16 fılm

2005 Shilde 29

 本(乔什•卢卡斯 Josh Lucas 饰)、凯拉(杰西卡•贝尔 Jessica Biel 饰)和亨利(杰米•福克斯 Jamie Foxx 饰)都是顶尖出色的飞行员。这天,他们接到了一项秘密任务:训练他们的新伙伴"铁蛋"。出人意料的是,"铁蛋"竟然是一架全智能的无人驾驶飞机,他们的任务就是把它训练成为锋利的尖刀。在完成一次飞行任务后,"铁蛋"意外被闪电击中,"铁蛋"因此拥有了情感了自主性。在随后的任务中,总部对当时情况进行考虑后打算放弃任务,岂料"铁蛋"突然飞离编队,将钻地炸弹投入了敌人的核武器库,造成一场前所未有的核灾难。  队长本意识到这样一个智能杀人机器必须立即被摧毁,否则会给人类带来更多的灾难,他立即向总部作了汇报。聪明的"铁蛋"获悉他们的行动,于是一场人机追逐战展开了!



  影片改编自同名美国热门漫画,是派拉蒙继《变形金刚》后又一部根据孩之宝玩具改编的大制作电影。 恐怖组织“眼镜蛇”(Cobra)企图征服世界,美国政府为了保卫国家而组成了特种部队——G.I.Joe。杜克领导特种部队,为了抵御邪恶的眼镜蛇头领及其部下,发誓不论何时何地要为自由而战,赴汤蹈火,除暴安良以伸张正义。战斗不断升级,对决一触即发……最近,地球上出现了一个极其神秘的恐怖组织,它的名字叫“眼镜蛇”,而让“眼镜蛇”闻名全球的原因,则是源自其对埃菲尔铁塔的一次恐怖行动,在“眼镜蛇”的恐怖轰炸之下,这座法国的标志性建筑物顷刻之间化为乌有。很显然,“眼镜蛇”的这次行动只是一个开始,它向全世界宣告“眼镜蛇”的成立,而他们的目的则隐藏得更深,许多国家开始感到不安,因为他们不知道什么时候“眼镜蛇”的恐怖行径就会落到自己的国家当中,世界陷入了恐慌状态。联合国对此也感到大为棘手,因此这时候,总部设在布鲁塞尔的一支秘密行动小组就开始发威了他的威力。这支名为G.I.Joe的特种部队由霍克将军(丹尼斯·奎德 饰)担任领头羊,手下高手云集,副指挥官是公爵(查宁·塔图姆 饰),参加过越南的他曾经与霍克一起多次出生入死;红发女(蕾切尔·尼科尔斯 饰)是一个武术高手,她的身手可不比男人差;除此之外还有专职执行高空任务的开伞索(马龙·韦恩斯 饰)、会七国语言的通讯员“断路器”(萨伊德·塔马乌伊 饰)、军火专家“重载”(阿德沃尔·阿吉纽依-艾格拜吉 饰)、沉默寡言的“蛇眼”(雷·帕克 饰)等12名成员。他们开始追查行动,很快查明了“眼镜蛇”的的阴谋,而他们首先要解决掉的是给“眼镜蛇”提供军火支持的战争狂人的迪斯特罗(克里斯托弗·埃克莱斯顿 饰)。而“眼镜蛇”组织里也有着不少心狠手辣的铁腕人物,例如外表性感漂亮,心肠却狠毒如蛇蝎的“男爵夫人”(西耶娜·米勒 饰)就是当中的代表人物。除此之外,还有与蛇眼是兄弟的白幽灵(李秉宪 饰)。G.I.Joe为阻止“眼镜蛇”的阴谋而与其展开大战,随着两方战斗的白热化,原本一直深藏不露的一位“眼镜蛇”重要成员也逐渐显露出真身,他的真实身份会令G.I.Joe的成员大吃一惊……

在近未来洛杉矶一家专门为罪犯疗伤的医院,福斯特饰演的护士在工作中偶然发现一名举止怪异的病人,与此同时其他病患却接连死于非命 ...

2023 Qyrkúıek 15

小虾米玩翻大鲸鱼,散户联手刮起华尔街风暴。 改编超扯真实事件和本·麦兹里奇的新书《反社交网络》,聚焦“玩家的崛起”,业余大战专业——Reddit的WallStreetBets版块上的散户投资者(片名“傻钱”即是对个人投资者的戏称)如何在论坛上抱团集结对抗华尔街,让GameStop等陷入死境的公司股价飙升,与之对抗的对冲基金则 有巨幅亏损,和此后引发的深入调查。

  公元2020年,云集了无数顶尖科学家的世界空间站(World Space Station)正在进行一项载人飞船火星登陆计划。由卢克·格莱姆(Don Cheadle 饰)率领的4人小组成功抵达这颗无人星球,他们在此发现一些奇怪景象,随后小组成员也接连毙命。为了调查这起悲剧 的原因并寻找可能的生还者,空间站派出伍迪·布雷克(蒂姆·罗宾斯 Tim Robbins 饰)率领的救援小组前往火星。


Terry Goon is keeping strict quarantine in his ex-husband’s Brooklyn brownstone while caring for his nephew — a 19-year-old model from Morocco named Bahlul — bedridden in a full leg cast after an electric scooter accident. Unfortunately for Terry, everyone in his life wants to meet the model.

2024 Mamyr 31

Childhood best friends Nora, Ginny and Mary used to spend every summer at sleepaway camp together, and now, fifty years later, seize the opportunity to get back together for a reunion at the camp — full of food fights, river rafting and emotional revelations.

Lucy, a modern high school senior and amateur inventor, finds a time machine and travels back to 2003, the year her sister was murdered by a serial killer. Now torn between solving the mystery that has undone her parents and her hometown, saving the sister that she never knew, and irreparably altering the future – and her own existence – Lucy must decide how to stop the slasher, save her family, and blend into 2003.

This romantic musical takes place in two timelines, in the present day and in the early 1990s. Lili is a singer in her thirties, stuck in all areas of life, who finds old letters from her mother, Eszter. These were written 30 years ago by a man to her mother, who at that time was already planning a future together with her 'perfect fiance in every way'. The letters recall Eszter and her two girlfriends' vacation in Balaton, which takes an unexpected turn when the girls meet a rock band.

In 1990, number of children suddenly disappear. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Defense selects an elite group of scientists for a top-secret mission. Then, 30 years later ... The year is 2020 on a reunified Korean Peninsula. A string of murders is committed against retired scientists. The Special Investigations (SI) unit staffed by a crack team from the former North and South Koreas and outfitted with the latest technology is brought in to investigate. The killer, however, far from being deterred, taunts them with a signature pendant at every murder scene. In an act of devilish boldness he even kidnaps the son of the investigation team's leader, Seok

2024 Jeltoqsan 30

On April 13, 2029, the asteroid Apophis will pass close enough to Earth, it will be below our satellites. It will dip below and pop back out.

Katia, a volunteer from Kyiv fighting against the invasion of Ukraine, uses a laptop donated to the resistance and comes into contact with the young son of the computer’s original owner, who is desperately in search of his missing parents. Her attempts to help the child will see her risk all she holds dear.

Follow Kelvin Peña across America as he explores the country's natural wonders, meeting interesting individuals and various wildlife along the way.

2024 Maýsym 12

While on the run, two criminals accidentally pick the same hiding spot and eavesdrop on their pursuers.

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