10 movies

decembris 8, 1995

Just when George Banks has recovered from his daughter's wedding, he receives the news that she's pregnant ... and that George's wife is expecting too. He was planning on selling their home, but that's a plan that—like George—will have to change with the arrival of both a grandchild and a kid of his own.

Two college roommates have 24 hours to make the ultimate choice as they finalize arrangements for a black market abortion.

novembris 11, 2000

Thirty-year-old Hlynur still lives with his mother and spends his days drinking, watching porn and surfing the net while living off unemployment checks. A girl is interested in him, but he stands back from commitment. His mother's Spanish flamenco teacher, Lola, moves in with them for Christmas. On New Year's Eve, while his mother is away, Hlynur finds out Lola is a lesbian, but also ends up having sex with her. He soon finds out he and his mother are sharing more than a house. Eventually he must find out where he fits into the puzzle, and how to live life less selfishly.

decembris 11, 2011

Bestselling author Jessica Valenti places recent debates about Planned Parenthood, contraception, and the meaning of rape within the context of a larger political effort to roll back women's rights.

oktobris 25, 2001

A love story of a 17 year old punk-rocker and a 15 year old runaway girl.

A realist dramedy about dedicated social workers who devote their long shifts to helping pregnant women.

oktobris 16, 1974

French documentary campaigning for the liberalization of abortion and contraception, directed by Charles Belmont and Marielle Issartel in 1973.

jūlijs 25, 2017

Contraception is explained as part of biology lessons in year 10. The lesson begins with the teacher explaining the hormonal mode of action of oestrogen and progestogen, whose explanations are supplemented by intermittent images of the schematic diagram on the blackboard. Prompted by questions from the pupils, the teacher then goes into the production of the corpus luteum and explains its function. She then discusses the effect of the 'pill' as an ovulation inhibitor on the female organism. She explains that the preparations absorb the hormone progestin, which prevents further follicle maturation. Further questions are asked about other contraceptive methods. The teacher first explains the Knaus-Ogino method and then talks about the mechanical contraceptive concepts of condoms and pessaries. Finally, the chemical methods and 'coitus interruptus' are discussed as further options for preventing pregnancy.

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