81 部电影


外科醫生史提夫(哥連費路 飾)與美艷的妻子安娜(妮歌潔曼 飾)育有一子一女,住在物質富裕的中產社區,人人都以為這個家庭幸福美滿。史提夫在醫院遇到行為詭異的病人馬田(Barry Keoghan 飾)借故查詢,卻趁機索求父愛。當馬田神不知鬼不覺地滲透進史提夫的家庭,一連串奇異的事件接踵而來⋯⋯

1993 年 08 月 06 日



終於找到一位醫生熱心幫忙。然而她們卻不知此舉是自投魔鬼的羅網,她們一覺醒來才驚覺在等著她們的,是一段常人無法想像、生不如死的駭人經歷... 原來這位醫生昔日是連體嬰分割手術的專家,但他心底暗處的慾望卻是要反其道而行,將本是獨立的人體一個一個連起來,組織成一條變蜈蚣般的生物... 方法就是把一個人的肛門和另一人的嘴部連接起來,讓在後面的人倚靠前人的糞便維持生命...

泰德高中時愛上了校園美女瑪莉,他應邀共赴畢業舞會卻發生了令他永生難忘的糗事∼拉鍊夾住命根子。13年後他對瑪莉念念不忘僱請私家偵探赫利查明她的近況,赫 利見到她驚為天人,愛的不可自拔,故意從中阻撓,泰德發現後排除困難與瑪莉相見,多年前沒結局的戀情才正要上演,追求瑪莉的人卻越來越多,這麼多敵手環繞下泰德能追到瑪莉嗎?


2015 年 07 月 17 日

Having thought that monogamy was never possible, a commitment-phobic career woman may have to face her fears when she meets a good guy.

2009 年 07 月 24 日

阿碧(嘉芙蓮希歌 飾)是晨早清談節目的製作人,年輕漂亮,幹勁十足,她對自己及一起工作的人都要求嚴謹,控制慾強並非常注重工作效率;也因此,雖然她漂亮又有一份令人羨慕的工作,但每次拍拖都弄得一塌糊塗,令對愛情充滿憧憬的她十分沮喪。 由於她負責的節目收視率下滑,電視台請來出位節目主持人米克(謝拉畢查 飾)加入,希望能令節目起死回生。米克善於以幽默而又十分抵死的手法道出男女大不同,他相信男人與女人多數只會在床上相親相愛,肉慾關係是維繫感情的根本。阿碧則恰恰相反,她相信浪漫的愛情,相信有白馬王子,相信真愛,只要找到心靈契合、了解自己的男人便可以天長地久。阿碧不認同米克的愛情觀,更討厭他低俗粗鄙的表現手法。 雖然米克出位的言行不符合保守的傳統思想,但卻真實地道出了不少觀眾的心聲,大受歡迎,收視率節節上升,阿碧極不情願地繼續與他拍檔,唯時常惡言相向。與此同時,阿碧遇上她夢寐以求的白馬王子--新搬來的鄰居,單身的醫生哥連(艾歷雲特Eric Winter 飾)!他與米克截然不同,?文有禮,年輕又英俊,阿碧當然不可以錯過如此”筍盤”。正當她心大心細如何展開第一波攻勢時,米克自薦為阿碧的愛情軍師,協議假如成功令她俘擄哥連,阿碧便要與他和平共事,否則他願意離開電視台...一場男女感情攻防戰就此展開!

1970 年 02 月 18 日

The staff of a Korean War field hospital use humor and hijinks to keep their sanity in the face of the horror of war. Preserved by the Academy Film Archive in partnership with Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation in 2000.

2023 年 09 月 27 日

A once-respected surgeon who's lost his family and his memory gets a chance at redemption when he reconnects with someone from his forgotten past.


2008 年 09 月 19 日

Bertram Pincus, a cranky, people-hating Manhattan dentist, develops the unwelcome ability to see dead people. Really annoying dead people. Even worse, they all want something from him, particularly Frank Herlihy, a smooth-talking ghost, who pesters him into a romantic scheme involving his widow Gwen. They are soon entangled in a hilarious predicament between the now and the hereafter!

2006 年 11 月 22 日

Spanning over one thousand years, and three parallel stories, The Fountain is a story of love, death, spirituality, and the fragility of our existence in this world.

1996 年 09 月 27 日

Guy Luthan, a British doctor working at a hospital in New York, starts making unwelcome enquiries when the body of a man who died in his emergency room disappears. After the trail leads Luthan to the door of an eminent surgeon at the hospital, Luthan soon finds himself in extreme danger people who want the hospital's secret to remain undiscovered.

2023 年 01 月 13 日

After a pawn shop robbery goes askew, two criminals take refuge at a remote farmhouse to try to let the heat die down, but find something much more menacing.

1988 年 02 月 05 日

Successful surgeon Tomas leaves Prague for an operation, meets a young photographer named Tereza, and brings her back with him. Tereza is surprised to learn that Tomas is already having an affair with the bohemian Sabina, but when the Soviet invasion occurs, all three flee to Switzerland. Sabina begins an affair, Tom continues womanizing, and Tereza, disgusted, returns to Czechoslovakia. Realizing his mistake, Tomas decides to chase after her.

2012 年 11 月 02 日


1997 年 10 月 08 日

Two corrupt cops have a successful, seemingly perfect money making scheme- they sell drugs that they seize from dealers, kill the dealers, and blame the crimes on street gangs. Their scheme is going along smoothly until they kill an undercover DEA agent posing as a dealer, and then try to cover-up their crime.

1943 年 04 月 15 日

During the Nazi occupation of Czechoslovakia, surgeon Dr. Franticek Svoboda, a Czech patriot, assassinates the brutal "Hangman of Europe", Reichsprotektor Reinhard Heydrich, and is wounded in the process. In his attempt to escape, he is helped by history professor Stephen Novotny and his daughter Mascha.




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