5 部电影

2000 年 09 月 15 日

优秀生威廉(派屈克·福吉特 Patrick Fugit饰)在毕业前争取到为《滚石杂志》写采访稿的机会。他要跟随摇滚乐队的行程,进行一次长途的旅行和报道。妈妈担心摇滚乐队的不良作风,坚决反对威廉的决定。  威廉还是固执地上路了。他的采访对象是“Stillwater”乐队的成员,这群年轻人还没有成名,心中怀揣着梦想前往全国各地开演唱会。他们有着很多其他摇滚歌手具有的特质:放纵、呐喊、喜怒无常,现场煽动着观众的尖叫。同时,他们会沉溺与毒品,有着人性中自私、猜妒的种种弱点。有一个叫潘妮(凯特·哈德森 Kate Hudson饰)的乐迷,与乐队共进退,最后却选择了离开。威廉用心去感受并参与这一切,从中获得宝贵的阅历。

2000 年 03 月 17 日

  罗伯(约翰·库萨克 John Cusack 饰)是个音乐狂热爱好者,他经营着一家唱片店,店里的两名店员迪克和伯利都是音乐爱好者。一天,罗伯的女友罗拉(艾本·叶尤 Iben Hjejle 饰)跟他提出分手,他甚至搞不清楚原因。为此他做起自己的“失恋排行榜”,回顾一路以来失败的恋爱。他发现自己总是充当被甩的一方,于是他决定重新联系这些前女友,询问她们当初选择分手的原因。

  与此同时,罗拉因为要搬出罗伯的住处而与他一直保持着联系。一次,罗伯从罗拉的朋友口中得知,罗拉居然开始和住在自家楼上的伊安(蒂姆·罗宾斯 Tim Robbins 饰)约会。这让罗伯大受打击,他开始不停地打电话骚扰罗拉和伊安,在他们楼下徘徊。终于有一天,转机到了,罗拉告诉罗伯,她父亲去世了…… ©豆瓣

1994 年 09 月 27 日

Art Kane, now deceased, coordinated a group photograph of all the top jazz musicians in NYC in the year 1958, for a piece in Esquire magazine. Just about every jazz musician at the time showed up for the photo shoot which took place in front of a brownstone near the 125th street station. The documentary compiles interviews of many of the musicians in the photograph to talk about the day of the photograph, and it shows film footage taken that day by Milt Hinton and his wife.

2001 年 10 月 12 日

A young music journalist's dark memories are awakened when he goes to interview a female rock singer, and both are forced to confront troubling secrets from their pasts.

2021 年 07 月 24 日

Satellites in Texas is a feature documentary following musician Boome as he copes with his brothers sudden death. It follows his humble beginnings as he climbs the ladder of the music industry. Raised by a single immigrant mother Boome defies the odds and starts to scratch the surface of success. Faced by hard decisions to continue to pursue his dream, Boome takes us on the road.



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