13 movies

ハーヴァード大学出のエリートFBI捜査官のジョニー・ユタ(キアヌ・リーブス)は、ロサンゼルスのベニス・ビーチで続発する銀行強盗の調査をベテラン刑事のパパス(ゲイリー・ビジー)とともに任される。犯行は歴代大統領の覆面[3]を被り、わずか一分半で盗みを終えるプロフェッショナルによるものだった。二人は事件の場所から犯人をサーファーであると推測し、捜査を開始する。 彼は早速、潜入捜査のためサーファーに成りすまし、強盗団のリーダーであるボディ(パトリック・スウェイジ)と女性サーファーのタイラー[4](ロリ・ペティ)と出会う。ボディは、ジョニーが大学生時代にフットボールのクォーターバックとして活躍していたのを知っており、そのこともあってジョニーはすんなりとサーファーグループと浜辺でのフットボールやサーフィンで絆を深め合っていくことができた。そしてタイラーとも恋人同士の関係になっていくのだった。 ある日パパスとジョニーは同じ車に乗っていた。パパスが「何か食い物を買ってこよう」とファーストフード店へと向かう。そしてその瞬間にジョニーは覆面の強盗集団の犯行を目撃する。すぐさま車で後を追うジョニーだったが、間一髪のところで逃げられてしまう。 追ってきた捜査官がジョニーであることを確認したボディはタイラーを拉致。ジョニーをスカイダイビングに誘いスカイダイビング後に、タイラーの命と引き換えにジョニーに銀行強盗に協力するよう脅迫する。


novembris 1, 2022

Following a mysterious disappearance on a jump, a group of skydivers experiences paranormal occurrences that leave them fighting for their lives.

septembris 23, 1994

A maverick skydiver and a former KGB agent team up to stop the Russian mafia from stealing gold.

marts 6, 1942

During the Nazi occupation of Poland, an acting troupe becomes embroiled in a Polish soldier's efforts to track down a German spy.

jūnijs 25, 1949

A disparate group of volunteers are trained as saboteurs and parachuted into Belgium to blow up an office containing important Nazi records and to rescue a prominent S.O.E. agent, who is being interrogated by the Germans for vital information.

februāris 17, 1945

A group of men parachute into Japanese-occupied Burma with a dangerous and important mission: to locate and blow up a radar station. They accomplish this well enough, but when they try to rendezvous at an old air-strip to be taken back to their base, they find Japanese waiting for them, and they must make a long, difficult walk back through enemy-occupied jungle.

augusts 26, 2000

The successful undercover agent Victor Cooper is assigned for his ninth mission: to find how the loadings of drug is being brought to Miami. He suspects that the drug is coming through the air and joins a team of sky diving, under the leadership of Red Line, a fanatic and considered the athlete number one in this sport in the world. Due to his profile of winner, Vic gets involved with the group and he "disconnects" from his position of infiltrated agent, "connecting" with the team.

februāris 8, 1984

A priest helps the small town he's stationed in to resolve conflicts by working together.

jūnijs 8, 2015

In 1965, a truck driver and exotic pet dealer from New Jersey decided that he could join an elite group of men who had been to the final frontier -- space.

This romantic comedy presents a story of two women, twenty-year-old Laura, an editor at a woman’s weekly, and her widowed mother, a translator-interpreter named Jana. The two of them tirelessly seek Mr. Right. Having once lived through an intense relationship with a ‘typical’ Czech man, Jana intentionally avoids Czech men. She searches for her dream foreigner while long-sufferingly warding off the tragicomic advances of her good-natured neighbor Žemla. After several unsuccessful attempts, Laura falls in love with Oliver, a forty year old who works as an ad agency idea man. Little does she suspect that twenty years ago Oliver was Jana’s true love…

Three friends meet one summer at a skydiving center. Adventurous, they spend most of their time jumping - for thrills and to escape what haunts them. When his dream of becoming a pilot is shattered, Rafaël, a young daredevil of 20 years, puts his life in danger by pushing his limits as a parashooter. Her friend Charles, the older owner of the skydiving center, tries to make her understand reason while developing a love passion for Manu, a young woman who, at 20, has to deal with her mother's cancer. But Manu and Rafaël also develop a strong passion, which comes to compromise the strong bond between the three friends. Things don't work out when Rafaël, who has been forbidden to jump, comes to miss a particularly dangerous jump prepared by Charles.

maijs 19, 2011

Paper Parachutes is a children's fantasy short film about obsessively ordered nine year old Miles, who receives his birthday presents via parachute from his high flying Uncle Ed. From his 9th birthday onward, Miles is on a year long mission to complete the 10 perfect paper airplanes in order to have his hero Uncle return by parachute on his 10th birthday. Miles creates such a strong imagined world about his Uncle that he almost entirely fails to see the efforts his hopeless disorganized parents make to keep his dreams alive.

janvāris 1, 1953

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