58 Filme

22. November 2023

Una mirada personal a los orígenes del líder militar francés y su rápido y despiadado ascenso a emperador. La historia se ve a través de la lente de la relación adictiva y volátil de Napoleón Bonaparte con su esposa y único amor verdadero, Josefina.

Guerras napoleónicas, año 1805. Bonaparte domina Europa. Inglaterra consigue resistir porque es la primera potencia naval del mundo. Precisamente por eso los mares se convierten en un crucial y estratégico campo de batalla. En el Atlántico, el Surprise, un navío inglés capitaneado por Jack Aubrey (Crowe), es atacado por sorpresa por un buque de guerra francés. A pesar de los graves daños sufridos por la nave, Aubrey decide navegar a través de dos mares para interceptar y capturar al enemigo. Se trata de una misión que puede determinar el destino de toda una nación.

París, Francia, a principios del siglo XIX. El legendario convicto François Vidocq vive disfrazado tratando de escapar de un pasado trágico que lo atormenta. Cuando, después de un hecho desafortunado, su camino se cruza con el del jefe de policía, Vidocq toma una audaz decisión que pondrá en su contra a la despiadada mente maestra que dirige los bajos fondos parisinos.

Adaptación de la novela homónima de Leon Tolstoi. En 1805, Napoleón prepara la invasión de Rusia. Pierre Bezukhov, hijo natural de un noble, es un intelectual pacifista y ocioso. Cuando estalla la guerra, se mantiene al margen de la contienda y frecuenta la casa de sus amigos los Rostov, una acogedora familia aristocrática, en la que brilla por su encanto y generosidad Natasha.

27. September 1995

Anne Elliot, the daughter of a financially troubled aristocratic family, is persuaded to break her engagement to Frederick Wentworth, a young sea captain of meager means. Years later, money troubles force Anne's father to rent out the family estate to Admiral Croft, and Anne is again thrown into company with Frederick -- who is now rich, successful, and perhaps still in love with Anne.

Passionate romance, brutal treachery, and selfless nobility are set against the background of Napoleon’s 1810 invasion of Portugal.

In 1800, as Napoleon Bonaparte rises to power in France, a rivalry erupts between Armand and Gabriel, two lieutenants in the French Army, over a perceived insult. For over a decade, they engage in a series of duels amidst larger conflicts, including the failed French invasion of Russia in 1812, and shifts in the political and social systems of Europe.

Las aventuras y desventuras de Boris Grushenko, un joven ruso profundamente enamorado de su prima Sonja, desolado porque ella va a casarse con otro, y llamado a filas, en donde accidentalmente se convierte en un héroe.

15. April 1962

Defiant's crew is part of a fleet-wide movement to present a petition of grievances to the Admiralty. Violence must be no part of it. The continual sadism of Defiant's first officer makes this difficult, and when the captain is disabled, the chance for violence increases.

The romanticized gallant adventures of Pauline Bonaparte, Napoleon's sister. First "engaged" to the Conventionnel Fréron, then separated from him by her brother for political reasons, Pauline joined Napoleon in the Italian army, where she fell in love with the comté de Canouville. But the First Consul married her to his friend, General Leclerc, whom she followed on the expedition to Saint-Domingue. Unconcerned about fidelity, she began to love her husband just as he was about to die of yellow fever. Back in France, she was soon consoled by other gallants. Napoleon, now emperor, hastened to marry her off to Prince Borghese, but he was unable to make her love him. She soon returned to Paris to lead the life of a gallant woman, incognito, and again met Canouville, whom the emperor tried in vain to separate from her. But soon the Russian campaign begins, and her lover is killed. All that remains for Pauline, this time disconsolate, is to reconcile with her brother on the road to exile.

Francia, 1809. El capitán Neuville es llamado al frente, dejando a su futura esposa desconsolada. Su hermana decide escribir cartas en su nombre para animarla.

Guerra de la Independencia (1808-1814). En 1810, durante la invasión de España por las tropas napoleónicas, un grupo de guerrilleros, con la colaboración de sus aliados ingleses, intenta evitar que un cañón de gran calibre caiga en manos de los franceses.

In 1812, during the French period, large parts of Germany are occupied by the troops of Napoleon. Several paramilitary Freikorps units battle the French forces, among them the Black Brunswickers led by the 'Black Duke' Frederick William of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel. After the War of the Fifth Coalition, the Black Hussars are pursued by Napoleon throughout the country, but frequently take refuge with the noble-minded German people.

8. April 2001

Hornblower and his comrades come under the command of a revered but mentally unstable captain and are forced to mutiny in order to save their ship, the HMS Renown.

Captain Horatio Hornblower leads his ship HMS Lydia on a perilous transatlantic voyage, during which his faithful crew battle both a Spanish warship and a ragged band of Central American rebels.

25. September 1965

Set in the time of Napoleon wars, shows how the wars swept over the unfortunate Polish country at the beginning of the XIX-th century. Story revolves around the Polish legion under command of General Dabrowski, who then fought on Napoleon's side with the hopes of Poland's revival.

21. Dezember 1961

Catherine Hubscher, who washes the shirts of young Napoleon and other soldiers fighting the Revolution, falls in love with Sergeant Lefebvre. Circumstances bring Lefebvre a noble title and even more -- Napoleon decides to make him the local ruler over a large territorial fiefdom. But trouble brews when Madame Sans-Gene, now elevated to the nobility along with her man -- cannot keep her frank observations under control.

6. Januar 1972
23. Mai 1953

Gilliatt, a fisherman-turned-smuggler on the isle of Guernsey, agrees to transport a beautiful woman to the French coast in the year 1800. She tells him she hopes to rescue her brother from the guillotine. Gilliatt finds himself falling in love and so feels betrayed when he later learns this woman is a countess helping Napoleon plan an invasion of England. In reality, however, the "countess" is an English agent working to thwart this invasion. When Gilliatt finds this out, he returns to France to rescue the woman who's true purpose has been discovered by the French.

Spain, 1808. The Napoleonic Army suffers its first defeat at the hands of a single man: a drummer boy who used the Montserrat mountains to echo his drums and send the enemy troops into a panicked retreat. When the news reaches Napoleon, he furiously orders the captain of the Imperial Guard to bring back the head of the young hero responsible for his army's defeat…

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