140 movies

Gary Hart, former Senator of Colorado, becomes the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1987. Hart's intelligence, charisma and idealism makes him popular with young voters, leaving him with a seemingly clear path to the White House. All that comes crashing down when allegations of an extramarital affair surface in the media, forcing the candidate to address a scandal that threatens to derail his campaign and personal life.

Biogrāfiskā drāma veidota uz patiesiem notikumiem, par pamatu ņemot Marka Felta, ASV Federālā Izmeklēšanas biroja (FIB) direktora pirmā vietnieka, slēpto darbību 1970. gados. Tieši viņš palīdzēja izgaismot Votergeitas skandālu, sniedzot informāciju «The Washington Post» žurnālistiem par ASV vēsturē skaļāko politisko skandālu. Pēc tam, kad atklājās republikāņu veiktās spiegošanas demokrātu mītnē, ASV prezidentam Niksonam 1974. gadā bija jāatkāpjas no amata. Felta lomu atveido īru izcelsmes aktieris Laiems Nīsons, kurš sevi pierādījis ar spožām lomām un 1994. gadā nominēts «Oskaram» par galveno lomu vēsturiskajā drāmā «Šindlera saraksts». Amerikāņu aktrise Daiena Leina atveido Marka Felta sievu Odriju Feltu. Leina sevišķu ievērību guva ar 2002. gadā uzņemtās drāmas «Uzticīgā» lomu, spēlējot tandēmā ar Ričardu Gīru.

marts 16, 2001

Maverick cop Orin Boyd always brings down the domestic terrorists he tracks, but he ruffles feathers with his unorthodox techniques -- and soon finds himself reassigned to the toughest district in Detroit. When he discovers a group of detectives secretly operating a drug ring, Boyd joins forces with an unlikely ally -- gangster Latrell Walker -- to bring down the rotten cops.

decembris 2, 1992

The life of a respected British politician at the height of his career crumbles when he becomes obsessed with his son's lover.

Polish film and music icon Kalina Jedrusik, a scandalous free-spirited sex symbol, fights for her independence in the prude society of the 1960s.

septembris 10, 2006

The story of an idealist's rise to power in the world of Louisiana politics and the corruption that leads to his ultimate downfall. Based on the 1946 Pulitzer Prize-winning novel written by Robert Penn Warren, loosely based on the story of real-life politician Huey Long.

oktobris 5, 2007

A law firm brings in its "fixer" to remedy the situation after a lawyer has a breakdown while representing a chemical company that he knows is guilty in a multi-billion dollar class action suit.

An examination that goes beyond the celebrity-driven headlines and dives into the methods used by Rick Singer, the man at the center of the shocking 2019 college admissions scandal, to persuade his wealthy clients to cheat an educational system already designed to benefit the privileged.

decembris 5, 2008

For three years after being forced from office, Nixon remained silent. But in summer 1977, the steely, cunning former commander-in-chief agreed to sit for one all-inclusive interview to confront the questions of his time in office and the Watergate scandal that ended his presidency. Nixon surprised everyone in selecting Frost as his televised confessor, intending to easily outfox the breezy British showman and secure a place in the hearts and minds of Americans. Likewise, Frost's team harboured doubts about their boss's ability to hold his own. But as the cameras rolled, a charged battle of wits resulted.

jūlijs 19, 1946

A smooth-talking French thief wangles his way into an important position as prefect of police.

Laulātais pāris ar dēlu dzīvo greznu dzīvi un apgrozās augstākās sabiedrības aprindās. Kad māte atklāj savā dēlā homoseksuālas tieksmes, tā izšķiras uz prātam neaptveramu soli.

augusts 9, 2024

For his next project, successful music producer Frank Farian hires dancers Rob Pilatus and Fab Morvan and helps the two friends to a skyrocketing success. Under the name Milli Vanilli, Rob and Fab storm the international charts, land three number one hits in the USA and enjoy the extravagant life in Hollywood. Only a small circle of insiders know their secret: the duo don't sing themselves, they just move their lips - to the voices of the real singers. At the height of their fame, Rob and Fab even win a Grammy, but the situation behind the scenes becomes increasingly tense and Milli Vanilli threatens to become the biggest scandal in music history. Not only the truth is at stake, but also their friendship...

aprīlis 23, 1999

Tracy Flick is running unopposed for this year’s high school student election. But Jim McAllister has a different plan. Partly to establish a more democratic election, and partly to satisfy some deep personal anger toward Tracy, Jim talks football player Paul Metzler to run for president as well.

Well known for its exploration of seduction and revenge, the “Dangerous Liaisons” by Choderlos de Laclos caused a scandal from its first publication in 1782. Despite – or because of the scandal – the book was a top-seller. Since then, it stood the test of time. Combining eras, continents and people, the novel is adapted around the world. Marvelous tool for reflection on the female condition, social satire announcing the Revolution, remarkable work on the conflicting nature of love but also of the gender war, consecration of the power of the words, a libertine manual… “Dangerous Liaisons” is all of these at once.

februāris 25, 1965

After being discredited as a coward, a 19th century seaman lives for only one purpose: to redeem himself. Preserved by the Academy Film Archive in partnership with Sony Pictures Entertainment in 2000.

A look at 18th-century France, when the authorities depravity contributed to social oppression, and the uprisings flared up one after another.

A young Russian woman, trying to make it in the big city, is hired for an off-the-books government operation, which involves seducing and later exposing a number of prominent political opposition figures.

The story of Tasmanian-born actor Errol Flynn whose short & flamboyant life, full of scandals, adventures, loves and excess was largely played out in front of the camera - either making movies or filling the newsreels and gossip magazines. Tragically he was dead from the effects of drugs and alcohol by the time he was only 50 & the myths live on. But there is another side of Flynn that is less well known - his ambitions to be a serious writer and newspaper correspondent, his documentary films and his interest in the Spanish Civil War and Castro's Cuba

A zealous, handsome priest, who is the confessor for a convent full of women, encourages the equally zealous abbess of the institution to enforce strict rules on these unfortunate women. At the same time, a particularly disturbed nun manages to poison herself and many of the other novitiates in yet another scandal which is covered up by church authorities.

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