
1994 年 12 月 23 日

20世紀初,一退伍將領帶著一家老小在鄉野定居,父親(安東尼霍普金斯 飾演)與三個兒子過著平靜的生活。二子崔斯汀(布萊德彼特 飾演)最得父親寵愛,三子山莫邂逅蘇姍(茱莉亞歐蒙 飾演)迅速訂了婚,原想就此安定下來,但一次世界大戰爆發,長子艾佛瑞有意參戰,山莫也想報效國家,蘇珊懇請崔斯汀保護山莫,對蘇珊動情的崔斯汀答應了,但山莫仍不幸戰死沙場。崔斯汀深深自責退役後不願回家,到海上自我放逐;艾佛瑞回家後向蘇珊表白但不為接受,受挫的艾佛瑞離家到都市發展,當上了國會議員;浪子崔斯汀回返後立刻獲得芳心,但他始終無法安定下來,苦守家中的蘇珊,最後嫁給艾佛瑞,而飄泊多年的崔斯汀娶了印第安女孩小伊莎貝拉,以運販私酒維生,卻觸怒同樣販賣私酒的官員(艾佛瑞手下),雙方爆發衝突,一切的恩怨因此展開...。


2007 年 12 月 25 日

百萬富翁艾德華柯爾(傑克尼柯遜 飾)和黑手技工卡特錢伯斯是這個世上最極端的兩個例子,住在兩個不同的世界,唯一相同的只有住在同一間病房面面相覷的這一刻... 從事了46年黑手工作的卡特錢伯斯(摩根佛里曼飾),曾經擁有很多夢想,在剛進大學時哲學老師叫他們列出的人生清單上,卡特記下了各種想體驗與完成的事情,包括了環遊世界等各式各樣的新奇大小趣事,隨著時光飛逝,卡特歷經婚姻、生兒育女、各種責任義務,他仍在體驗人生與夢想,在每天修車時的空閒時光,在白天,在夜晚的夢境裡追尋著錯失的契機與時光。 另一方面,億萬富翁艾德華柯爾(傑克尼克遜飾),則是從來沒有過人生清單,他的一輩子都忙錄的追著金錢,建立起自己的企業王,直到頭髮光了禿頭,親人遠去還是一個樣。 但是這一刻,這兩個天南地北的人共享一個病房,面對醫院的白牆與看似用不完的時光與將盡的人生,卡特回憶起自己從沒完成的人生清單,與新朋友艾德華決定了一件最任性的逃亡,不顧醫師的指示擅自出院出遊去! 這兩個素味平生的人一同旅行,從印度泰姬瑪哈陵到東非坦尚尼亞大草原塞倫蓋提,從最高級的餐廳到最低層的刺青店,從超炫的古董跑車到刺激的螺旋槳飛機...他們會為自己的人生找到什麼新東西?!

1987 年 05 月 22 日

The Chipmunks and the Chipettes go head to head in a hot air balloon race, and the winner gets $10,000. Unbeknownst to the participants, the "race" is actually a diamond smuggling ring!

The first journey around the world began under the command of Ferdinand Magellan and was concluded by Juan Sebastián Elcano. Five boats left Seville on September 20, 1519. Storms, famine, tribes… Three years later, only one made it back. An incredible adventure around the planet whose roundness was finally proven.

1994 年 02 月 24 日

After years of fame and misfortune in Mexico, the members of the Leningrad Cowboys decide to return to their native village. Their former manager Vladimir, who now calls himself Moses lead them on their way home.

2019 年 11 月 14 日

In his new film, Erwin Wagenhofer is looking for the good and beautiful in this world.

2015 年 08 月 26 日
2021 年 01 月 04 日

Pilot JP Schulze and filmmaker Louis Cole set off to circumnavigate the world in a single-engine, 1974 Cessna T210L airplane named Balloo. They had 90 days to complete the journey, and as they traveled they met people from many different cultures and asked them - is what divides us greater than what brings us together?

A real-time reconstruction of time-lapse photographs taken on board the International Space Station by NASA’s Earth Science & Remote Sensing Unit. The film is scored with musical selections from three albums by Phaeleh (producer Matt Preston): Lost Time, Illusion of the Tale, and Somnus. The music directly influenced the choice of material used in the film. The film's duration is approximately the length of time it takes ISS to orbit the Earth once: 92 minutes and 39 seconds. Meditate on the beauty of our planet.

Sonic travels around the entire globe at high speed while touring all the best landmarks and explains through doodle drawings.

2022 年 12 月 11 日

A young student filmmaker in an attempt to shoot a documentary gets lost in New Orleans. Out of fear of making a mistake, he ends up making hundreds of mistakes.

1949 年 10 月 02 日

A documentary covering Charles de Jaeger and Wynford Vaughan-Thomas's eight-day journey around the world. Travelling solely by British airlines, Jaeger and Thomas visit Rome, Karachi, Singapore, Fiji and Vancouver, amongst other places.

1991 年 01 月 01 日

As Pin-Pin the penguin travels around the world, he explains life and nature in different regions.



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