161 部电影

1999 年 09 月 15 日

莱斯特(凯文·史派西 Kevin Spacey 饰)跟许多中年男人一样,遇到了各种各样的人生难题。他在一个广告公司工作,成绩平平,但是妻子却比他混得出色,一派女强人作风。这个平凡的男人还有一个未成年的女儿珍妮(索拉·伯奇 Thora Birch饰)。珍妮性格叛逆,被邻居偷拍裸照还觉得很好玩,满不在乎。她有一个要好的同学安吉拉(米娜·苏瓦丽 Mena Suvari 饰),当莱斯特在拉拉队的人群中看到了充满青春活力的安吉拉,一切都改变了。莱斯特陷入了阿安吉拉年轻鲜活的气息当中。他死气沉沉的心境有了燃烧的感觉。而此时,他的妻子,也和另外一个富商有了私情。当莱斯特得到了他心目中的年轻女神,枪声也随之响起……

1997 年 10 月 24 日

  未来的世界,科技的力量胜过一切,基因决定命运,几乎成为金科玉律。不幸文森特(伊桑·霍克 Ethan Hawke 饰)是一个基因不良的人,出生以来就决定了他近视和心脏病的缺陷,他只能活到30岁。

于是父母为文森特增添了一个有着优良基因的弟弟。文森特的梦想是漫游太空,然而恶劣的基因令他无法圆梦,直到他遇到了太空中心的杰罗姆(裘德·洛 Jude Law 饰)。杰罗姆有优秀的基因,却在一次意外中半身瘫痪。


2011 年 09 月 09 日

这是一个破碎的家庭,酗酒的教练父亲帕迪 家暴妻子,次子汤米 与不堪忍受的母亲远赴他乡;长子布兰登 为了爱情选择留下,并认为从此可以得到父亲的器重与栽培,然而最后父子还是分道扬镳。时隔多年后,汤米带着母亲痛苦死去的悲伤记忆,以及在伊战中的惨痛经历找到父亲,要求后者再度担任自己的教练,以参加MMA的重奖大赛;几乎与此同时,昔日的职业格斗选手、如今的中学物理教师布兰登为金钱所困扰,他不能忍受自己无法为妻女提供庇护,决定重返赛场。在MMA的赛场上,这对分离多年的兄弟将再度聚首,用血与汗的交融,化释彼此的心结……

2013 年 09 月 27 日

在Jon(约瑟夫·高登-莱维特 Joseph Gordon-Levitt 饰)的人生里他只在乎这几件事:健身、飙车、去教堂、泡妞和看色情录像。虽然Jon的周围并不缺少和他上床的漂亮姑娘,可是Jon从来没有从与这些女孩的关系中得到满足感。相反,只有在看色情录像的时候Jon才能感受到“忘我的快感”。Jon不知不觉间将这样的矛盾带入了与新女友芭芭拉(斯嘉丽·约翰逊 Scarlett Johansson 饰)的关系中。虽然Jon不可自拔疯狂地爱上了芭芭拉,可是芭芭拉不能接受男友背着自己看色情录像这个事实。而这时熟女艾斯特(朱丽安·摩尔 Julianne Moore 饰)的出现令Jon对男女关系产生了新的认识。当面对美丽的女友和令人不能自拔的色情录像,Jon将做出怎样的选择?而这两个女性又将给Jon在对待男女关系的态度上带来怎样的改变?本片是约瑟夫·高登-莱维特首次执导的影片。


1980 年 06 月 06 日

加拉西娜(Galaxina )是一个栩栩如生而且性感的机器人,它被指派负责监督由无能的科尼利厄斯·巴特(Cornelius Butt)担任队长的星际太空警察巡洋舰的运行。当前任务要求船员在假死状态下休眠数十年,加拉西娜(Galaxina )发现自己多年来一直孤身一人,随着情绪发展并爱上了船上的飞行员托尔(Thor)。

1990 年 06 月 27 日

An exercise video with instructor Traci Lords warming up with various aerobics and stretch exercises.

