7 Filme

Filippo II, re di Spagna e fervente cattolico, è fermamente deciso a detronizzare l'"eretica" Elisabetta I e a incoronare regina d'Inghilterra la cugina Maria Stuarda. Sostenuto dalla Chiesa di Roma e armato di un poderoso esercito il sovrano spagnolo ordisce un complotto ai danni di Elisabetta, che da trent'anni governa gli inglesi con forza e saggezza. Mentre il fondamentalismo cattolico di Filippo e dell'Inquisizione minaccia l'Europa protestante, la presenza a corte di Raleigh, un cittadino senza titolo nobiliare con la vocazione per l'esplorazione e per la navigazione su mari perigliosi, indebolisce le salde certezze della regina. Dimenticando il suo ruolo, Elisabetta si scopre vulnerabile e innamorata. Ma la politica estera la reclama. L' "invincibile" Armada di Filippo, centotrenta galere e trentamila uomini, è salpata per l'Inghilterra.

Two short stories set in Edo during the Shogun era. 1 - During a time when Christians are persecuted vehemently, Iori falls in love with young Christian girl. When she and her family are captured during a raid, his sadistic master takes her as his personal slave to torment Iori, and tries breaking her spirit by means of rape, torture and pure sadism. After Iori refuses to participate any longer he is exiled, but vows to get her back no matter what it takes. 2 - When Sutezo is forced to serve the barbarous master of a brothel in order to repay his debts, he becomes friends with a young girl named Sato in process. Together, they both escape and try to get by on scams and petty theft.

A fanatical sect is suspected to be behind some horrific violent crimes in Ystad. Henning Mankell's sharp-eyed commissioner receives assistance from her daughter Linda, a newly-graduated police officer, and criminal inspector Stefan Lindman. The first of 32 films with Krister Henriksson as the popular commissioner Kurt Wallander.

An overview of the rise and fall of the Knights Templar. A medieval military/religious order with allegiance to no country but only the Pope.

Saracen pirates aboard the "Black Eagle" attack Christians strongholds along the coast of Spain. When they stop off in Sheba to re-supply, they also buy female slaves and end up fighting over them.

20. November 2017

Iran, January 16th, 1979. Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi flees after being overthrown. Ayatollah Khomeini returns to Tehran and proclaims the Islamic Republic on April 1st, 1979. In the same year, Saddam Hussein seizes power in Iraq and, after several border skirmishes, attacks Iran on September 22nd, 1980, initiating a cruel war that will last eight years. Since its outbreak, correspondent Saeid Sadeghi documented it from its beginning to its bitter end.

A terrorist attempts to plant a plush toy Ganesh containing a bomb in a temple, but it is stolen by a stubborn child and a race against time begins as the toy passes from hand to hand, ready to explode.

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