50 филмова

Лордови безакоња. Током четири бруталне деценије, они су се са дна сиротињске, прљаве и злогласне четврти Њујорка уздигли до висина утицаја из сенке и на саму Белу Кућу. Починили би сваки злочин само да стигну тамо где су желели, освоје оно што су желели, и оне које су желели. Починили би сваки злочин, осим једнога. А онда и је тај последњи табу срушен – пријатељи су постали непријатељи, у борби на живот и смрт њихово царство подземља постало је крваво ратиште у коме ништа није било свето... Било једном у Америци...

25. децембар 1973.

Џони Хукер, мали преварант, несвесно краде од Дојла Лонегана, великог криминалног шефа, када изведе класичну уличну превару. Лонеган тражи задовољење због увреде. Након што је његов партнер, Лутер, убијен, Хукер бежи и тражи помоћ Хенрија Гондорфа, једног од Лутерових контаката, који је мајстор дугорочних превара. Хукер жели искористити Гондорфову стручност да превари Лонегана за огромну суму новца како би му се осветио, јер признаје да "не зна довољно за убијање да би га убио". Они осмишљавају компликовану шему и скупљају талентовану групу других превараната који желе свој део од обештећења. Улози су високи у овој утакмици, а наши хероји морају не само да се носе са Лонегановим убилачким тенденцијама, већ и другим играчима који желе део акције. За победу, Хукеру и Гондорфу ће требати све њихове способности ... и прилично поверење

Бен Собел је психијатар који би се требао оженити, а води углавном досадан живот. Пол Вити мафијашки шеф, који, због природе свог посла мора остати миран, почиње да пати од напада панике и схвата да треба психолошку помоћ, посебно јер се убрзо одржава састанак мафијаша.

14. септембар 1990.

Hell's Kitchen, New York. Terry Noonan returns home after a ten-year absence. He soon reconnects with Jackie, a childhood friend and member of the Irish mob, and rekindles his love affair with Jackie's sister Kathleen.

16. мај 1999.

Tsui escapes from a super soldier project and plans to lead a peaceful life. However, when his former comrades go on a violent crime spree, he takes it upon himself to end their reign of terror.


07. фебруар 1986.

A movies special effects man is hired by a government agency to help stage the assassination of a well known gangster. When the agency double cross him, he uses his special effects to trap the gangster and the corrupt agents.

The year is 2087, the setting is the moon. Pluto Nash, the high-flying successful owner of the hottest nightclub in the universe, finds himself in trouble when he refuses to sell his club to lunar gangster Mogan, who just happens to be helping the mysterious Rex Crater mastermind a plan to take over the entire moon.

14. април 2023.

A suburban American woman inherits her grandfather’s Mafia empire and, guided by the Firm’s trusted consigliere, defies everyone’s expectations, including her own, as the new head of the family business.

04. фебруар 1994.

A corrupt cop gets in over his head when he tries to assassinate a beautiful Russian hit-woman.

Бивши ФБИ агент постаје шериф малог градића. Пристаје да помогне шефу ФБИ локалног одсека да се убаци у чикашку мафију. Син шефа ФБИ је недуго пре тога убијен у Чикагу у мафијашком сукобу.

16. август 1999.

An English auctioneer proposes to the daughter of a mafia kingpin, only to realize that certain "favors" would be asked of him.

08. април 2010.

Phil and Claire Foster fear that their mild-mannered relationship may be falling into a stale rut. During their weekly date night, their dinner reservation leads to their being mistaken for a couple of thieves—and now a number of unsavoury characters want Phil and Claire killed.

14. октобар 1994.

After young playwright, David Shayne obtains funding for his play from gangster Nick Valenti, Nick's girlfriend Olive miraculously lands the role of a psychiatrist—but not only is she a bimbo who could never pass for a psychiatrist—she's a dreadful actress. David puts up with the leading man who is a compulsive eater, the grand dame who wants her part jazzed up, and Olive's interfering hitman/bodyguard—but, eventually he must decide whether art or life is more important.

16. мај 2008.

An inside look at Italy's modern-day crime families, the Camorra in Naples and Caserta. Based on a book by Roberto Saviano. Power, money and blood: these are the "values" that the residents of the Province of Naples and Caserta have to face every day. They hardly ever have a choice and are forced to obey the rules of the Camorra. Only a lucky few can even think of leading a normal life.

25. јун 2021.

When the aging Meyer Lansky is investigated one last time by the Feds who suspect he has stashed away millions of dollars over half a century, the retired gangster spins a dizzying tale, revealing the untold truth about his life as the notorious boss of Murder Inc. and the National Crime Syndicate.

27. октобар 2016.

It's 1943 and World War II is raging in Europe. In New York, Arturo and Flora the daughter of a restaurant owner are in love, but she is promised in marriage to the son of a Mafia boss. There is a way around this, but to be able to marry Flora, Arturo needs to get permission from her father, who lives in a village in Sicily. Arturo doesn't have any money, so the only way he can get to Sicily is to enlist in the U.S. Army, which is preparing for a landing on the island.

24. март 1982.

Island farmer Banana Joe helps the local community by trading his bananas for goods. When gangsters arrive with plans to construct a banana processing plant, Joe kicks them out, but the mob boss discovers that Joe is operating without a license. After the mob tips off the authorities and Joe's boat is impounded, he ventures into a big city for the first time to seek help.

20. мај 2016.

A young boxer is taken under the wing of a mob boss after his mother dies and his father is run out of town for being an abusive alcoholic.

26. јул 1991.

The story of a group of friends in turn of the century New York, from their early days as street hoods to their rise in the world of organized crime...

30. август 2002.

A woman who has recently discovered that she is the daughter of Angelo, a major mafia boss, decides to wreak vengeance when he is killed by a hitman. She's aided by his faithful bodyguard, with whom she soon falls in love.

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