5 部电影

2000 年 09 月 15 日

本片是《征服情海》的編導卡麥隆克羅花費四年半自傳性的新作,在美上映廣受好評,並奪得今年金球獎喜劇類最佳影片,聲勢與去年的《美國心玫瑰情》相同,被譽為2001年奧斯卡的熱門片。凱特韓德森 (Kate Hudson)也因此片獲得今年金球獎的最佳女配角。 70年代,當性、毒品,和搖滾樂一同解放之際,一名來自保守家庭的15歲少年威廉,不顧保守母親的反對,擔任搖滾樂聖經「滾石雜誌」的記者,隨著一個新崛起的當紅搖滾樂團「Stillwater」在美國巡迴演出。 在巡迴的過程中,威廉一方面要和樂團的成員發展友誼,一方面又得維持報導的中立性。藉由和資深搖滾樂迷潘妮連恩(凱特韓森飾)以及樂團靈魂吉他手羅素(比利庫德普飾)之間的相處,他目睹了搖滾樂手對音樂的執著,對成名的渴求,對自我的陷溺,對性和毒品的瘋狂。也目睹了整個年輕世代的掙扎和迷失,希望從音樂中得到救贖。這個旅程成了他的心靈之旅,他看清了世界,也找到了自己。

2000 年 03 月 17 日

When record store owner and compulsive list-compiler Rob Gordon gets dumped by his long-time girlfriend, Laura, because he hasn't changed since they met, he revisits his top five breakups of all time in order to figure out what went wrong. As he examines his failed attempts at romance and happiness, the process finds him being dragged, kicking and screaming, into adulthood.

1994 年 09 月 27 日

Art Kane, now deceased, coordinated a group photograph of all the top jazz musicians in NYC in the year 1958, for a piece in Esquire magazine. Just about every jazz musician at the time showed up for the photo shoot which took place in front of a brownstone near the 125th street station. The documentary compiles interviews of many of the musicians in the photograph to talk about the day of the photograph, and it shows film footage taken that day by Milt Hinton and his wife.

2001 年 10 月 12 日

A young music journalist's dark memories are awakened when he goes to interview a female rock singer, and both are forced to confront troubling secrets from their pasts.

2021 年 07 月 24 日

Satellites in Texas is a feature documentary following musician Boome as he copes with his brothers sudden death. It follows his humble beginnings as he climbs the ladder of the music industry. Raised by a single immigrant mother Boome defies the odds and starts to scratch the surface of success. Faced by hard decisions to continue to pursue his dream, Boome takes us on the road.



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