159 филмова

13. јул 1990.

Сем умире у намештеној пљачки, но његова љубав према својој жени омогућава му останак на Земљи у облику духа. Сем жели да се опрости од Моли но успут открива како пљачка и само његово убиство нису били резултат тек сплета несрећних околности. Сем покушава да се снађе и упозна са својим новим могућностима и ограничењима како би могао да помогне и заштити своју љубав Моли, у томе му помаже дух из подземне. Снагом љубави и уз помоћ чудних пријатеља Сем успева да заштити Моли и изнедри истину на видело. На крају следи уистину колико тужан толико и срећан тренутак у којем Моли успева видети Сема и у којем се они растају једно од другог.

Након што је умро изненада, Ја-хонг је одведен у загробни живот од стране три чувара. Једино када прође седам суђења која трају 49 дана, и докаже да је био невин у људском животу, биће способан да се реинкарнира. Његова три чувара на његовој су страни током суђења...

Филм прати путовање 3 оноземаљских чувара и Су-хонг-а, док путују кроз њихово 49. суђење, како би стекли своје реинкарнације, и како се чуварима полако враћају заборављена сећања кроз Божји дом у живом свету.

When the four boys see an R-rated movie featuring Canadians Terrance and Philip, they are pronounced "corrupted", and their parents pressure the United States to wage war against Canada.

25. јануар 2024.

A woman who was a traumatized victim of family violence and economic hardship was forced to join three friends in robbing an antique house.

Сродне душе Крис (Робин Вилијиамс) и Ени (Анабела Шора) не могу бити срећнији него што јесу. Живе у идиличном браку и имају двоје предивне деце. Нажалост, након неког времена задеси их тешка трагедија. Обоје њихово деце изгубе животе у саобраћајној несрећи. Погођени тиме, некако се опораве, но недуго затим Крис гине у другој саобраћајној несрећи. Крис се буди у Рају те схвата да је Рај нешто што никада није могао ни да замисли. Као свог личног водича, Крис добија Алберта (Куба Гудинг Мл.), првог доктора са којим је радио. Алберт му помогне да поново види своју децу те тако усрећи Криса. Но, у свакодневном животу, његова супруга Ени је очајна. Изгубивши двоје деце и супруга, Ени посегне за очајничким потезом те себи одузме живот. Нажалост, тим чином она не одлази у Рај. Сада Крис, који не може да пронађе срећу без своје супруге, одлази са Албертом у Пакао, како би спасио своју жену од проклетства, док она није свесна шта јој прети.

23. децембар 1988.

Julia Cotton, her step daughter Kirsty, and the sinister Dr. Channard are sent into the dominion of the Cenobites themselves.

A young woman inherits an old hotel in Louisiana where, following a series of supernatural "accidents", she learns that the building was built over one of the entrances to Hell.

18. јул 1996.

Once an architect, Frank Bannister now passes himself off as an exorcist of evil spirits. To bolster his facade, he claims his "special" gift is the result of a car accident that killed his wife. But what he does not count on is more people dying in the small town where he lives. As he tries to piece together the supernatural mystery of these killings, he falls in love with the wife of one of the victims and deals with a crazy FBI agent.

28. септембар 2022.

A young woman struggling with addiction comes into possession of an ancient puzzle box, unaware that its purpose is to summon the Cenobites, a group of sadistic supernatural beings from another dimension.

18. јун 2010.

Gunslinger Jonah Hex is appointed by President Ulysses Grant to track down terrorist Quentin Turnbull, a former Confederate officer determined on unleashing hell on earth. Jonah not only secures freedom by accepting this task, he also gets revenge on the man who slayed his wife and child.

18. април 1986.

Set in a timeless mythical forest inhabited by fairies, goblins, unicorns and mortals, this fantastic story follows a mystical forest dweller, chosen by fate, to undertake a heroic quest. He must save the beautiful Princess Lili and defeat the demonic Lord of Darkness, or the world will be plunged into a never-ending ice age.

10. новембар 2000.

After the lord of darkness decides he will not cede his throne to any of his three sons, the two most powerful of them escape to Earth to create a kingdom for themselves. This action closes the portal filtering sinful souls to Hell and causes Satan to wither away. He must send his most weak but beloved son, Little Nicky, to Earth to return his brothers to Hell.

15. април 2022.

When Keira Woods' daughter mysteriously vanishes in the cellar of their new house in the country, she soon discovers there is an ancient and powerful entity controlling their home that she will have to face or risk losing her family's souls forever.

22. октобар 2002.

The unspeakable evil of the soul-devouring djinn rises again in this fourth electrifying installment of the unstoppable Wishmaster horror legacy! But now, as a host of new victims see their most nightmarish wishes come true, the world faces the ultimate demonic terror: an onslaught of multiple djinns hell-bent on destroying everything in their path!

25. октобар 2013.

An outlaw named Guerrero Hernandez is shot in the back and killed whilst attempting to free his half-brother from a small-town prison. Making a deal with the devil, Hernandez returns from the dead to take his revenge.

06. октобар 2015.

Rookie police officer Jessica Loren has been assigned the last shift at a closing police station and must wait for a hazmat crew to collect biomedical evidence. Ordered not to leave the station under any circumstances, Jessica comes to learn that it's more than just an outdated station, it's home to the ultimate embodiment of evil and his devoted bloodthirsty followers. Jessica is left to fend for herself in the Devil's playground.

16. јул 2010.

Scandinavia, 1,000 AD. For years, One Eye, a mute warrior of supernatural strength, has been held prisoner by the Norse chieftain Barde. Aided by Are, a boy slave, One Eye slays his captor and together he and Are escape, beginning a journey into the heart of darkness. On their flight, One Eye and Are board a Viking vessel, but the ship is soon engulfed by an endless fog that clears only as the crew sights an unknown land. As the new world reveals its secrets and the Vikings confront their terrible and bloody fate, One Eye discovers his true self.

21. јул 2006.

Apartment building superintendent Cleveland Heep rescues what he thinks is a young woman from the pool he maintains. When he discovers that she is actually a character from a bedtime story who is trying to make the journey back to her home, he works with his tenants to protect his new friend from the creatures that are determined to keep her in our world.

08. март 1996.

Three generations of the same family deal with the consequences of unleashing the forces of hell.

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