1996 年 11 月 06 日

Eddy and Patsy prepare to go on a skiing holiday to hopefully indulge in the jet-setting lifestyle of the international celebrity elite when Saffy is proposed to by her stuffy, upper-class boyfriend, Paolo. Eddy hits the slopes and has a near death experience where God appears to her and tells her it's not yet her time. When Eddy comes to, she waits for a sign that she should get involved in Saffy's wedding. As she returns to the house, it appears all hell has broken loose- relatives piling up, practically squatting, and Saffy about to lose her mind. Eddy calms her by throwing money at her as they bond together, planning Saffy's dream wedding. What could go wrong?


1936 年 03 月 27 日

Betty tries a regime of exercise, but her weight loss gets out of hand. She sings "Keep Your Girlish Figure".

2004 年 04 月 10 日

Applying the same principles as Chest and Back, you'll superset these muscle groups to exhaustion. As you'll be using smaller muscles, this might prove slightly less of a struggle - but that doesn't mean you won't be fully maxed when this workout is said and done. Just be sure to keep your form during the latter part of the routine, when you'll be tempted to cheat your range of motion. Maintaining good form is critical for proper muscular development and preventing injury, so stay strict and get ripped!

1984 年 01 月 01 日

How can you call a bondage film "cute?" Don't all of those whips and chains hurt? I guess they do, sometimes, but what we have here is a real first: a dominatrix with a good sense of humor. This neat little parody of exercise videos has all of the spikes, leather, plastic balls in the mouth, collars and whips you'd ever want —yet it has the ability to make us laugh, easing our way into at some bizarre fetishes.

Want the BEST ARMS & SHOULDERS of your life? Leslie will show you how to easily curl, press and lift to get those arms firm, slim and sculpted! Want your BEST BUNS & THIGHS ever? Leslie uses proven exercises to tighten and tone the thighs in addition to firming and lifting the rear-end! Want a SLIMMER MIDDLE? Core Strength Training and Cardio together give you the best results to trim, slim and firm your belly and waist. So Leslie has core training integrated into each walking circuit! It’s well-known in the health club world that cardio & strength circuits are one of the most effective ways to trim and tone the body.

This session covers mass-training to increase muscle size and strength: mass versus quality, strength versus power, and compensatory acceleration.

Rodney Yee leads a yoga sequence that combines physical conditioning and mental focus to improve your sporting performance.

For those days when you just can't find the time for a workout, Cardio Sculpt Blaster comes to the rescue! This successful workout keeps you motivated with interesting new moves! Popular FIRM® Master Instructor Lisa Kay leads you through a fun and exciting mix of cardio exercises, both on the floor and using the Fanny Lifter™. This exciting new workout delivers maximum fat burning and motivates you to move, move, move! By concentrating on these exercises you will sculpt and blast your body, while shrinking your problem areas.

Developed by Thích Nhất Hạnh himself, the exercises taught here combine simple stretching and graceful gestures with mindfulness meditation. Join Thich Nhat Hanh and Plum Village monk Brother Michael to explore ten unique movements. Practice them before or after sitting meditation anytime you have a few minutes to refresh your body and quiet your mind.

1964 年 01 月 01 日

Two dimwitted house painters are hired to paint an apartment hotel. It turns out that the hotel's residents consist entirely of beautiful women. The two painters inadvertently mix vanishing cream into their paint, and discover that when they paint the walls they become transparent, allowing then to observe the girls doing their daily "routines"--exercising, showering, etc.

2007 年 01 月 01 日

Lift and firm those stubborn problem areas. No more boring squats and lunges—get back in your skinny jeans FAST!

2007 年 03 月 01 日

Peter and Marcus, like any good couple, do everything together, including going to the gym… so where exactly does gym bunny Jeremy fit in? Working it out may not be that easy.



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