262 movies

decembris 19, 1997

No ostas pilsētas Saushemptonas savā pirmajā braucienā dodas pasaules lielākais kuģis - Titāniks. Kuģis dodas uz Ameriku un līdz ar Titāniku uz klāja tiek vestas tūkstoņiem cilvēku cerības un likteņi. Starp šiem cilvēkiem atrodas arī septiņpadsmitgadīgā Roza Djuita Bukeitera – skaista un bagāta meitene, kurai apnikusi savu vecāku bagātā un liekulīgā pasaule, kā arī nabadzīgs mākslinieks Džeks. Titānika veidotāji bija pārliecināti par to, ka kuģi nevar nogremdēt, taču kuģa ceļā nokļūst milzīgs aisbergs un Rozas un Džeka romantiskais piedzīvojums pārvēršas par cīņu uz izdzīvošanu.

Captain Jack Sparrow works his way out of a blood debt with the ghostly Davy Jones to avoid eternal damnation.

decembris 8, 2023

Brought back to life by an unorthodox scientist, a young woman runs off with a lawyer on a whirlwind adventure across the continents. Free from the prejudices of her times, she grows steadfast in her purpose to stand for equality and liberation.

Captain Jack Sparrow crosses paths with a woman from his past, and he's not sure if it's love -- or if she's a ruthless con artist who's using him to find the fabled Fountain of Youth. When she forces him aboard the Queen Anne's Revenge, the ship of the formidable pirate Blackbeard, Jack finds himself on an unexpected adventure in which he doesn't know who to fear more: Blackbeard or the woman from his past.

As the son of a Viking leader on the cusp of manhood, shy Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III faces a rite of passage: he must kill a dragon to prove his warrior mettle. But after downing a feared dragon, he realizes that he no longer wants to destroy it, and instead befriends the beast – which he names Toothless – much to the chagrin of his warrior father.

Thrust into an all-new adventure, a down-on-his-luck Capt. Jack Sparrow feels the winds of ill-fortune blowing even more strongly when deadly ghost sailors led by his old nemesis, the evil Capt. Salazar, escape from the Devil's Triangle. Jack's only hope of survival lies in seeking out the legendary Trident of Poseidon, but to find it, he must forge an uneasy alliance with a brilliant and beautiful astronomer and a headstrong young man in the British navy.

While under heavily armed guard, the dangerous convicts aboard a cargo ship unite in a coordinated escape attempt that soon escalates into a bloody, all-out riot. But as the fugitives continue their brutal campaign of terror, they soon discover that not even the most vicious among them is safe from the horror they unknowingly unleashed from the darkness below deck.

Pēc Brema Stokera klasiskā romāna „Drakula” nodaļas motīviem uzņemtā filma atklāj tirdzniecības kuģa „Dēmetra” šausminošo stāstu. Kuģis nolīgts, lai pārvestu privātu kravu – piecdesmit nemarķētas lādes no Rumānijas uz Londonu. Nolemtā kuģa komanda mēģina izdzīvot ceļojumā pāri okeānam, ik nakti piedzīvojot savādus notikumus un sajūtot nešķīstā klātbūtni. Kad „Dēmetra” nonāk Anglijas krastos, tā ir pārogļojies un pamests vraks. No komandas nav ne miņas.

Kad Šreks apprecēja princesi Fionu, kļūt par Tāltālās karaļvalsts karali nebija viņa plānos. Bet kad viņa sievastēvs - karalis Herolds saslimst, Šreka rokās ir atrast piemērotu kandidātu karaļa tronim vai arī viņam pašam nāksies atteikties no klusās un mierīgās dzīves purvā, lai kāptu tronī. Kopā ar labākajiem draugiem - Ēzelīti un Runci Zābakos - Šreks dodas ceļā, lai uzmeklētu to, kurš, viņaprāt, būt karaļa troņa cienīgs.

