52 movies

Andy moves to New York to work in the fashion industry. Her boss is extremely demanding, cruel and won't let her succeed if she doesn't fit into the high class elegant look of their magazine.

maijs 30, 2003

Chris crashes into a carload of other young people, and the group of stranded motorists is soon lost in the woods of West Virginia, where they're hunted by three cannibalistic mountain men who are grossly disfigured by generations of inbreeding.

Cenšoties izvairīties no Holivudas romantisko komēdiju klišejām, Dilans Hārpers un Džeimija Relisa drīz vien atklāj, ka draudzība, kas papildināta ar seksu, patiešām rada sarežģījumus.

ASV Kongresa nama drošības darbinieks Džons Keils dodas uz darba interviju Baltajā namā, jo viņa sapnis ir strādāt Prezidenta apsardzes dienestā. Saņēmis atteikumu, viņš nespēj par to paziņot meitiņai, kura viņu gaida aiz durvīm. Tomēr abi iešmauc tūristu grupas barā, kas apmeklē Balto namu. Šī ekskursija drīz vien pārtop murgā, jo tieši todien teroristi sāk uzbrukumu prezidenta mītnei un pašam prezidentam. Keils ir nokļuvis īstajā vietā un īstajā laikā, lai pierādītu savu gatavību aizsargāt prezidentu, taču kaut kur šajā namā atrodas arī viņa meita.

"Nakts reportieris" ir asinis stindzinoša krimināla rakstura drāma, kuras darbība risinās mūsdienu Losandželosas naksnīgajās ielās. Lū Blūms ir jauns, motivēts vīrietis, kurš, izmisīgi meklējot darbu, uzduras Losandželosas pagrīdes kriminālžurnālistikai un visām ar to saistītajām rūpēm, problēmām un azartam. Atradis grupiņu ārštata operatoru, kuri filmē auto avārijas, ugunsgrēkus, slepkavības un citas ārkārtas situācijas, Lū izkonkurē citus nakts reportierus un iegūst labi apmaksātu darbu prestižā Losandželosas televīzijā. Saņemot palīdzību no TV kanāla direktores Ninas, Lū ātri kļūst par vienu no pazīstamākajiem nakts reportieriem ne tikai Losandželosā, bet visā Kalifornijā un pat aiz štata robežām. Meklējot kārtējo sensacionālo stāstu, Lū pats kļūst par jaunākās sensācijas galveno varoni.

Uz līkumotā Malholanda ceļa Losandželosā naktī notikusi avārija. Bet, attopoties notikuma vietā, jauna sieviete neatceras neko, pat ne to, kas ir viņa pati. Viss šķiet mulsinošs kā sirreālā sapnī. Tāds apjukums, tik daudz neatbildētu jautājumu! Pavisam citādi jūtas Betija, kura tikko ieradusies Holivudā. Cerību spārnotajai jaunajai aktrisei te viss šķiet brīnišķīgs, īsts sapņu piepildījums! Kopīgiem spēkiem abas mēģinās saprast, kas īsti noticis.

augusts 12, 2022

Desperate for income, Emily takes a shady gig buying goods with stolen credit cards supplied by a charismatic middleman named Youcef. Seduced by the quick cash and illicit thrills, they hatch a plan to take their business to the next level.

Sheffield, England. Gaz, a jobless steelworker in need of quick cash persuades his mates to bare it all in a one-night-only strip show.

Alexander's day begins with gum stuck in his hair, followed by more calamities. Though he finds little sympathy from his family and begins to wonder if bad things only happen to him, his mom, dad, brother, and sister all find themselves living through their own terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.

augusts 25, 2023

Newly married couple Marcus and Emily invite their uninhibited besties Ron and Kyla to join them for a vacation when Marcus lands an all-expenses-paid trip to a Caribbean resort. When Kyla’s incarcerated father Reese is released and shows up at the resort unannounced, things get out of control, upending Marcus’ best laid plans and turning the vacation friends’ perfect trip into total chaos.

augusts 24, 2018

Lisa Conroy is general manager at a highway-side 'sports bar with curves', Double Whammies. She nurtures and protects her employees fiercely - but over the course of one trying day, her optimism is battered from every direction. Double Whammies sells a big, weird American fantasy, but what happens when reality pokes a bunch of holes in it?

aprīlis 20, 1977

Divreiz šķīries komiķis no Ņujorkas, četrdesmitgadīgais Elvijs Singers pārdomā savas pēdējās attiecības ar topošo naktsklubu dziedātāju Eniju Holu. Tās ir izjukušas, neskatoties uz to, ka Elvijs, cītīgi ejot pie psihoanalītiķa piecpadsmit gadu garumā, ir daudz ieguldījis sava rakstura uzlabošanā un sevis izprašanā. Viņš saasināti uztver uzspēlēti pārgudrus cilvēkus, ir juties mazvērtīgāks, būdams ebrejs, un ir uzaudzis ģimenē, kur vecāki vienmēr par visu strīdas.

One day in the life of Anders, a young recovering drug addict, who takes a brief leave from his treatment center to interview for a job and catch up with old friends in Oslo.

septembris 11, 2006

An actor who is considering the role of a supermarket manager arrives at a grocery store on the outskirts of Los Angeles to do some field research. He subsequently becomes stranded, without a car or cell phone, and accepts a ride home with Scarlet, a cashier who is about to interview for a new job. The actor rediscovers the essence of his craft while helping Scarlet gain the confidence she needs to change her life.

februāris 11, 2017

A young woman who dreams of opening her own restaurant lands a job at a prominent restaurant whose head chef becomes her unlikely ally when the restaurant's unscrupulous owner, a Master Chef herself, plots to return the place to its former glory by presenting her new assistant's recipes as her own.

februāris 1, 2002

Dave, Sam and Jeff are about to graduate from Holden University with honors in lying, cheating and scheming. The three roommates have proudly scammed their way through the last four years of college and now, during final exams, these big-men-on-campus are about to be busted by the most unlikely dude in school. Self-dubbed Cool Ethan, an ambitious nerd with a bad crush, enters their lives one day and everything begins to unravel.

Set in Genoa, the film concerns the financial struggles and emotional strain that occur after Michele loses his job. He and his wife Elsa are forced to give up their affluent lifestyle and cope with the tensions of moving into a smaller home, finding new work, and making sacrifices.

augusts 20, 1998

After years of having her letters to her estranged father come back as undeliverable, a young woman takes a job at a Dead Letter Office. She hopes to figure out how to locate her father. Unexpectedly, she finds a potential romance and begins to learn more about herself.

maijs 14, 1957

To earn extra money, a prim schoolteacher takes a second job as secretary to the uncouth owner of a boisterous nightclub.

Makhmalbaf puts an advertisement in the papers calling for an open casting for his next movie. However when hundreds of people show up, he decides to make a movie about the casting and the screen tests of the would-be actors.

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