1938 lapkričio 1

On a train headed for England a group of travelers is delayed by an avalanche. Holed up in a hotel in a fictional European country, young Iris befriends elderly Miss Froy. When the train resumes, Iris suffers a bout of unconsciousness and wakes to find the old woman has disappeared. The other passengers ominously deny Miss Froy ever existed, so Iris begins to investigate with another traveler and, as the pair sleuth, romantic sparks fly.

1994 liepos 20

Vienuolikmetis Markas tapo mafijos advokato savižudybės liudininku. Advokatas prieš mirtį spėjo berniukui papasakoti apie nužudytą senatorių ir kur mafija paslėpė jo kūną. Nuo šiol Markui gresia mirtinas pavojus: mafijos smogikai siekia bet kokia kaina atsikratyti mažojo liudininko. Tačiau Markas jau duoda parodymus FTB. Jo gyvybė kabo ant plauko.

1980 kovo 1

On the eve of World War II, zany heiress Amanda Kelly travels by train to Switzerland. While passing through Germany, she meets a sweet elderly lady, who suddenly vanishes. Distraught, she questions her fellow passengers who claim that the woman was never there. Unsure if it's all in her mind or if there's a more sinister plot afoot, Amanda teams up with photographer Robert Condon to discover the truth.

2005 rugsėjo 9

A mentally ill man searches New York for his missing eight year old daughter. He recreates her steps each day hoping for some clue to her disappearance, until he meets and befriends a woman with a daughter the same age. Could she help him with the missing piece of the puzzle?

1975 rugsėjo 26

Loosely based on the true story of the killing of Kitty Genovese: A young woman's murder is witnessed by fifteen of her neighbors who do nothing to help and refuse to cooperate with the police.

1930 gegužės 9

German silent film

Director Rufus Lindner is shooting his first film: " Die Vatikankiller". With audience favorite Kai Rabe in the leading role, success is guaranteed. But suddenly chaos descends on the film team: A starlet is murdered, the bitchy leading man goes increasingly crazy, a drunken policeman causes a lot of trouble, and the sex-obsessed producer Egon Lütter doesn't make things any easier.

Negalite rasti filmo ar TV laidos? Prisijunkite, kad sukurtumėte.


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