49 films

5 november 2021

Fahrijes Ehemann wird seit dem Kosovo-Krieg vermisst. Um ihre Kinder zu versorgen, gründet sie ihr eigenes kleines Unternehmen, doch während sie gegen eine patriarchalische Gesellschaft kämpft, die sie nicht unterstützt, steht sie vor einer wichtigen Entscheidung: auf seine Rückkehr zu warten oder weiter durchzuhalten.

Neuer Einsatzbefehl für eine Spezialtruppe der spanischen Armee: Im Grenzgebiet zwischen Serbien und dem Kosovo, inmitten der militärischen Konfliktzone, ist die Stromversorgung komplett ausgefallen. Als Zeichen einer humanitären Friedensmission soll Lt. Alonso diese zusammen mit seiner Einheit wieder neu aufbauen.

23 januari 2022

In NATO-occupied Kosovo, a little girl writes an essay for the United Nations about her father who has gone missing. Meanwhile, the girl's grandfather becomes increasingly paranoid of the unseen threats that lurk in the dark.

A love story between a Serbian girl and young Albanian set against the background of current Balkanic conflict.

4 januari 2020

Hexen und Wunderheiler sollen die Unfruchtbarkeit der jungen Lume kurieren. Doch die wird von traumatischen Kriegserlebnissen eingeholt. Lume wird nach dem Besuch bei einer Hexe und einem kostspieligen TV-Wunderheiler endlich schwanger. Während die ehrgeizige Schwiegermutter Remzije vollkommen auf den langersehnten Nachwuchs fokussiert ist, entfernt sich Lume immer weiter vom realen Leben und von ihrem einst so geliebten Mann Ilir. Alpträume und Ohnmachten setzen ihr genauso zu wie die Ignoranz der Familie, die von Lumes Traumatisierung nichts wissen will. Lume fügt sich den hohen Erwartungen an ihre Mutterschaft nur widerwillig. Als sie bei einer Gedenkfeier zu Ehren der Kriegsopfer von einem Hochzeitsvideo erfährt, das sie und ihren Mann als glückliches Paar zeigt, schöpft die junge Frau Hoffnung. Doch ihre Schwiegermutter verhindert, dass Lume das Video zu sehen bekommt. Eines Tages sucht Lume danach und findet im Kleiderschrank der Schwiegermutter ‎versteckt eine Videokassette.

12 maart 1962

In this sequel to "Captain Leshi", a group of Albanian nationalist movement (ballists) continues obstruction of the new Yugoslavian authorities even after the war. Captain Leshi manages to fight them successfully, as well as to fulfill his romance with beautiful Azira.

28 september 2012

Based on a true story, Agnus Dei is a kind of Oedipus of our days. Peter must find his way to redemption. But the past will make itself known and fate sparingly gives mercy. Can he save himself, or even be saved at all?

Living in a crowded, multi-generational household in a small village in Kosovo, the quiet teenager Venera can rarely find privacy. However, when she befriends the rebellious Dorina, a new, liberating world opens up to her. Slowly, Venera begins to push against her conservative family’s expectations.

The film "Kosova: Desperate Search" recounts the repercussions and effects of the Kosovar war on the Albanian population. Ethnic cleansings and other atrocities mentally and physically destroyed the people. The entwined destinies of individual persons and families from various geographic regions and social classes are the basis of a closely interconnected storyline. Families are not only looking for their missing children, but also for new hope and perspectives.

In 1389, the Serbian prince Lazar Hrebeljanović refused to submit to the Turkish Sultan Murat, who was invading Serbia with a large army, in order to continue conquering Europe through it.

13 november 2013

'History is always made in the middle of the night. And when it happens, you are so damned tired, that you couldn't care less,' says Robert Cooper, an EU peace negotiator whose job it is to get Serbia and Kosovo to reach an agreement about peaceful coexistence. National pride and compromise are on everyone's lips, and much is at stake: Kosovo wants to come closer to independence, the Serbs have been promised EU membership if they can reach an agreement, and the EU tries to strengthen its credibility. But how far is each party willing to go? It is the unique characters that make this fascinating film about a delicate political game so vivid and loveable. The stoic, Serbian negotiator has a great passion for rock music, his colleague from Kosovo does not want to miss out on his daily visit to the hairdresser, and Cooper himself has a closet full of ties - one for every conceivable occasion.

