networks and corruption, drawing in politicians, militias and drugs gangs. The FT follows the fight as it cycles from the cities to the rainforest, and meets the indigenous people trying to save their land



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