77 σειρές

7 Νοέμβριος 2004

It all started with a missile…

The dramatic series follows the life of Junior High students who take part in “young initiators” project at school, in which they must come up with an interesting, innovative and practical invention. They must also play according to the adults world- plan the invention, recruit the funding for its development’ market and sell it. The winner team will take part in the world wide competition to be held in the Netherlands.

2 Νοέμβριος 2003

An Israeli satire show featuring satirical references to current affairs of the past week through parodies of the people involved, as well as the thoughts of recurring characters. One of the most watched and influential shows on Israeli TV.

24 Μάρτιος 2008

3 middle aged men in a conflict with life about their wives, friends, children and everyday situations.

19 Φεβρουάριος 2017

“Spell Keepers” is an exciting, mysterious and fantastical suspense series. It focuses on two strong and determined girl heroines – Kirki and Laila who have set out to perform their crucial roles in the world. As they strive to save humanity, they must choose between their own personal happiness and fulfill their destinies, while facing an inevitable collision between good and evil.

29 Ιούνιος 2013

Una famiglia haredi che vive in un quartiere ultra-ortodosso di Gerusalemme fa i conti con amore, perdita e difficoltà della vita quotidiana.

22 Ιούνιος 2020

Tamar è un’hacker del Mossad, infiltrata a Teheran sotto falso nome per distruggere il reattore nucleare iraniano. Ma quando la sua missione fallisce, si trova costretta a escogitare un piano che metterà a repentaglio la vita dei suoi cari.

19 Σεπτέμβριος 2016

Charlie Golf One (TAAGAD in Hebrew) is a fast-paced action comedy drama series that follows the extraordinary and unusual events in the lives of medical soldiers serving in a remote military base of an elite infantry unit. The series will have you laughing one moment and put you at the edge of your seat in the next.

19 Ιανουάριος 2014

A reality cooking competition open for both amateur and professional chefs, competing for the title of “Israel's most talented chef” using blind taste tests in almost all stages of the format.

Israeli satire show investigating the historical, social and political heritage of the jewish people and the state of Israel, from biblical days to this day, killing sacred cows and questioning Jewish myths and Israeli ethos.

27 Νοέμβριος 2014

Sirens è un thriller ambientato a Eilat. La storia ruota attorno a Shelley Toledano, 32 anni, una poliziotta dell'unità Illegal Aliens, che si dedica principalmente a documentare e seguire i rifugiati provenienti dall'Africa che si infiltrano nella città attraverso il confine con l'Egitto. Shelley è rude e schietta, abituata alle situazioni difficili che derivano dal lavoro. Ma un giorno, quando viene ritrovato il corpo della persona a lei più vicina, la sua vita viene sconvolta.

18 Μάιος 2017

A fast-paced quiz show in which four contestants who do not know each other join forces in a dramatic and question-filled brain battle against a professional quizzer, known as the “chaser”, who attempts to prevent them from winning a cash prize. The contestants must battle the “chaser” in fast and tense trivia battles to succeed in defeating him together as a group and win the money.

Orit, Natalie and Mor are three sisters, and they are unsuccessful at everything.

2 Αύγουστος 2020

Izzy Bachar, a police internal affairs investigator, discovers just before retirement that his long time friend Barak, a senior police officer, is accused to be corrupt. Life as he knows it breaks into pieces.

Aviv, Benda, Himmler e Dubi sono un gruppo di quattro ex amici che facevano parte dell'esercito israeliano durante la guerra del Libano 2006. Undici anni dopo si riuniscono per andare a cercare Yaeli, ex fidanzata di Aviv e sorella di Dubi, che credevano deceduta in un incidente stradale in Colombia ben nove anni prima. Il sospetto che Yaeli potesse essere ancora viva venne a Benda, trasferitosi in Colombia anche lui, che un giorno vede su un quotidiano la foto di una ragazza molto simile a Yaeli. Messi da parte i rancori reciproci, Aviv, Himmler e Dubi partono per Bogotà per raggiungere Benda e iniziare la ricerca di Yaeli.

25 Νοέμβριος 2013

La serie racconta la storia d'amore tra Noa Hollander e Amos Dahari. Noa è un modella e una delle donne più famose e ricche d'Israele. La ragazza, dopo due anni di relazione con Pete Evans, star di Hollywood, torna al suo Paese natio, dopo che il suo fidanzato l'ha tradita. Amos Dahari è un ragazzo yemenita che vive ancora con i suoi genitori e lavora nella panetteria di famiglia a Bat Yam.

Israeli TV sitcom about a divorced couple trying to live their lives together.

Un nonno di Cleveland subisce un processo in Israele con l'accusa di essere la famigerata guardia di campi di sterminio nazisti nota come Ivan il Terribile.

A detailed account of the two millennia of intolerance and persecution suffered by the Jews, from antiquity to the present day.

29 Οκτώβριος 2015

Cinque israeliani, apparentemente innocenti, vengono coinvolti in un complotto che potrebbe causare una crisi internazionale: sono infatti sospettati di aver rapito il ministro iraniano della Difesa.

23 Ιούνιος 2016

When showbiz and everyday life intertwine. an inside look at the life of one of Israel's most popular and prolific comedians, Adir Miller. Stand-up comedian, creator and star of the popular comedy, Traffic Light, Adir gives viewers a behind-the-scenes look at the world of show business. Along with his eccentric and megalomaniacal agent, Adir struggles to prove his abilities as a "serious" actor because everyone typecasts him as a "funny guy".

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Σε όλες τις σελίδες

s Εστίαση στη μπάρα αναζήτησης
p Άνοιγμα μενού προφίλ
esc Κλείσιμο ανοιχτού παραθύρου
? Άνοιγμα παραθύρου συντομεύσεων πληκτρολογίου

Στις σελίδες μέσων

b Επιστροφή στην προηγούμενη σελίδα(ή στην αρχική σελίδα όταν είναι εφικτό)
e Μετάβαση στη σελίδα επεξεργασίας

Στις σελίδες κύκλων σειρών

(Δεξιό βέλος) Μετάβαση στον επόμενο κύκλο
(Αριστερό βέλος) Μετάβαση στον προηγούμενο κύκλο

Στις σελίδες επεισοδίων σειρών

(Δεξιό βέλος) Μετάβαση στο επόμενο επεισόδιο
(Αριστερό βέλος) Μετάβαση στο προηγούμενο επεισόδιο

Σε όλες τις σελίδες εικόνων

a Άνοιγμα παραθύρου προσθήκης εικόνας

Σε όλες τις σελίδες επεξεργασίας

t Άνοιγμα επιλογέα μετάφρασης
ctrl+ s Υποβολή φόρμας

Στις σελίδες συζήτησης

n Δημιουργία νέας συζήτησης
w Ρύθμιση κατάστασης παρακολούθησης
p Ρύθμιση ως δημόσια/ιδιωτική
c Ρύθμιση ανοίγματος/κλεισίματος
a Άνοιγμα δραστηριότητας
r Απάντηση στη συζήτηση
l Μετάβαση στην τελευταία απάντηση
ctrl+ enter Υποβολή μηνύματος
(Δεξιό βέλος) Επόμενη σελίδα
(Αριστερό βέλος) Προηγούμενη σελίδα


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