202 movies

Imprisoned in the 1940s for the double murder of his wife and her lover, upstanding banker Andy Dufresne begins a new life at the Shawshank prison, where he puts his accounting skills to work for an amoral warden. During his long stretch in prison, Dufresne comes to be admired by the other inmates -- including an older prisoner named Red -- for his integrity and unquenchable sense of hope.

oktobris 22, 1982

Rembo ir izbijušais ASV īpašo spēku kareivis, Vjetnamas kara veterāns, kurš iekuļas nepatikšanās, kādā mazpilsētā apciemojot draugu. Vietējais šerifs mēģina izraidīt Rembo no pilsētas un par nepakļaušanos apcietina viņu. Nespējot paciest šerifa necienīgo attieksmi un ņirgāšanos, Rembo liek lietā savas prasmes, izbēg no apcietinājumā, dodas mežā un viens pats piesaka karu saviem pāridarītājiem.

jūlijs 28, 2017

A police raid in Detroit in 1967 results in one of the largest citizens' uprisings in the history of the United States.

novembris 18, 1994

Léon, the top hit man in New York, has earned a rep as an effective "cleaner". But when his next-door neighbors are wiped out by a loose-cannon DEA agent, he becomes the unwilling custodian of 12-year-old Mathilda. Before long, Mathilda's thoughts turn to revenge, and she considers following in Léon's footsteps.

"Zagļu medības" ir skarba kriminālsāga par Losandželosas apgabala šerifa departamenta elites vienības vīriem un trim slīpētākajiem banku laupītājiem valstī, kuru ceļi krustojas brīdī, kad zagļu trijotne nolemj īstenot šķietami neiespējamu noziegumu – aplaupīt Federālo rezervju banku Losandželosas centrā.

1987. gadā pieci puiši, izmantojot skarbus un atklātus tekstus, kā arī spēcīgu ritmu, pauda savu neapmierinātību un dusmas par dzīvi Amerikas bīstamākajā vietā. Par viņu jaudīgāko ieroci kļuva mūzika. Filma "Ielu balsis" ir patiess stāsts par to, kā šie nemiera cēlāji ar dziesmu vārdu, dižošanās, bravūras un talanta palīdzību pretojās likumsargiem, kuri centās apspiest viņus. Tā radās pasaules bīstamākā grupa N.W.A., kas stāstīja līdz šim neatklāto patiesību par dzīvi rajonā. Viņu balsis aizsāka sociālo revolūciju, kuras atbalss ir dzirdama joprojām.

septembris 19, 2008

Riodežaneiro policijas kapteinis saņem pavēli "iztīrīt" rajonu pie Romas pāvesta rezidences no narkodīleriem. Kapteinim tas būs pēdējais uzdevums specvienībā, tādēļ viņš meklē uzticamu cilvēku, kas viņu varētu aizstāt.

februāris 23, 1996

After a chaotic night of rioting in a marginal suburb of Paris, three young friends, Vinz, Hubert and Saïd, wander around unoccupied waiting for news about the state of health of a mutual friend who has been seriously injured when confronting the police.

oktobris 5, 2001

On his first day on the job as a narcotics officer, a rookie cop works with a rogue detective who isn't what he appears.

novembris 18, 1992

A tribute to the controversial black activist and leader of the struggle for black liberation. He hit bottom during his imprisonment in the '50s, he became a Black Muslim and then a leader in the Nation of Islam. His assassination in 1965 left a legacy of self-determination and racial pride.

jūlijs 26, 2013

Oakland, California. Young Afro-American Oscar Grant crosses paths with family members, friends, enemies and strangers before facing his fate on the platform at Fruitvale Station, in the early morning hours of New Year's Day 2009.

jūnijs 17, 1988

A tough Russian policeman is forced to partner up with a cocky Chicago police detective when he is sent to Chicago to apprehend a Georgian drug lord who killed his partner and fled the country.

janvāris 25, 2002

Hubert is a French policeman with very sharp methods. After being forced to take 2 months off by his boss, who doesn't share his view on working methods, he goes back to Japan, where he used to work 19 years ago, to settle the probate of his girlfriend who left him shortly after marriage without a trace.

jūlijs 18, 2006

In the troubled city of Edison, a young journalist, his jaded editor, and an honest investigator from the district attorney's office join forces to gather evidence against corrupt members of an elite police unit.

jūnijs 28, 1978

Trucker Rubber Duck and his buddies Pig Pen, Widow Woman and Spider Mike use their CB radios to warn one another of the presence of cops. But conniving Sheriff Wallace is hip to the truckers' tactics, and begins tricking the drivers through his own CB broadcasts. Facing constant harassment from the law, Rubber Duck and his pals use their radios to coordinate a vast convoy and rule the road.

jūnijs 30, 1989

Salvatore "Sal" Fragione is the Italian owner of a pizzeria in Brooklyn. A neighborhood local, Buggin' Out, becomes upset when he sees that the pizzeria's Wall of Fame exhibits only Italian actors. Buggin' Out believes a pizzeria in a black neighborhood should showcase black actors, but Sal disagrees. The wall becomes a symbol of racism and hate to Buggin' Out and to other people in the neighborhood, and tensions rise.

Mildredas Heizas meita Andžela tika izvarota un noslepkavota pirms vairāk kā pusgada, taču slepkavības izmeklēšana nevirzās uz priekšu. Mildreda sper izmisīgu un pārdrošu soli – uz ceļa, kura malā Andžela tika atrasta, viņa uz reklāmas stendiem izvieto trīs paziņojumus, kas adresēti Ebingas pilsētiņas šerifam Viljamam Vilobijam. Policija uzskata šo par kara pieteikumu un dara visu, lai paziņojumi tiktu aizvākti. Taču Mildreda nedomā padoties, un spriedze tikai pieaug.

oktobris 13, 1995

Former policeman Lenny Nero has moved into a more lucrative trade: the illegal sale of virtual reality-like recordings that allow users to experience the emotions and past experiences of others. While they typically contain tawdry incidents, Nero is shocked when he receives one showing a murder.

oktobris 9, 1971

Tough narcotics detective 'Popeye' Doyle is in hot pursuit of a suave French drug dealer who may be the key to a huge heroin-smuggling operation.

Terrence McDonagh is a New Orleans Police sergeant, who recieves a medal and a promotion to lieutenant for heroism during Hurricane Katrina. Due to his heroic act, McDonagh injures his back and becomes addicted to prescription pain medication. He then finds himself involved with a drug dealer who is suspected of murdering a family of African immigrants.

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