8 movies

maijs 24, 1988

Kad pulkvedis Semjuels Trautmans, bijušais Džona Rembo vadītājs Vjetnamā, tiek nozīmēts vadīt misiju, lai palīdzētu modžahediem cīnīties pret Padomju armijas iebrukumu Afganistānā, viņš pēc palīdzības griežas pie Rembo. Taču Rembo ir pievērsies budismam un atsakās palīdzēt šai misijai. Kad misija izgāžas, pulkvedis Trautmans tiek saņemts gūstā un spīdzināts, Rembo tomēr nespēj palikt malā un dodas Trautmanu glābt.

septembris 27, 2007

During World War II, a secret agent must seduce then assassinate an official who works for the Japanese puppet government in Shanghai. Her mission becomes clouded when she finds herself falling in love with the man she is assigned to kill.

janvāris 20, 2005

Is American foreign policy dominated by the idea of military supremacy? Has the military become too important in American life? Jarecki's shrewd and intelligent polemic would seem to give an affirmative answer to each of these questions.

After dealing with the Shut in the Balkans, Kara Ben-Nemsi ('Karl the German') receives a firman (precious passport) from the padishah (Ottoman sultan) before he continues his travels through Kurdistan. Achmed El Corda, the son of Halef's Hadedhin Beduin tribe's sheik Mohammed Emin, has been captured by the machredsh (Turkish governor) of Mossul for resisting water seizure by his Turkish troops. Kara takes charge of the rescue.

Dr. Karl Sternau, the personal physician of the count Bismarck, who spent much of his youth in Mexico, is sent back to that country during the occupation by French troops in the service of the Austrian 'Emperor' Maximilian, to carry an encouraging letter from U.S. President Lincoln to the nationalist Mexican president Benito Juarez.

novembris 11, 2006

A drama about a boy who's inspired by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and challenges repressive school authority in 1969 Denmark.

februāris 13, 2007

A documentary on the late American entertainer Dean Reed, who became a huge star in East Germany after settling there in 1973.

The war on drugs has been going on for more than three decades. Today, nearly 500,000 Americans are imprisoned on drug charges. In 1980 the number was 50,000. Last year $40 billion in taxpayer dollars were spent in fighting the war on drugs. As a result of the incarceration obsession, the United States operates the largest prison system on the planet. Today, 89 percent of police departments have paramilitary units, and 46 percent have been trained by active duty armed forces. The most common use of paramilitary units is serving drug-related search warrants, which usually involve no-knock entries into private homes.

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