66 部电影

《101忠狗》(英語:One Hundred and One Dalmatians)是一部由華特迪士尼製作,並於1961年上映的動畫電影。它的上映日期是1961年1月25日(香港則於1962年5月2日上映),為第17部華特迪士尼經典動畫長片。其內容的故事是自多迪·史密斯(Dodie Smith)所寫的《第101隻斑點狗》改編而來,同時也被認為是父母最樂意推薦給兒童觀賞的電影之一。 部片電影原聲帶已經由滾石在台灣發行,目前在中國沒有任何影音產品發行。本片DVD已經分別由中錄德加拉,博偉在台灣發行。在這部電影中,蘿兒·泰勒負責了第一隻大麥町狗彭哥(Pongo)的配音,貝蒂·羅·格爾森則擔任了反派角色庫伊拉(Cruella)的配音。而故事內容主要就是敘述彭哥和其配偶白佩蒂(Perdita)所產下的小狗被庫伊拉的手下偷走後所發生的冒險事件。 這部電影在1996年改編成了一部真人演出的電影,英文片名沒變,但在華語市場則譯作《101真狗》,其後更推出續集《102真狗》。


1996 年 11 月 27 日


2016 年 10 月 04 日

Barbie and her sisters go to an island paradise for a dance competition, but they must work together as a team to find their pets after their furry friends go missing at a horse festival.

2017 年 03 月 31 日

夢工廠3D動畫新作,改編自凱迪克獎(美國兒童繪本大獎)得主馬拉發辛最具創意的童書繪本《寶寶老闆》,講述一個再平凡不過的「家庭問題」,傳達親情的牽絆,帶給大小朋友最真實的感動。由《馬達加斯加》系列導演湯姆麥葛瑞斯執導與編劇。動畫配音邀請到亞歷鮑德溫、吉米基墨、麗莎庫卓獻聲。 這是一齣熱鬧非凡的家庭喜劇,敘述當一個新生兒來到新家庭,以一個充滿想像力的7歲男孩提姆作為主要的敘事觀點,一切看起來非常荒謬。一個不尋常的寶貝老闆坐著計程車,來到提姆的家中,他穿著西裝,帶著一只公事包,還用亞歷鮑德溫的聲音講話。 兩兄弟不斷過招對決,但到了後來,提姆發現寶貝老闆其實是一個正在執行秘密任務的間諜,而他是唯一可以幫忙寶貝老闆的人。這對看起來不起眼的小兄弟將展開一場出人意料的大冒險,一起捲入這場小狗與嬰兒之間的史詩大戰。

1993 年 12 月 16 日

Beethoven is back -- and this time, he has a whole brood with him now that he's met his canine match, Missy, and fathered a family. The only problem is that Missy's owner, Regina, wants to sell the puppies and tear the clan apart. It's up to Beethoven and the Newton kids to save the day and keep everyone together.

1992 年 04 月 03 日

The Newton family live in their comfortable home, but there seems to something missing. This "hole" is filled by a small puppy, who walks into their home and their lives. Beethoven, as he is named, grows into a giant of a dog... a St Bernard. Doctor Varnick, the local vet has a secret and horrible sideline, which requires lots of dogs for experiments. Beethoven is on the bad doctor's list.

2008 年 12 月 25 日

當這對雅痞夫妻(歐文威爾森 + 珍妮佛安妮斯頓)初遇這隻”披著狗皮的惡魔”馬利時,竟忍不住一見鍾情! 理所當然不會料到有一天他們會因為一隻狗而失眠! 馬利有最惹人憐愛的表情,的確是生養小孩前最佳的實習對象,但馬利出人意料的狀況多到爆,夫妻倆常被搞到精神崩潰、欲哭無淚! 正當夫妻倆對一連串頑皮的災難束手無策時,卻發現他們也已準備升格當奶爸奶媽,而整天以闖禍為樂的馬利竟也在追趕跑跳碰的日子中,逐漸地改變了主人對事業及家庭的看法與生活!

