184 部电影

一生循規蹈矩的中佬卡爾韋佛 (史提夫卡路爾飾) 過著美滿的生活 – 他擁有高薪厚職、千呎豪宅、孩子聽話乖巧、與高中的初戀情人老婆結婚多年。但卡爾順風順水的人生,在他知道老婆艾美莉 (茱莉安摩亞飾) 背着他偷食,甚至要求離婚的瞬間崩潰。絕跡蒲場多年的他,置身在一群型男索女之中,顯得非常突兀。卡爾落得每晚在酒吧自怨自艾,直至遇上型英帥的溝女王積及巴馬 (賴恩高斯寧飾) 出手打救,收他為徒,他的人生才再現曙光。為了幫助卡爾放低前妻,重過新生,積及幫他來個大翻身,教曉他如何與風騷索女調情、千杯不醉,又改變他一向牛記笠記的穿衣品味。

2014 年 10 月 03 日


1999 年 08 月 06 日

『真係活見鬼!』這句本來形容事事不順利的話,拿來形容片中的小孩 Cole,實在最貼切不過。因為他真的見鬼!見到鬼,自然惶恐不安、行為失常,成為別人眼中的怪胎,於是去看心理醫生 Malcolm Crown 博士 ( Bruce Willies 飾 )。治療旅程展開,導演亦隨之引領觀眾思考死亡、恐懼、勇氣、溝通等大課題。這是近年一部著名的鬼片,但其實探索的課題很有意思,不是一般鬼片那麼簡單。

2001 年 02 月 02 日

在1962年的香港,報館編輯周慕雲(梁朝偉 飾)與妻子搬進一楝上海人聚居的大廈,差不多時候搬進來的還有年輕美麗的陳太蘇麗珍(張曼玉 飾)和她那位在日資公司上班的丈夫。周和蘇各自的伴侶不常在家,因此他倆有空便會到房東那兒聚腳,開始熟識起來。後來兩人發覺自己的配偶有婚外情,他們兩人之間亦產生了微妙的感情……

外表冷艷的珍Jane(安祖蓮娜祖莉飾)在哥倫比亞巧遇俊朗機智的尊.史密夫John Smith(畢彼特飾),他們一拍即合,雖然大家都不太了解對方的背景,但依然愛得熾熱,更閃電結婚。 不經不覺過了六年,珍及尊被外界喻為完美夫妻,過著「完美」的幸福生活,包括擁有「完美」的大屋、「完美」的工作、「完美」的婚姻;但是他們之間仍然有一層隔閡,大家我行我素,就連各自從事職業殺手的秘密都互不知曉。 天意弄人,某天當珍及尊各自為受僱的組織執行任務的時候,發覺為敵對集團效力的頭號殺手竟是枕邊人,更諷刺的是兩人這趟的任務是剷除對方!身份敗露,兩夫妻「被逼」互相徹底瞭解。職業殺手的第一守則是接受任務後不能半途而廢,到底珍與尊在「愛得煙韌、殺得肉緊」的兩難局面下如何抉擇呢?

1939 年 12 月 15 日

The spoiled daughter of a Georgia plantation owner conducts a tumultuous romance with a cynical profiteer during the American Civil War and Reconstruction Era.

1997 年 10 月 17 日

Aspiring Florida defense lawyer Kevin Lomax accepts a job at a New York law firm. With the stakes getting higher every case, Kevin quickly learns that his boss has something far more evil planned.

2023 年 08 月 11 日

Set in a near future where AI is all the rage and nature is becoming a distant memory, Rachel and Alvy are a New York couple ready to take their relationship to the next level and start a family.

2005 年 12 月 09 日


2021 年 11 月 24 日

意大利時尚巨頭Gucci家族,最為世人認知的除了其奢華高雅的時裝品牌,還有發生在1995年堪稱時尚界史上最轟動的豪門血案:Gucci第三代傳人Maurizio Gucci(Adam Driver飾)被前妻Patrizia Reggiani(Lady Gaga飾)買兇槍殺!這位曾經豪言「我寧願坐在勞斯萊斯裡哭,也不願坐在單車上笑」的時尚黑寡婦,向來被冠以「拜金女」污名;三十多年間的愛狠、背叛、墮落、情仇,加上天價遺產,她怎樣傾盡所有?弒夫背後終極動機又是甚麼?

2007 年 10 月 19 日


2002 年 11 月 26 日

In a dysfunctional family where the mother is a heroin addict and prostitute, beaten by her son, and the father is an ex-TV reporter, sleeping with his daughter and filming his son being beaten up, ‘Q’, a complete stranger enters the bizarre family, changing their lives for the better, finding a balance in their disturbing natures.

2006 年 12 月 21 日


2000 年 11 月 22 日


Judith has known her husband Brice since they were children, but now their marriage is growing stale. Having just completed her graduate work in psychotherapy, she's eager to begin a career as a marriage counselor. She takes an internship at a matchmaking firm for millionaires and meets Harley, a charismatic billionaire investor who makes no effort to hide his attraction to Judith. Although quite resistant at first, eventually Judith succumbs to his charms, placing her marriage in jeopardy and forever altering the course of her life.

2005 年 10 月 25 日

Having spent the last 10 years fighting injustice and cruelty, Alejandro de la Vega is now facing his greatest challenge: his loving wife Elena has thrown him out of the house! Elena has filed for divorce and found comfort in the arms of Count Armand, a dashing French aristocrat. But Alejandro knows something she doesn't: Armand is the evil mastermind behind a terrorist plot to destroy the United States. And so, with his marriage and the county's future at stake, it's up to Zorro to save two unions before it's too late.

1995 年 06 月 02 日

Photographer Robert Kincaid wanders into the life of housewife Francesca Johnson for four days in the 1960s.

2001 年 07 月 17 日

In the midst of a nasty public breakup of married movie stars, a studio publicist scrambles to put a cap on the escalating situation as the couple's latest film has found it's only print kidnapped by the director.

1942 年 07 月 10 日

The spoiled young heir to the decaying Amberson fortune comes between his widowed mother and the man she has always loved.

2014 年 08 月 22 日

On the brink of separation, Ethan and Sophie escape to a beautiful vacation house for a weekend getaway in an attempt to save their marriage. What begins as a romantic and fun retreat soon becomes surreal, when an unexpected discovery forces the two to examine themselves, their relationship, and their future.



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