jūnijs 26, 2009

In 1986 Iran, Sahebjam, whose car breaks down in a remote village, enters into a conversation with Zahra, who relays to him the story about her niece, Soraya, whose arranged marriage to an abusive tyrant ended in tragedy.

aprīlis 19, 1930

When a woman discovers that her husband has been unfaithful, she decides to pay him back in kind.

marts 17, 2005

Second-hand car sales man Willenbrock has everything that he could ever wish for. He is married, has two lovers, a cottage in the German city Grünen, and a BMW. Yet one day while at his cottage he gets mugged and his life is drastically changed. Little by little the world he once felt safe in falls apart around him.

Tessa, an ambitious defense lawyer, expertly represents her clients, including those accused of sexual assault. However, she learns that the law does not provide justice after being raped by a coworker.

A shocking political exposé, and an intimate ethnographic portrait of Pacific Islanders struggling for survival, dignity, and justice after decades of top-secret human radiation experiments conducted on them by the U.S. government.

oktobris 1, 2014

In a society in which conscious lies and double morals are easily justified with excuses and laughs, a needlessly complex society is created, that deviates from the core of tangible life. Freek has a difficult time maintaining himself in his normal day life. When he looses his grip, he breaks and marks his most beloved person, his son, for life.

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