1 januari 2006

Anatema beruht auf einer wahren Begebenheit und handelt von dem verzweifelten Kampf der Journalistin Emma Berisha um ihre Tochter. Emma arbeitet als Journalistin im Kosovo, zusammen mit zwei amerikanischen Kollegen. Als die serbischen Truppen einmarschieren, flieht sie nicht mit den Amerikanern, sondern bleibt bei ihrem Verlobten Edi. Die Bevölkerung wird gnadenlos verfolgt. Emma und Edi versuchen zu fliehen, doch Emma wird von serbischen Soldaten vergewaltigt und mit anderen Frauen verschleppt, Edi in ein serbisches Gefängnis gebracht. Nach dem Krieg kehrt Emma in ihre zerstörte Heimat zurück und bringt Ana zur Welt. Allein, auf sich gestellt mit einem Kind, das viele verabscheuen, und ohne Geld gibt sie ihre Tochter vorübergehend in ein Waisenhaus. Das wird jedoch bald geschlossen und Emma muss ihr Leben riskieren, um ihre Tochter wieder zu finden.

Stolen Kosovo is a Czech language documentary by director Václav Dvořák (b. 1948), about the Serbian–Albanian conflict in Kosovo. The documentary describes the situation, first in a short overview of the history of the area, followed by the 1990s conflicts and bombing of Serbia by NATO forces in 1999 and ending with the situation after the Kosovo War. The documentary focuses on the 1990s in the time of Slobodan Milošević's rule as well as on numerous interviews of Serbian civilians and, less, of Albanian insurgents against the Milošević regime.

14 september 2017

A lonely boy, who lives in Amsterdam with his refugee mother from Kosovo, keeps getting into trouble while yearning for her acceptance. But the traumas caused by the war, which his mother hides away from him, turn his world upside down.

A Serbian family leaves the troubled Kosovo region after Albanians rape the daughter in front of her mother. When they leave their home after the assault, their family tombs are desecrated, and the move to northern Serbia is marked by rejection by the local people of their new community.

Uka is an old Albanian who lives in the mountains on the border of Kosovo and Albania. As an honorable man, he must deal with his son who befriended Italian fascists during WW2.

Kosmet in the fall of 1944. The Partisans have successfully liberated the town of Prizren from occupying Germans,and Ramiz Leshi, a brave and cunning KNOJ captain, has to liquidate the remainder of the local Quislings, called Balists. They are led by a ruthless, German-trained soldier Kosta and by Ahmet, the brother of the famous Captain. As Ramiz is trying to get Ahmet out of the gang and hunt down the rest of the Balists, 2 new girls arrive in town. One of them is Lola, a bar singer with a questionable agenda, and the other is Vida, a withdrawn music teacher from Belgrade.

For 18-year-old Finnish–Kosovan Fatu, a simple visit to the grocery store feels as nerve-racking as a lunar expedition: for the first time in his life, he’s wearing makeup in public. Luckily his best friend Rai, a young woman on the spectrum of autism, is there to ferociously support him through the voyage.

5 augustus 2016

To escape from a lack of perspective in Kosovo, Hana decides to resort to the services of Emir, an illegal smuggler in Serbia that will drive her to Hungary. On the way, complications arise as Emir's unscrupulous associates try to take advantage of Hana's vulnerability. In the midst of the frozen winter, Hana's courage and determination and Emir's principles and beliefs will be put to the test.

16 juli 1974

At the beginning of the war the Germans come to the mine Trepca in Kosovo and occupy it. Communist Party and the workers do not agree with that and under constant repression, beginning small diversions, which will be transferred in the conquest and liberation of the entire mine.

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