4 series

This moving telenovela tells the story of an unconditional love that overcomes life’s unexpected turnarounds. Ana is a promising tennis player who counts on best friend and sister Manuela for support. After a terrible car accident, Ana goes into a deep coma and only emerges from it five years later. Now, she must struggle to recover the life that went on without her and that she no longer recognizes as her own.

Laerte’s obsessive jealousy brings his relationship with Helena to an end on their wedding day. Twenty years later, he meets Luiza, the daughter of his long lost love. The two fall in love and stir up dormant feelings that profoundly affect Helena’s marriage and her relationship with her daughter. Defying everyone, Laerte and Luiza decide to follow their love to the highest bounds, leaving a trail of conflicts and pain along the way.

9 maart 2015


1 juni 2023

Miguel's life is tormented by the arguments between his mother and his aunt since his grandfather's death. Despite his persistent attempts to understand the reason behind the conflict, his mother always blocks his access to the truth, until Miguel decides to run away from home to uncover the family secret.

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