389 movies

Lū Klārka ir līksma, jautra un koši ģērbta mazpilsētas meitene. Viņa neilgojas pēc lielām pilsētām un izaicinājumiem, Lū drīzāk gribētu visu mūžu pavadīt vecāku paspārnē. Neviens netop gudrs, kāpēc tik talantīga un jauka meitene vēlas dzīvi aizvadīt klusumā un mierā – bet Lū ir savi iemesli. Investīciju ģēnijs Vils Treinors pēc satiksmes negadījuma ir zaudējis gandrīz visu, pat veselību. Tagadne viņam riebjas, bet nākotni Vils nemaz nevēlas. Un tad Vila dzīvē kā krāsains tornado ievirpuļo Lū.

Captain Jack Sparrow crosses paths with a woman from his past, and he's not sure if it's love -- or if she's a ruthless con artist who's using him to find the fabled Fountain of Youth. When she forces him aboard the Queen Anne's Revenge, the ship of the formidable pirate Blackbeard, Jack finds himself on an unexpected adventure in which he doesn't know who to fear more: Blackbeard or the woman from his past.

Lorraine and Ed Warren travel to north London to help a single mother raising four children alone in a house plagued by malicious spirits.

Optims Prims ir nozudis. Cilvēce cīnās ar transformeriem, un pasaules nākotne, tās glābiņš slēpjas pagātnē - transformeru pagātnē uz Zemes. Kā izrādās, viņi šeit mīt jau kopš seniem, seniem laikiem. Pasaules glābšana nu gulstas uz ļoti savdabīgas domubiedru grupas pleciem – tās sastāvā ir Keids Jēgers, transformers Kamene, angļu lords un Oksfordas profesore. Pienācis laiks rīkoties!

Based on the real life story of legendary cryptanalyst Alan Turing, the film portrays the nail-biting race against time by Turing and his brilliant team of code-breakers at Britain's top-secret Government Code and Cypher School at Bletchley Park, during the darkest days of World War II.

maijs 8, 1963

Agent 007 battles mysterious Dr. No, a scientific genius bent on destroying the U.S. space program. As the countdown to disaster begins, Bond must go to Jamaica, where he encounters beautiful Honey Ryder, to confront a megalomaniacal villain in his massive island headquarters.

Nobleman crusader Robin of Locksley breaks out of a Jerusalem prison with the help of Moorish fellow prisoner Azeem and travels back home to England. But upon arrival he discovers his dead father in the ruins of his family estate, killed by the vicious sheriff of Nottingham, Robin and Azeem join forces with outlaws Little John and Will Scarlett to save the kingdom from the sheriff's villainy.

Romantiskā drāma "Lepnums un aizspriedumi" pēc Džeinas Ostinas romāna motīviem vēsta par mīlestību un vērtībām Anglijā 18. gadsimta beigās. Piecas Benetu māsas – tostarp apņēmīgo Elizabeti un jauno Lidiju – māte audzinājusi ar vienu dzīves mērķi – atrast vīru. Kad turīgais vecpuisis Binglijs apmetas kaimiņu namā, ģimene ir sajūsmā. Binglija izsmalcināto draugu lokā noteikti netrūks pielūdzēju Benetu meitenēm. Tomēr, kad Elizabete satiek pievilcīgo, bet snobisko Dārsiju, sākas dzimumu cīņa.

Cool government operative James Bond searches for a stolen invention that can turn the sun's heat into a destructive weapon. He soon crosses paths with the menacing Francisco Scaramanga, a hitman so skilled he has a seven-figure working fee. Bond then joins forces with the swimsuit-clad Mary Goodnight, and together they track Scaramanga to a Thai tropical isle hideout where the killer-for-hire lures the slick spy into a deadly maze for a final duel.

maijs 24, 1995

Kad ar nāvessodu tiek sodīta viņa slepenā izredzētā, kas pretojās angļu karavīram, kas centās viņu izvarot, Viliams Valless sāk sacelšanos pret Anglijas karali Edvardu I.

Pasaulē labākajam miesassargam ir jauns klients - killeris, kuram jāliecina Starptautiskajā tiesā. Viņiem jāaizmirst abu starpā valdošās nesaskaņas un jāsadarbojas, lai laikā nokļūtu tiesas zālē.

Detective Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson join forces to investigate a murder at Buckingham Palace. They soon learn that they have only four days to solve the case, or the queen will become the next victim.

After a defecting Russian general reveals a plot to assassinate foreign spies, James Bond is assigned a secret mission to dispatch the new head of the KGB to prevent an escalation of tensions between the Soviet Union and the West.

James Bond tracks his archnemesis, Ernst Blofeld, to a mountaintop retreat in the Swiss alps where he is training an army of beautiful, lethal women. Along the way, Bond falls for Italian contessa Tracy Draco, and marries her in order to get closer to Blofeld.

Filmas scenārija pamatā ir leģenda par karali Arturu un viņa Apaļā galda bruņiniekiem. Karalim Arturam ir pils Kamelota, bet nav zirga. Tad nu viņš, cerot, ka neviens nepamanīs starpību, tēlo, ka jāj, un pāri šķēršļiem lec ne sliktāk kā zirgs, bet iespaidīgā pakavu klaboņa rodas no divu kokosriekstu čaulu klabināšanas. Pa ceļam viņš savāc vēl vairākus bruņiniekus, un, Dieva mudināti, visi dodas meklēt Svēto Grālu, metoties iekšā piedzīvojumos, kas attēloti komiskās etīdēs. Piemēram, cenšoties ieņemt franču bruņinieka pili, viņi nonāk apšaudē, kur katapultē govis.

A mysterious spacecraft captures Russian and American space capsules and brings the two superpowers to the brink of war. James Bond investigates the case in Japan and comes face to face with his archenemy Blofeld.

decembris 7, 2007

After overhearing a shocking secret, precocious orphan Lyra Belacqua trades her carefree existence roaming the halls of Jordan College for an otherworldly adventure in the far North, unaware that it's part of her destiny.

maijs 28, 1999

William Thacker is a London bookstore owner whose humdrum existence is thrown into romantic turmoil when famous American actress Anna Scott appears in his shop. A chance encounter over spilled orange juice leads to a kiss that blossoms into a full-blown affair. As the average bloke and glamorous movie star draw closer and closer together, they struggle to reconcile their radically different lifestyles in the name of love.

A British spy ship has sunk and on board was a hi-tech encryption device. James Bond is sent to find the device that holds British launching instructions before the enemy Soviets get to it first.

A chaotic Bridget Jones meets a snobbish lawyer, and he soon enters her world of imperfections.

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