33 elokuvaa

貝拉(克莉絲汀史都華飾)是個特立獨行,擁有自己主見與想法的女孩,但是對於她的時髦高中同學們而言,她是怪胎一個。母親改嫁之後,貝拉被送去華盛頓州佛斯小鎮和父親同住,並且因此認識了一個神秘又俊美的男孩艾德華卡倫(羅伯派亭森飾)。 艾德華擁有超乎常人的能力與不朽的青春,跑起來比美洲獅還要快,可以赤手空拳攔下一輛行駛中的汽車,而且他從1918年起就沒變老。他和所有的吸血鬼一樣,都是永生不死的,可是他沒有尖牙,也不吸人血,因為艾德華和他的家人有別於其他的吸血鬼,選擇了不吸血的生活方式。 貝拉和艾德華展開一場激烈又違反傳統的愛情,彼此認定對方是終生伴侶。不過,他們越是親近,艾德華對吸血的渴望就越是強烈。 危險很快向這對情侶襲來,卡倫家族的死對頭─羅倫(艾迪蓋瑟吉飾演)和詹姆斯(凱姆吉甘特飾演)來到這個小鎮尋找貝拉,他們該怎麼辦才好呢? 電影改編自史蒂芬妮梅爾暢銷小說,連續32週登上《紐約時報》暢銷書排行榜,是該系列小說的第一部,以現代版的羅密歐與茱麗葉,敘述吸血鬼和人類之間禁忌的愛。

卡爾威佛(史提夫卡爾飾)是個性格嚴謹的中年男子,他娶了高中情人,有理想的工作和漂亮房子,過著令人稱羨的生活。但他萬萬沒想到他老婆愛蜜莉(茱莉安摩爾飾)竟出軌並想離婚。他只好搬家獨居,恢復單身的他,上夜店買醉、把妹,不停叨念老婆紅杏出牆,令美眉退避三舍。 一日,卡爾下班後到酒吧借酒澆愁時,認識了帥氣樂手雅各帕瑪(雷恩葛斯林飾),為幫助卡爾走出陰霾展開新生活,雅各帶領著他到處把妹、買醉體驗刺激的生活,脫胎換骨變型男,連泡9妞。 後來雅各煞到卡爾長女漢娜,卡爾太清楚他的風流豔史,強烈反對兩人戀情;卡爾長子愛上保母潔西卡,潔西卡卻暗戀卡爾;卡爾和熟女狂野一夜情,對方竟是兒子的老師。卡爾遊戲人間一大圈,發現最愛還是老婆愛蜜莉...

24 maaliskuu 2023

翻拍自大陸作家安妮寶貝的網路短篇小說《七月與安生》,劇情以1990年代的濟州島為故事背景,講述一見如故的安微笑(金多美 飾)和高夏誾(全昭霓 飾),她們倆在13歲相遇,中間歷經了14年的相遇分離、友情愛情、憧憬嫉妒,進而成長的故事。

劇情敘述年輕人杰西到歐洲旅遊,在火車上和一名法國女子偶遇,杰西對法國女孩席琳一見鍾情,兩人交談甚為投機,無奈火車即將到站,眼見兩人就要分手,但總覺意猶未盡,杰西於是說動女孩下車和他共遊維也納,黎明破曉時兩人便各分東西。 兩人下車後在古老的維也納四處閒逛,在途中聊了許多對人生、對愛情、對夢想的看法,兩人心靈契合,但不願交換電話住址導致最後不了了之的俗套,因此決議好好過完最後一夜。黎明破曉,兩人分手,互相愛慕的兩人拋開先前不羈絆對方的約束,允諾在半年後於同一地點相聚,不管兩人未來是否還能見面,但這僅有的一夜叫人永誌難忘。

Per her mother's last wish, an 8 year old girl sets out to reunite her father with his college best friend who was in love with him.

九年前,傑西(伊森霍克)與席琳(茱莉蝶兒)在火車上相遇,在維也納共度一晚,在日出前定下半年之約後各自離去,但是卻從此失去與對方的聯繫。九年後,傑西帶著以這段邂逅寫成的書來到巴黎,就在他開新書記者會的同時,席琳出現了。日落之後就要撘趕著搭飛機的傑西,利用留在巴黎最後的幾個小時,拉著席琳在咖啡館中、巴黎街頭與塞納河上,彷彿停不下來似的說著話,想用最短的時間知道對方這九年來的境遇。 兩人這時好比站在凌虛御空的鋼索上,似乎必須趁這個機會作出某種重大的人生決定,卻又好像只是兩個再次相逢彼此投緣的心靈舊識,永遠有聊不完的話題。日落時分即將來臨,離傑西飛機起飛的時間越來越接近了…,兩人是否會做出改變彼此今生的決定?!