2001 年 07 月 04 日

為了防止人類落入貓族的統治與奴役,英勇的狗黨勇士們已經秘密地保護人類飼主好幾千年了,只是在這幾千年之間,人類飼主們卻渾然不覺。 今年,知名的動物科學家布洛狄教授(Jeff Goldblum 飾)致力於發明新的醫療方式,讓喜歡狗卻又對狗過敏的人可以從此免除困擾,這個舉動讓貓族備感威脅,一但人類不再對狗黨過敏,狗黨的勢力必將壯大,直接影響貓狗兩大族群勢均力敵的情勢,於是深謀遠慮、邪惡的貓族首領丁哥,號召全體貓族戰士準備一舉打敗狗黨勇士,征服人類。牠率領數十隻訓練有素的忍者貓,帶著最先進的裝備和武器,入侵布洛狄教授的家,作為牠征服世界,統治人類的第一個據點。 狗黨這邊當然也不是省油的燈,在得知貓族首領丁哥邪惡計劃後,立刻在最短的時間內派遣了三名狗黨勇士中的精英特務,會同布洛狄教授家中的寵物狗小盧,潛藏在布洛狄教授的家中,準備與貓族的忍者貓一決死戰。 這場攸關兩大族群、人類存亡與世界局勢的艱苦戰役,即將展開,數以百萬隻的狗黨勇士與人類命運都掌握在這四隻小狗的腳掌中,勝負如何,即將揭曉。

2019 年 12 月 20 日

故事改編自 1925 年美國阿拉斯加諾姆鎮的白喉血清事件的真實故事「Great Race of Mercy」。 由威廉達佛飾演的主角 Leonhard Seppala 曾經作過礦工與漁夫,在 1914 年諾姆的大賽中首次接觸雪撬犬。並於次年起成為一個成功的雪橇運輸員。1925年時,他在嚴酷的氣候環境下獨力用雪橇犬拉雪橇從尼納向被白喉蔓延的諾姆運輸血清,成為拯救當地的英雄。

2009 年 01 月 16 日

Placed in a foster home that doesn't allow pets, 16-year-old Andi and her younger brother, Bruce, turn an abandoned hotel into a home for their dog. Soon other strays arrive, and the hotel becomes a haven for every orphaned canine in town. But the kids have to do some quick thinking to keep the cops off their tails.

2000 年 11 月 21 日


1992 年 08 月 14 日


2009 年 02 月 03 日

夢就像星星,你無法觸摸,但如果你跟著它們,它們就會把你帶到你命中註定的地方。 巴德、超酷的B仔、英勇的小花、成熟的阿佛,平常就幻想著能成為登月第一狗!某天誤上了即將發射升空的太空船,就此展開牠們不可思議的太空之旅!牠們要適應無重力空間、還要忍受難吃的太空食物、最後更要面對太空船被撞毀的危機,幸好,在太空中牠們認識了一隻新朋友—斯普尼克! 牠要如何幫助牠們闖過重重難關,重回溫暖的家呢?

Tiny is the forest ranger's dog, still really a puppy. He is friends with many of the forest animals, especially Dr. Owl, who protects the animals of the forest. One day, a mysterious stranger hires two bumbling poachers to capture a selection of animals. But Dr. Owl keeps thwarting their efforts. They realize they must take Dr. Owl out of the picture. They capture him and begin to collect their other animals. Tiny and his forest friends realized that they must free Dr. Owl and defeat the poachers, but only by combining their talents.

2011 年 06 月 01 日

Fall into puppy love with “the world’s worst dog”, who now has a frisky voice and an attitude to match. Join Marley for his mischievous puppy years, as he and his summer pal, Bodie Grogan, wreak havoc on a neighborhood dog contest. Marley outwits Dobermans, Shepherds and Collies, while stealing hearts in his own unique and lovable way. Get your paws on MARLEY & ME: THE PUPPY YEARS and fetch big laughs for the whole family!

Khao Niao, a young girl, is left at her relatives' house by her mother, Bee. Although she is surrounded by familiar faces, she still feels very lonely and blames her mother for 'abandoning' her here. One day, while wandering around, Khao Niao finds a stray puppy. Thinking that the dog is as lonely as she is, she decides to bring him home even though she knows that her relatives will not like him. This is only the beginning of a journey between Khao Niao and her puppy, Moo Ping.

2006 年 12 月 12 日

Five puppies are shocked to find out that their parents, Buddy and Molly, have been abducted and face obstacles while trying to rescue them.

1993 年 11 月 05 日

When high-powered executive Samantha LeBon hatches a scheme to spend a romantic Christmas with her new employee – the unsuspecting, blithesome James – his wife, their kids and their two dogs, Rocks and Daphne, must rescue him before he makes a terrible mistake.

Barbie and her sisters, Skipper, Stacie and Chelsea, and their adorable new puppy friends find unexpected mystery and adventure when they return to their hometown of Willows. While going through mementos in Grandma's attic, the sisters discover an old map, believed to lead to a long-lost treasure buried somewhere in the town. With their puppy pals in tow, the four girls go on an exciting treasure hunt, along the way discovering that the greatest treasure of all is the love and laughter they share as sisters!



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