外號「華爾街之狼」的佐頓貝福,由一個正直的華爾街初哥,搖身一變成為叱吒華爾街的股票推手和新股認購獵人。26 歲已靠炒作仙股賺得百萬週薪,花不完的金錢,讓他任意揮霍豪花狂洗,更沉迷性愛毒品,迷失在紙醉金迷的世界,永遠在追求更多更多和更多,貪婪和權力不斷擴張,金錢遊戲愈玩愈大,因而捲入詐騙和洗黑錢的魔鬼交易,泥足深陷難以自拔⋯⋯

Victim of atrocities by motorbike gangs in Cirebon, VINA did not accept that her death was called a single accident. Her spirit enters to reveal the facts. Before 7 Days, what actually happened?

23. November 2023

Zira was united with Amer for 172 very memorable days. Fate separated, Amer left too soon, leaving many sweet memories for Zira.

Sarinten was expelled from Banyuwangi and settled in Watu Kandang, Trenggalek. Sarinten merged with Ayu, and to this day resides in her body.

This biographical drama about Indonesia's first president recounts his nationalist crusade to seize independence from Dutch colonial rule.

Led by Donna and Reverend W.C. Martin, 22 families from a rural Black church in the small East Texas town of Possum Trot adopt 77 of the most difficult-to-place kids in the foster system and kickstart a movement in the process.

The rise of a Malay warrior named Mat Kilau and his friends against the British colonialists who came to Pahang in 1892. The greed of British officials and policies, which have imposed excessive taxes, confiscated land belonging to the Malays to reap the treasures of Pahang and disrupted the Islamic way in Pahang has caused dissatisfaction among the rulers and the Malays. The patriotic spirit of Mat Kilau and his friends who rose up against British violence had caused Captain Syers to launch an attack on Mat Kilau. Witness the heroic spirit of Mat Kilau, Tok Gajah and Mat Kilau's best friends use their wisdom to fight in the jungle against the British soldiers. Did Mat Kilau and his friends succeed in driving out the barbaric and greedy British army to reap gold and tin in Pahang?

5. November 2021

蘇樺偉(梁仲恆 飾)剛出世便被診斷患上黃疸病導致腦部受損,註定一生將會是一個弱聽與四肢痙攣的殘疾人仕,即使能逃過鬼門關,往後的人生只能依靠別人去照顧。蘇韓小貞——蘇媽(吳君如 飾)在危急關頭堅持搶救偉仔,她決定即使兒子到了八十歲還是不能走路,都誓要以她這副老骨頭背著兒子一起走下去。而奇蹟就在蘇媽的堅持下發生了,偉仔不止逐漸長大,更在蘇媽的鐵腕手段訓練下學會了走路,還被發掘出跑步的天賦。偉仔由少年時開始加入殘障人士田徑隊,隨著兩母子一起不斷的奮鬥,偉仔其後成為香港家傳戶曉的「神奇小子」——在96年殘障運動會為香港帶來歷史性的第一金,以及在2008年的北京殘奧會拿到中國主場的第一面金牌,更刷新了「男子二百米」的世界紀錄!而當偉仔攀上運動員生涯上的最高峰,繞場接受鳥巢內九萬名觀眾的祝賀時,他的眼睛一直沒離開看台上那位一生支持著他的母親,從來沒有忘記贏每一面金牌的初衷。

9 bullet wounds (one still in the body), three different sports and an unshakable determination to fulfill the dream of an Olympic Gold later, Muralikant Petkar, India's first Paralympian to finish at the top of the podium, got the recognition by his own country 45 years after he achieved what no athlete from his country could.

21. Dezember 2023

This biopic explores Muslim scholar Buya Hamka's life and hardships alongside his loving wife, Siti Raham, after Indonesia gained independence.

昭和末年,銀座的除夕夜,才華洋溢的「南」,在燈紅酒綠的舞廳和俱樂部穿梭,當爵士樂淪為權貴的 BGM,他只能老調重彈;少年「博」滿腔熱情,渴求演奏機會,矢志成為藍色巨星。被黑道之王所禁絕的《教父》主題曲徐徐響起,整個不夜城落入失序的律動。怪才導演富永昌敬改編爵士樂家南博的回憶錄,池松壯亮不幪面,更加英姿勃勃,一人分飾兩名鋼琴師,肉體與靈魂跳出時空因果,即興合奏爵士樂和人生不是黑白的真諦。

19. Dezember 2019

When she was in high school, Ainun was known as a smart girl and became the target of many male students, including Habibie. In college, Ainun became a popular figure. Ahmad is a man who dared to express his love for Ainun.

Tells the story of the time when the comedy group Srimulat's career began to climb so that it became the first to appear on Indonesian national television.

The story revolves around the British finding out that Tok Gajah intends to go to Terengganu to seek support from the Sultan and Malay heroes of Terengganu. The British ordered the capture and elimination of Tok Gajah and his followers. Awang is forced to rescue Haji Sulong and ensure that Tok Gajah safely leaves Pahang for Terengganu. Awang faces various obstacles and battles with British soldiers led by Captain Syers. Does Awang succeed in defeating Captain Syers this time?

It follows the story of Anwar's fight against corruption while in government between the years of 1993 and 1998, which led to his eventual imprisonment and the birth of the reformasi movement.

23. November 2023

After Gepeng's indiscipline, Srimulat's life in the capital suddenly turned upside down. The story of love, career and generations of legendary comedians continues!

7. März 1997

The life and career of shock-jock superstar Howard Stern is recounted from his humble beginnings to his view from the top. Possessing a desire to be an on-air personality since childhood, Stern meanders through the radio world, always with his supportive wife, Alison, by his side. Landing a gig in Washington, D.C., Stern meets Robin Quivers, who will become his long-time partner in crime. When the two move to New York, they face the wrath of NBC executives.

25. April 2024

Starting from the determination and great desire to create a music concert to embrace peace in Ambon City, Glenn ultimately gave up all his income to hold the concert.

19. Februar 2025

A revolutionary militant, a thug, an underground writer, a butler to a millionaire in Manhattan. But also a switchblade-waving poet, a lover of beautiful women, a warmonger, a political agitator, and a novelist who wrote of his greatness. Eduard Limonov’s life story is a journey through Russia, America, and Europe during the second half of the 20th century.

11. Juli 2024

Cheah Liek Hou is a prodigious badminton player but discovers that he is afflicted with brachial plexus paralysis. Undeterred by this setback, he joins the ranks of disabled badminton players. When the Paralympic Games announce the inclusion of badminton as a sport, Cheah rises to the occasion and is coached by legendary badminton player Rashid Sidek. He overcomes numerous hurdles to triumph in the Paralympic Games, ultimately winning the coveted gold medal and etching an important historical moment for Malaysia.

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