19 movies


《地平線:美國傳奇》時空鎖定於 1861 至 1865 年間,故事主要聚焦美國西部時代的血汗興衰與南北戰爭的始末,並藉由各方角色的立場去挖掘美國的真義。


maijs 23, 1980

作家傑克 與妻兒受雇在淡季時管理空無一人的旅館,這個位於偏遠地帶專供有錢人渡假的豪華旅館,曾經發生過駭人聽聞的謀殺案,一名警衛發瘋將妻女殘殺後自殺。 但一直苦思劇本沒有收入的傑克與妻子,為了補貼家用,加上淡季無人有利傑克創作,即使謀殺案與面試經理態度怪異讓三人不安,傑克最終仍接下了工作。 隨著氣候進入嚴冬,空洞的大旅館只剩傑克一家,時間一天一天的過去,傑克開始看到恐怖驚人的幻象,精神狀況也越來越詭異,曾答應妻子戒酒的他,又開始喝的醉醺醺,甚至威脅要殺了妻子與小兒子...!!

oktobris 9, 2015

巴西貧民窟的一名男孩費南德茲從小在街頭流浪,平日以在垃圾場撿垃圾維生。某日,在翻找垃圾時拾獲一個皮袋,袋內裝著一名男子的身分證、此地區的地圖、小女孩的照片、一把上面寫著「101」的鑰匙和為數不少的現鈔。費南德茲和一同撿垃圾的好友嘉多兩人平分了一部分的鈔票。回家後,多名警察慎重其事的前來費南德茲居住的地區詢問有沒有人撿到皮袋,並承諾會以一萬元現金(披索)和撿到的人交換皮袋,並發給每家每戶一千元(披索)當作獎勵,在找到皮袋之前,會每天來詢問尋找進度以及發放小額現金。費南德茲認為警方罕見的如此重視此皮袋,必定事有蹊蹺,於是在警方的詢問下否認撿到袋子一事。費南德茲和嘉多兩人拿著皮袋前去找另一位孤兒鼠弟商量,鼠弟認出了袋內的鑰匙是「中央車站」寄物櫃的鑰匙,於是三人決定前去一探究竟。 沒想到,這個神祕的袋子卻為三人帶來難以想像的殺機……。


jūnijs 9, 2020

由Barbara Bialowas及Tomasz Mandes兩位波蘭導演聯合執導的《365 dni》,電影改編自波蘭作家Blanka Lipińska的暢銷同名小說。故事講述一位名為Laura的銷售總監,她因為婚姻出現問題,於是出走到西西里旅行,順道慶祝她的生日。豈料,她被一位名叫Massimo的黑手黨領袖綁架,並被迫她要在365日內愛上他。簡單來說,《365 dni》被喻為是波蘭版的《格雷的五十道色戒》

aprīlis 12, 2024


This is the crazy bet of a mother ready to do anything to help her 12-year-old son, Louis, wake up from his coma. After Louis' accident, Thelma decides to do for him the "10 things to do before the end of the world" that he had written in his diary. By listening to these adventures, Louis will see how beautiful life is and that he must come back! By fulfilling a teenager's dreams at the age of forty, Thelma will experience an incredible journey that will take her farther than she ever imagined.







As the city of Paris and the French people grow in consumer culture, a housewife living in a high-rise apartment with her husband and two children takes to prostitution to help pay the bills.


marts 28, 1956

Mongol chief Temujin battles against Tartar armies and for the love of the Tartar princess Bortai. Temujin becomes the emperor Genghis Khan.

augusts 15, 2020

After a catastrophic global war, a young filmmaker awakens in the carnage and seeks refuge in the only other survivor: an eccentric, ideologically opposed figure of the United States military. Together, they brave the toxic landscape in search of safety... and answers.

aprīlis 11, 2024
jūlijs 20, 2023

In the halls of power, a minister has fallen from grace. Government agent Beckett recruits a deadly operative Richards with a dubious past to restore control via coercion. As the power play unfolds, Beckett must confront the consequences of his choices while Richards seeks to safeguard his own interests.

aprīlis 28, 1934

A railroad tycoon, disillusioned with his marriage, starts seeing a showgirl. Things go agreeably until the woman's manager decides to blackmail the millionaire.

In a distant future, the space probe "Voyager" explores the galaxies in the infinity of space to detect signs of life in the universe. This vehicle, which will make a great discovery for humanity, will drag humanity into an event it has never encountered before. In this fascinating science fiction animation directed by Yasin Doğukan Susam, the film invites people to explore their place in the universe and different worlds. This discovery will deeply affect people's thoughts and feelings and change their perception of the universe. "Voyager" is a gripping short animated film filled with visual effects, celebrating the wonder and excitement of encountering other life forms in the universe.

蓋茲比(提摩西夏勒梅 飾)的女友艾希莉(艾兒芬妮 飾)因學校作業爭取到親赴曼哈頓訪談知名大導演羅蘭波拉德(李佛薛伯 飾)的機會,於是蓋茲比計畫了一場充滿紐約復古風情的浪漫約會,但艾希莉卻被導演約去看電影,接著又遇見了金牌編劇泰德戴杜夫(裘德洛 飾)與大明星法蘭西斯柯維嘉(狄亞哥盧納),導致蓋茲比的約會計畫泡湯。當艾希莉在三個才華洋溢的男人之間打轉時,蓋茲比和前女友的妹妹千兒(賽琳娜戈梅茲 飾)意外一「吻」也打亂了他的心……

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