30 films

Prequel film van de Italiaanse misdaadserie Gomorra. Als Ciro di Marzio, bijgenaamd L'Immortale ('de Onsterfelijke') de dood dan toch in de ogen kijkt, komen de herinneringen als vanzelf boven. Hij denkt terug aan zijn jeugd en jonge jaren in Napels en aan zijn eerste wapenfeiten als lid van de Camorra.

Martial arts teacher Ah Wei (Bruce Li) discovers a hidden stash of Vietnamese gold while scuba diving with his friends and divides it up between them. The gang who stole and stashed the gold track Wei and his friends down one by one, in order to get back what they believe to be their property. Wei must use his Kung Fu skills to defend himself, and the people he cares about, in this brutal and thrilling martial arts noir.

17 januari 1988

A by-the-book female police officer is assigned to the most corrupt precinct in Pittsburgh and told to get it cleaned up.

28 februari 1980

An abandoned child steals to survive and has problems when he decides to steal from the priest who helps him.

20 december 2019

Marcus' feud with Isaac threatens to leave a lasting impact.

“The Fight for the Soul of Seattle” examines the role of Seattle’s City Council in allowing the situation to reach what many experts consider epidemic levels under the guise of a compassionate approach to people who suffer from substance addiction and who commit crimes to feed their habit. It documents the heartbreaking condition of people on the streets, and the crushing decisions Seattle entrepreneurs are forced to contemplate as their life savings and dreams are destroyed by theft, vandalism and a dwindling customer base. This documentary also explores potential bold solutions to treat those living on the streets and pair them with agencies and assistance that can provide a clear path away from the endless circle of addiction and crime.

A biopic on life of a Hindu nationalist leader Anand Dighe, through various incidents narrated by his close aides.

29 juli 2011

The Interrupters tells the moving and surprising stories of three Violence Interrupters — former gang members who try to protect their Chicago communities from the violence they once caused.

Park, Ohn - Ran (Kim Shin - jae) has been watching the surroundings of the pawn shop owner Min - ga, who is the enemy who killed his father with Song (Choi Dong - san) for five years. The private house tries to rape her daughter who does not recognize her daughter Sunhee to leave the ring. Young-gil (Choi In-gyu) goes in front of the pawn shop and saves Sun-hee and the two hide in a nearby warehouse. Sunhee left after the mother who was driven by the private house and came back from liberation. Song binds Sunhee and Kyungil, but Olan releases her, saying that the house is the enemy and not the daughter. And after hearing the conversation between the two, he finds that he is his younger brother.

20 december 2020

Despite major collateral damage, the conflict between Isaac and Marcus shows no sign of stopping.

28 april 2010

When a young gang member is caught dealing drugs on the side, it tests the loyalty of his friend Sami.

27 augustus 2016

The Hallows Estate is on alert as strange graffiti tags with messages declaring the streets will be taken over on Halloween night begin to appear on walls around the place, along with sightings of strange figures lurking in the shadows. One of the gangs responsible for the serious anti social behavior that give the estate a bad name, decide to take these threats head on and ignore the curfew on Halloween night. But who ever, or what ever, this new threat is, they seem to have the very night on their side as they make good on their promise of claiming the streets by frightening and violent means.

18 juni 2018

A bizarre fight in a dive bar-laundromat among four New Orleans low-lifes is revisited from each person's perspective, revealing an intricate web of harrowing, horrific, & hilarious service industry intrigue.

12 april 2019

Off a major event, Isaac attempts to get his life back on track. Will he succeed in doing so?

Gedurende een periode van drie maanden in 1888 vermoordde een meszwaaiende seriemoordenaar zes vrouwen in de straten van Whitechapel. Hun keel werd doorgesneden en hun lichamen op gruwelijke wijze verminkt. Hij werd nooit gepakt en zijn identiteit blijft een van 's werelds grootste misdaadmysteries. In de jaren die zijn verstreken sinds de moordpartij op Jack the Ripper zijn veel spraakmakende verdachten gesuggereerd, maar het feit blijft dat geen van hen op een van de plaats delicten kan worden geplaatst. Nu gelooft journalist Christer Holmgren dat hij een verdachte heeft gevonden die niet alleen rechtstreeks in verband kan worden gebracht met een van de moorden, maar wiens dagelijkse routine ook consistent zou kunnen zijn met alle andere sterfgevallen.

20 februari 2018

A young adult learns that some boys in the hood are simply just goods to wealthy men in the area. It's a tale that truly questions how much you value your self-worth.

12 augustus 2020

A man that is a stranger, is an incredibly easy man to hate. However, walking in a stranger’s shoes, even for a short while, can transform a perceived adversary into an ally. Power is found in coming to know our neighbor’s hearts. For in the darkness of ignorance, enemies are made and wars are waged, but in the light of understanding, family extends beyond blood lines and legacies of hatred crumble.

1 december 2001

Three hit people - two men, one woman, who have never met before are placed on a road trip down the East Coast together. The only thing they have in common is that they have all worked for the same boss - and, as they swap stories, discover that they have all screwed up for this same boss in the past. As they share their stories of errors on the job - seen through visual, stirring flashbacks - they begin to wonder why it was they were put together in the first place and what might be waiting for them at the end of their little road trip.

28 augustus 2021

A campy pulp-noir following two estranged twin brothers, a cosplaying femme fatale, and a sexually-charged phone caller linked to a mischievous set of pookas.

20 april 2021

Korte film: Twee punkers besluiten een drugsdealer te beroven terwijl hij slaapt.

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