52 Filme

10. April 2015

Luke, een voormalig rodeokampioen, droomt ervan om een comeback te maken. Sophia, een kunststudente die net klaar is met haar studie, staat op het punt om haar carrière te beginnen in New York City. Hun carrières worden op pauze gezet wanneer ze in contact met Ira komen, die zojuist in een levensgevaarlijk ongeluk terecht is gekomen. Terwijl Luke en Sophia hulp afwachten, begint Ira zijn inspirerende levensverhaal te vertellen.

10. Oktober 2004

Ben is an art college student in London, whose imagination runs wild as he works the late-night shift at the local supermarket. What do he and his colleagues do to pass the long, endless hours of the night?

13. März 2017

De naar inspiratie zoekende kunststudente Noelle wordt door haar medestudent Luke verkracht. Ze kan haar trauma moeilijk verwerken en in een impuls confronteert ze haar aanrander - met dodelijke gevolgen. Haar wereld wordt op zijn kop gezet wanneer ze de schrikwekkende realiteit ontdekt: zij is een van de vele seksueel misbruikte (en monddood gemaakte) slachtoffers op de campus. Noelle is vastbesloten het recht in eigen handen te nemen.

Kido Tatsuhiko moved to Tokyo to attend an art school and start his new life. In his new room, there's a small hole in the wall. At first he can see nothing through the small hole, but one night, through the peeping hole, he saw a girl named Ikuno Emiru, a perverted voyeur who ropes him into her peeping fetish… But each winds up getting more than they bargained for.

8. Oktober 2009

A sensuous and ethereal story of two young women falling in love for the first time. Young, beautiful Àsia lies in a coma, her mother and boyfriend keeping constant vigil by her side. In flashback we see what led up to her accident, her life studying architecture at university, the somewhat overbearing relationship she has with her mother and her passionless relationship with Nathaniel.

24. April 1997

Having just moved back in with his working-class parents, twentysomething on-and-off philosophy undergrad Walter navigates turn-of-the-millennium Turin and Gen-X ennui.

Jiney en Jas zijn gefascineerd door schilderen en fotografie. Op een dag maakt Jiney een foto van een verschrikkelijk verkeersongeluk, en ze krijgt een morbide fascinatie voor alles wat met de dood te maken heeft. Haar schilderijen en fotoreeksen worden steeds heftiger en Jas begint zich zorgen over haar te maken. Op een dag vindt Jiney een vreemde videoband voor haar deur, en als ze de band bekijkt, schrikt ze zich rot. Op de band is namelijk te zien hoe een psychopaat een meisje mishandelt en uiteindelijk vermoordt.

10. August 1966

A rebellious student embarks on an affair with the mother of his best friend, leading to disastrous consequences.

Kei works at a cocktail bar, while Ai works as a model. Fearing she'll be ostracized by society, Kei chooses not to admit her sexual orientation to anyone, and, as a result, she becomes distressed and lonely. One day, Kei gets close to Naima, an Iranian student studying art in Japan.

25. Februar 2022

The year is 2020, the middle of the corona crisis. Art student Itsuka has her graduation exhibition canceled and must take home the piece which she had been working on for a year. In a whirlpool of emotions she clashes with her worried parents, her little sister overreacts to the virus and even her usually calm friend Hirai starts to build up frustration. In the middle of all that, she re-unites with Tanaka, who gave her the opportunity to absorb herself in painting, clashes with Hirai over their true feelings and tries to face her own future.

An art student is thrown out of college. Depressed, he comes up with the Party of Dynamic Erection, a near fascist "party" that promotes male sexual dominance and which attracts a couple of other unsavoury confused characters.

1. Januar 1978

An art student living with his sister is actually a maniac strangling dancers and prostitutes. One victim's sister starts looking for him...

It’s October 10 2020 and Kim Jong-un presents the largest mobile rocket on Earth. Jippe Liefbroer, Interaction Design student, sees the rocket and thinks: it can be bigger. For his graduation project he built 'Kimmi's worst nightmare', a 31 meter long rocket. That is 1 meter longer than Kim Jung-un's.

A child fishing in a puddle using bananas as bait catches a bigger fish than he can handle and flees with the giant fish in pursuit.

Shin and Pongkwan have a cute daughter. which corresponds to that of Grandfather Or Shin's father had hoped for it. because of Shin's brothers They all had sons, but Shin still had some anger with his father. therefore refused to return home Still living with his girlfriend Pongkwan. Even though the father has already forgiven Causing the father to decide to send people to take his granddaughter The chaos in this battle has begun.

22. Oktober 1965

A group of young female artists pose for each other as nude models.

24. September 2021

Artist Taylor Denise sets out to make her first painting, which also happens to be her largest work to-date. As she embarks on this creative process of making shit because it looks cool, she's met with comradery, debauchery, and people's brains interrupting art whatever way they want to-ery.

20. September 2016

A young soldier without experience is sent to a surveillance post in the middle of the desert.

6. Juni 1919

An art student in love with her instructor poses for his sculpture. She leaves him and the world of art when she finds out he is married. The statue, created with purpose of symbolizing guilt, comes back to haunt her.

21. Dezember 2022


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