13 filmų


1989 balandžio 28

The extravagant cop Michael Dooley needs some help to fight a drug dealer who has tried to kill him. A "friend" gives him a dog named Jerry Lee (Officer Lewis), who has been trained to smell drugs. With his help, Dooley sets out to put his enemy behind the bars, but Jerry Lee has a personality of his own and works only when he wants to. On the other hand, the dog is quite good at destroying Dooley's car, house and sex-life...

„Raudona“ – ne tik legendinės Krzysztofo Kieślowskio spalvų trilogijos finalas, bet ir paskutinis režisieriaus filmas. Ženevoje gyvenanti geraširdė manekenė Valentina savo automobiliu netyčia partrenkia šunį. Savininko paieškos ją nuveda pas į pensiją išėjusį teisėją, kurio vienas mėgiamiausių užsiėmimų – elektronio sekimo įrenginio pagalba klausytis kaimyno telefono pokalbių. Užsimezgęs prieštaringas ryšys, kartu su fone vykstančiomis, iš pirmo žvilgnsnio nesusijusiomis kaimynų pavydo ir išdavystės dramomis, subtiliai primena, kad gyvenimas yra „force majeure“, nenugalima jėga, ir kad nei jo, nei jo pasekmių nuspėti ar suvaldyti neįmanoma.

1976 balandžio 9

During the 1972 elections, two reporters' investigation sheds light on the controversial Watergate scandal that compels President Nixon to resign from his post.

2001 kovo 16

Maverick cop Orin Boyd always brings down the domestic terrorists he tracks, but he ruffles feathers with his unorthodox techniques -- and soon finds himself reassigned to the toughest district in Detroit. When he discovers a group of detectives secretly operating a drug ring, Boyd joins forces with an unlikely ally -- gangster Latrell Walker -- to bring down the rotten cops.

1974 balandžio 7

Filmo herojus Haris Kaulas - profesionalus San Francisko seklys, kurio užduotis sekti žmones, įrašinėti jų pokalbius. Jau pats Hario darbas padarė vyrą įtariu, tačiau, kai jam į namus pradeda skambinti anonimas, seklį apima paranoja, kad jis taip pat tapo sekamuoju.

1981 kovo 27

Sukurta pagal tikro vagies parašytą romaną, juosta pasakoja apie Franką (akt. James Caan), patyrusį brangakmenių vagį, kurį vis dažniau aplanko mintys palikti nusikaltėlių pasaulį ir pradėti taip išsvajotą normalų gyvenimą. Žiūrovams anksti ir aiškiai yra pasakoma, jog Frankas nėra tobulas nei savo darbe, nei realiame gyvenime – vienuolika brangių metų už vagystes jis praleido kalėjime, tačiau kaip ir vėlesnių M. Manno filmų herojai, taip ir Frankas savo užsiėmimą myli per daug, kad būtų pasiryžęs mokytis iš savo klaidų. Ir netgi norai palikti savo blogus darbus už nugaros yra grindžiami ne tuo, kad Frankui jo nelegali veikla (pridengiama nuosavu baru ir automobilių salonu) atsibodo. Ne, Frankas turi aiškų gyvenimo planą. Tokį, kurio niekas net negali bandyti pakeisti.

A former bank robber is released after 10 years in prison. He gets help from a social-worker, but gets harassed by an old cop from his past.

1999 gruodžio 7

LAPD detective Mike Dooley and his dog, the German Shepherd Jerry Lee, have been successfully partnered for ten years, but Jerry’s advancing age has Dooley’s superiors suggesting retirement and they are forced to work with a younger K-9 team: female cop Sergeant Welles and her disciplined Doberman Zeus.

2002 liepos 30

Dooley and his K-9 partner Jerry Lee are ready to retire from the police force. But before he can retire with his pension he must work as a P.I. to find a set of high tech computer chips.

After a chance encounter with a wanted man, a woman is harassed by the police and press until she takes violent action.

1966 spalio 19

A cameraman is knocked over during a football game. His brother-in-law, as the king of the ambulance-chasing lawyers, starts a suit while he's still knocked out. The cameraman is against it until he hears that his ex-wife will be coming to see him. He pretends to be injured to get her back, but also sees what the strain is doing to the football player who injured him.

1999 kovo 15

A new case for "The Model Boys": The two Cologne commissioners Docker and Dretzke to take the next 14 days a journalist to their missions.

1983 rugsėjo 8

Tommy loses his job as a make-up artist at Bayerischer Rundfunk after fogging an announcer with hairspray and then insulting her; Mike is dumped by his girlfriend because, on the one hand, he only cares about his music and, on the other hand, he is financially stranded. So they both need money and decide to become detectives. On behalf of a rich industrialist, they are to shadow his wife and take photos of her cheating. So Mike and Tommy travel to Bad Spänzer, where the lady is staying. But she is as faithful as gold, so Mike, disguised as a Prussian, makes advances to her so that Tommy can take the required photos. But Tommy soon has to slip into a costume, too: Since Tommy looks deceptively similar to an Arab sheik, he is hired by the sheik's secret service to double him. What Tommy doesn't know: assassins want to kill the sheikh at all costs.

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