novembris 3, 2006

Filmas darbība risinās Londonā un stāsta par Rodiju, sabiedrības "krējuma" žurku, kuru viņa brālēns diezgan nejaukā veidā no Kensigtonas smalkajiem apartamentiem vārda tiešā nozīmē ieskalo Žurkupolē - rosīgā un krāšņā pasaulē, kas atrodas zem Londonas ielām. Tur Rodijs sastop skaisto Ritu - uzticamās laivas "Veiklais Dodžers" kapteini. Rita apsola dabūt Rodiju prom no pilsētas (protams, ar kādu noteikumu).

februāris 2, 2010

When Jess sets sail on a yacht with a group of friends, she cannot shake the feeling that there is something wrong.

jūnijs 19, 1963

Jason, a fearless sailor and explorer, returns to his home land of Thessaly after a long voyage to claim his rightful throne. He learns, however, that he must first find the magical Golden Fleece. To do so, he must embark on an epic quest fraught with fantastic monsters and terrible perils.

In the winter of 1820, the New England whaling ship Essex is assaulted by something no one could believe—a whale of mammoth size and will, and an almost human sense of vengeance.

decembris 23, 1954

A ship sent to investigate a wave of mysterious sinkings encounters the advanced submarine, the Nautilus, commanded by Captain Nemo.

jūnijs 24, 2022

In an era when terrifying beasts roamed the seas, monster hunters were celebrated heroes. None were more beloved than the great Jacob Holland. But when young Maisie Brumble stows away on his fabled ship, he's saddled with an unexpected ally. Together they embark on an epic journey into uncharted waters and make history.

janvāris 17, 2020

Stāsts par slaveno doktoru Dūlitlu un viņa draugiem - uz lielā ekrāna! Pēc sievas zaudējuma, doktors Dūlitls kopā ar papagaili Polinēziju, pīli, suni, gorillu un citiem dzīvniekiem dzīvo savā īpašumā Anglijā. Dzīvnieki ir viņa vienīgie sabiedrotie, kuri palīdz doktoram, kā nu katrs prot. Kad jaunā karaliene saslimst ar nezināmu kaiti, viņa aicina palīgā Dūlitlu. Kopā ar saviem draugiem Dūlitls dodas neticamā ceļojumā pāri tāltālām jūrām, lai atrastu kādu noslēpumiem apvītu salu. Tajā esot augs, kam piemīt spēks izārstēt karalieni. Tas būs viens raibs piedzīvojums!

novembris 4, 2015

Imigrante no Īrijas 1950. gados nonāk Bruklinā, kur ātri vien iemīlas vietējā skaistulī. Tomēr, kad viņu panāk pagātne, viņai jāizvēlas starp abām valstīm un dzīvi tajās.

decembris 16, 1958

The sinking of the Titanic is presented in a highly realistic fashion in this tense British drama. The disaster is portrayed largely from the perspective of the ocean liner's second officer, Charles Lightoller. Despite numerous warnings about ice, the ship sails on, with Capt. Edward John Smith keeping it going at a steady clip. When the doomed vessel finally hits an iceberg, the crew and passengers discover that they lack enough lifeboats, and tragedy follows.

An ensemble comedy, where the romance is between the young people of the 60s, and pop music. It's about a band of DJs that captivate Britain, playing the music that defines a generation and standing up to a government that wanted control of popular culture via the British Broadcasting Corporation. Loosely based on the events in Britain in the 60's when the Labour government of Harold Wilson, wanted to bring the pirate radio stations under control, enough to see the passage of the Marine Broadcasting Offences Act on 15 August 1967. Also known as "Pirate Radio".

Tom Ripley is a calculating young man who believes it's better to be a fake somebody than a real nobody. Opportunity knocks in the form of a wealthy U.S. shipbuilder who hires Tom to travel to Italy to bring back his playboy son, Dickie. Ripley worms his way into the idyllic lives of Dickie and his girlfriend, plunging into a daring scheme of duplicity, lies and murder.

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