30 filmų

Teisuolis banko vadovas, netrukus vedąs savo gyvenimo meilę. Kai jo vestuvių savaitgalį „Vaiduoklių Banditai“ užpuola jo banką, jis pradeda tikėti, kad jo būsimieji uošviai, kurie ką tik atvyko į miestą, yra blogai pagarsėję neteisėti giminaičiai.

„Šaunusis kapitonas“ – tarsi šiuolaikinė Mauglio istorija, pasakojanti apie ekscentrišką šeimą, kuri po ilgų gyvenimo metų praleistų laukinėje gamtoje bus priversta išmokti gyventi... laukiniame didmiestyje. Toli nuo civilizacijos ir miesto šurmulio su šešiais vaikais įsikūręs Benas (akt. Viggo Mortensen) gūdžiuose Ramiojo vandenyno Šiaurės vakarų miškuose susikūrė asmeninį Rojų. Kerinčio grožio gamtoje savo vaikus jis rūpestingai mokė išgyvenimo laukinėje gamtoje pamokų – kaip susimedžioti maistą, kaip iš vėjo gūsio suprasti, koks rytoj bus oras ir panašių įgūdžių. Tačiau vieną dieną viskas pasikeičia. Benas priverstas palikti savo Rojų ir keltis į triukšmingą miestą. Grįžus į realų pasaulį jam teks susidurti su didžiausiu iššūkiu gyvenime – išmokti gyventi nenuspėjamomis didelio miesto sąlygomis ir šeimą auginti ant pilko asfalto grindinio.

1979 birželio 15

In preparation for his daughter's wedding, dentist Sheldon Kornpett meets Vince Ricardo, the groom's father. Vince, a manic fellow who claims to be a government agent, then proceeds to drag Sheldon into a series of chases and misadventures from New York to Central America.

2011 rugsėjo 16

A comedy centered on the life of Kate Reddy, a finance executive who is the breadwinner for her husband and two kids.

2003 sausio 17

Paul Morse is a good guy. When his friends throw him a wild bachelor party, he just wants to keep his conscience clean -- which is why he's shocked when he wakes up in bed with a beautiful girl named Becky and can't remember the night before. Desperate to keep his fiancée, Karen, from finding out what may or may not be the truth, he tells her a teensy lie. Soon his lies are spiraling out of control and his life is a series of comical misunderstandings.

1962 gruodžio 26

An alcoholic falls in love with and gets married to a young woman, whom he systematically addicts to booze so they can share his "passion" together.

1951 balandžio 5

Newly married Kay Dunstan announces that she and her husband are having a baby, leaving her father to come to grips with the fact that he will soon be a granddad.

2005 rugpjūčio 3

On the way to meet with an independent artist in the South, newlywed art dealer Madeleine is convinced by her husband, George, that they should stop to meet his family in North Carolina. Madeleine's affluent lifestyle clashes with the family, but she befriends George's wide-eyed and pregnant sister-in-law, Ashley, who is nearing her due date. Through the family, Madeleine gains greater insight into George's character.

1978 gruodžio 15

Oliver Barrett IV is emotionally devastated by the death of his wife Jenny, and, while he tries to lose himself in his work as a lawyer, the long hours don't ease his pain, especially when he finds that his leftist views conflict with those of the senior partners at the firm. Eventually, Oliver's inconsolable grief begins to alienate those around him, until he finds new love with Marcie Bonwit, the wealthy and beautiful heiress to the Bonwit Teller fortune. Despite his affection for her, Oliver finds it difficult to leave the memory of Jenny behind, which causes major problems in their relationship.

Parduotuvės savininkė Alisa Čepman nerimauja, kaip pavyks jos pažintis su būsimojo vyro tėvais, ypač dėl to, kad vykti pas juos moteris turi viena. Alisos kelionė tampa dar įtemptesnė, kai ji praranda savo bagažą ir sugenda jos telefonas. Atvykėlė net neįsivaizduoja, kaip surasti būsimuosius gimines. Čia jai pagelbėti sutinka netikėtai sutiktas būsimas svainis Metas. Nuvykusi pas jo tėvus, Alisa visus tiesiog įsimyli, o labiausiai − Metą. O kaip bus su netrukus atvyksiančiu sužadėtiniu Vilu?

2020 sausio 16

Two college friends, now in their thirties, admire each others' lives and feel trapped in their own. Wes, tied to a demanding career and responsibilities to family, extends a work trip to drag his dispirited artist friend Luke to find Luke's "one that got away."

2016 rugsėjo 6

Following both the death of her father-in-law and a divorce, Jesse, a New Yorker, returns to a small town to live with her now widowed mother-in-law. Jesse struggles to fit in with the local townsfolk who don’t welcome her with open arms to say the least. Jesse becomes acquainted with the local pastor, her widowed brother-in-law, falling in love with him, much to the dismay of the community. Things get even more complicated when her ex-husband comes calling, suspiciously trying to win her back. Between her love life and entangled in-laws, Jesse is tested as she seeks the answer to where she truly belongs.

1985 balandžio 26

It's 1918, the height of United States involvement in World War I - Liberty Bonds are sold, German immigrants are suspected as traitors or saboteurs, young men everywhere succumb to the patriotism and propaganda and enlist. In a small Texas town, Horace Robedaux feels the pressure - he doesn't want to leave his young wife Elizabeth and their young child Jenny - but Elizabeth's can't-do-anything-right little brother is constantly talking about the war, and Elizabeth's stern father, who opposed the marriage initially, now has plans to take care of his daughter and the child so Horace can fight for his country. However, the influenza epidemic sweeping the town (and the nation) may change everyone's plans.

1938 lapkričio 18

A nightclub dancer shakes the foundations of a wealthy farming family after she marries into it.

2018 gegužės 4

A geneticist clones his dead wife, over and over, in an attempt to get her back exactly as she was.

Atsuko and Akira are a husband and wife duo with a daughter and a son. Atsuko is in charge of the retirement finances. She saves from money given to her by her husband and also earns money herself by working part-time. She stretches every yen by leading a frugal life. yet, expenses come up. These include their daughter's upcoming wedding and the funeral expenses of the husband's father. Then, and at exactly the worst time, the couple finds itself unemployed.

2023 lapkričio 30

After a whirlwind courtship and marriage, a young woman, Audrey, relocates with her husband, Xander, to his hometown after the death of Xander's father. Immediately, Audrey begins to suspect that there may be more to her father-in-law's death than a simple accident, and Xander's sexy, seductress of a stepmother, Marlena, may hold the key.

2024 birželio 7

A vengeful mother-in-law locks horns with her daughter-in-law in a twisted tale laced with dark comedy, political intrigue, and chilling thrills.

1986 balandžio 11

In 1917, Elizabeth defies her wealthy parents by running off and marrying Horace Robedaux, a young man of humble prospects. Her parents have not spoken to her since - even though the couple lives in a rooming house nearby, they are struggling financially, and she is pregnant.

1971 spalio 15

A medical student marries a millionaire's daughter but insists they live on the money he earns.

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