12 elokuvaa

8 syyskuu 2023

Felix and Martha, the two offspring of legendary serial murderer The Skinner of Mons, grapple with the grotesque legacy bequeathed to them. While Martha works a menial janitorial job, Felix continues his father's reign of terror. But following a brutal attack at work, Martha quickly descends into madness, finding she must come to terms with the infamous blood that flows through her veins.

2 helmikuu 2001

Vanhoilla koulukavereilla on samanlaiset unelmat täydellisestä miehestä ja yhtä täydellisestä tulevaisuudesta. Ystävänpäivänä he saavat kortit, joissa heidän henkeään uhataan. Kaverusten mielestä kortit ovat sairasta pilaa, mutta pian psykopaatti alkaa murhata heitä yksi toisensa jälkeen. Murhaajan mielikuvitus näyttää rajattomalta...

26 elokuu 2007

Ben on erilainen. Autistisen nuorukaisen maailman keskipiste on verkkoroolipeli, joka voittaa arkielämän mennen tullen. Ben yrittää pelin avulla valmentaa itseään selviytymään myös tosielämässä, mutta kiusaajien uhrina hänellä ei ole helppoa. Kun kiusaajat vain jatkavat, Ben päättää toimia. Mutta sitten kuvaan astuu Scarlite, Benin Internetissä tapaama tyttö...

10 huhtikuu 2008

Big Buck Bunny on 2008 julkaistu ilmainen lyhytanimaatio, joka kertoo isosta kiltistä jäniksestä.

Rille, an ostracized and bullied teenager, who only excels in the ping pong room, descends into a life-and-death struggle with his younger, more popular brother when the truth about their father surfaces during their spring break.

Max can hardly believe his luck: In a retirement home, he has finally found a gang that will let him join! Admittedly, it's the oldest and most wrinkly gang in the world - but that doesn't matter. He's found the best friends a 10-year-old could wish for in the elderly Vera, Horst and Kilian. Especially when, like Max, you're bullied in your new class and need help. But the gang's attempt to improve his school situation backfires. Horst, a former Bundesliga soccer coach, challenges Max's over-ambitious gym teacher Stöhle to a soccer duel: the school team including Laura and Ole against a selection of old geezers plus Max! And then the castle is haunted and a new case begins...

1 helmikuu 2015

Inspired by true events. A 14-year-old girl reports that she was raped, but is not believed. The entire village turns against her and her family.

11 tammikuu 2019

Frida is different. Self chosen different. Marius, on the other hand is the most perfect boy in class, and likes to show off. When they have to work together at school, it's the start of a turbulent and challenging relationship. Generation Achievement meets impossible love.

20 tammikuu 2015

When John returns home to his father after serving time in prison, he is looking forward to starting his life afresh. However, in the local community his crime is neither forgotten nor forgiven.

Nore and Jonna meet again by chance in their early twenties and move in together. In conversations, it becomes clear that Nore was never the precocious "femme fatale" who admired as well as bullied Jonna, but experienced sexual assault as a young girl. As Nore struggles to reclaim the narrative for herself, a genuine friendship develops.

14 joulukuu 1930

A film about the pupils of a posh Berlin gymnasium in their final term, and their class teacher teaching them about humanism and tolerance, a lesson that would be badly needed three years later.

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