29 lokakuu 2004

周慕雲(梁朝偉飾)是個言情小說作家,他執菸埋首,寫著一部關於2046的小說,故事裡有部神祕列車,Tak(木村拓哉飾)希望乘車去找回一段失去的愛… 現實生活裡周慕雲遊戲人生,新加坡忍痛揮別了蘇麗珍(鞏俐飾)後,返港的他與露露(劉嘉玲飾)舊識重逢,但她對周已全無記憶,只沈醉在與新男友CC(張震飾)之間纏綿的戀事… 緊鄰重整的2046號房,周住進旅店,因而結識與日籍男友苦戀的房東女兒王靜雯(王菲飾),似曾相識的記憶讓周決意幫助靜雯,暗渡一段不被允許的愛情… 直到西元2046年,這班列車依指定日期前往2046,Tak搭上了列車,因為在2046裡所有美好的事物都保持原狀,永遠不會改變…

一場十年之約, 一段浪漫之愛真能經過歲月洗禮後歷久彌新嗎?

10 kesäkuu 2005

Paul (Macfadyen), a prize-winning war journalist, returns to his remote New Zealand hometown due to the death of his father, battle-scarred and world-weary. For the discontented sixteen-year-old Celia (Barclay) he opens up a world she has only dreamed of. She actively pursues a friendship with him, fascinated by his cynicism and experience of the world beyond her small-town existence. But many, including the members of both their families (Otto, Moy), frown upon the friendship and when Celia goes missing, Paul becomes the increasingly loathed and persecuted prime suspect in her disappearance. As the violent and urgent truth gradually emerges, Paul is forced to confront the family tragedy and betrayal that he ran from as a youth, and to face the grievous consequences of silence and secrecy that has surrounded his entire adult life.

23 syyskuu 1936

A retired auto manufacturer and his wife take a long-planned European vacation only to find that they want very different things from life.

Isa and Marie bond while working in a French sweatshop and soon begin sharing an apartment that Marie is watching for a hospitalized mother and daughter. Marie, hoping to avoid a life of struggle and poverty, takes up with Chriss, a nightclub owner whose most attractive asset is his money. Isa recognizes the ultimate futility of the relationship and tries to keep Marie away from him, but her interference puts their friendship at risk.

17 syyskuu 1994

Two childhood paranormal incidents have convinced schoolteacher Faith Corvatch that her true love is a guy named "Damon Bradley," but she has yet to meet him. Preparing to marry podiatrist Dwayne in 10 days, Faith receives a phone call from Dwayne's old classmate named Damon Bradley who is on his way to Venice. Faith tries to catch him at the airport but just misses him so she impulsively decides to fly to Venice hoping to finally encounter the man of her dreams; accompanying her on the trip is her sister-in-law and childhood best friend, Kate, who has just left her husband, Faith's brother Larry.

14 joulukuu 2007

Professor of language and philosophy Dominic Matei is struck by lightning and ages backwards from 70 to 40 in a week, attracting the world and the Nazis. While on the run, the professor meets a young woman who has her own experience with a lightning storm. Not only does Dominic find love again, but her new abilities hold the key to his research.

16 kesäkuu 2000

Ryan and Jennifer are opposites who definitely do not attract. At least that's what they always believed. When they met as twelve-year-olds, they disliked one another. When they met again as teenagers, they loathed each other. But when they meet in college, the uptight Ryan and the free-spirited Jennifer find that their differences bind them together and a rare friendship develops.

7 maaliskuu 2020

Michael, a struggling actor, dies right after a bad breakup. He finds himself awakening in a very bright room with a very strange lady and learns that he is in singles Purgatory, where he must find his soul mate in order to cross over to the other side. With limited time to find true love among other recently deceased single New Yorkers, Michael must navigate the new customs of a ghostly dating life... as if dating in life wasn't hard enough already.

31 lokakuu 2014

Ricky Miller, a 40-something restaurant manager and aspiring writer is desperately looking for love. Danita is looking for someone to kill her celebrity husband. When their worlds collide on an online dating site, Ricky is ecstatic he has found the woman of his dreams. Now all that stands between him and true love is how to get away with murder.

28 helmikuu 2020

Todd is a hyper-articulate, obsessive compulsive gay twentysomething whose fear of dying alone leads him to a baffling conclusion: he might not be gay after all. When he meets Rory, a whip-smart struggling actress with her own set of insecurities, the two forge a relationship that’s all talk and no sex.


1 lokakuu 2013

Eighteen-year old Ashley's life is headed in the wrong direction. She's been hanging out with a bad crowd and seeking an escape from the drama at home. Everything begins to change when a handyman working on the family's house encourages her to volunteer for a Christmas play with underprivileged children. Ashley finds purpose by helping people in need and uses that to help heal her troubled family. Together, they discover the impact one person can make through the gift of giving.

Three families struggle to find their true selves and their soulmates in a world full of expectations, pressure and obstacles. Inspired by real events, this film shows how they pursue their dreams and potential without losing themselves.

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