Emma un Ādams ir labi draugi. Viņus vieno tikai sekss, un viņu attiecību modelim ir stingri noteikumi.

aprīlis 18, 2008

Apdāvināts medicīnas students Teds Grejs ierodas Vašingtonā un iekārtojas vienā no slimnīcām kā interns. Šeit viņš iepazīstas ar kolēģiem-patologiem, kuri organizējuši savu pagrīdes pulciņu. Katrs no tā dalībniekiem pēc kārtas izdara slepkavību, bet pārējiem, lai pieradītu savu kompetenci, ir jāuzmin veids, kādā slepkavība veikta. Teds aizraujas ar savu kolēģu neparasto „hobiju”, taču viņa draudzenei - juridiskās fakultātes studentei Gvenai - izdodas pārliecināt Tedu, ka patologu rīcība ir gan nelikumīga, gan amorāla. Bet tagad Tedam un Gvenai pašiem draud briesmas – katrs no viņiem jebkurā brīdī var kļūt par ārstu-sadistu kārtējo upuri...

A sprawling drama centered on five key days in a family's life.

jūnijs 7, 2003

A group of medical students discover the body of the infamous count. Soon, they find themselves in the middle of a bizarre and dangerous conflict when a shadowy figure offers them $30 million for the body so that he may harvest his blood.

septembris 3, 2014

Benjamin is meant to be a great doctor, he’s certain of it. But his first experience as a junior doctor in the hospital ward where his father works doesn’t turn out the way he hoped it would. Responsibility is overwhelming, his father is all but present, and his co-junior partner, a foreign doctor, is far more experimented than he is. This internship will force Benjamin to confront his limits… and start his way to adulthood.

marts 23, 1954

The first of the seven "Doctor" films, based on Richard Gordon's novels and released between 1954 and 1970. Simon Sparrow is a newly arrived medical student at St Swithin's hospital in London. Falling in with three longer-serving hopefuls he is soon immersed in the wooing, imbibing and fast sports-car driving that constitute 1950s medical training. There is, however, always the looming and formidable figure of chief surgeon Sir Lancelot Spratt to remind them of their real purpose.

Emergency medicine intern Margaux can no longer stand it. During another very hectic and patient-filled shift, she forgets a homeless woman on a stretcher who then dies. Shocked Margaux has no choice but to continue working. But suddenly, her body starts sweating blood uncontrollably.

augusts 14, 2008

Marc, an unexperienced medical doctor from Germany arrives at the Hospital Universitario del Valle in Cali, Colombia for his internship and soon finds himself in-between a raging gang war in Siloé, a Cali barrio. In the hospital he has to care mostly for shotgun wounds, while in the streets he falls in love with a stall-holder who cares for some of the children involved in drug trafficking and criminal violence. Alienating his colleagues and his host family while befriending the kids, he soon finds himself trapped in the center of the violent conflict between the gangs and has to come to a decision.

After confronting his professor, a student of medicine loses his illegal bed in student housing and finds a job as a housemaid at Sava Mitrovic house. The family happiness soon turns into a chaos, falling apart like a Robert Hall suit.

Directed in 1980 and released in 2013. On the issue of addiction in Iran in the 1980s. Mohsen's father is going to pass away soon due to an illness, however, Mohsen himself has been missing for 6 months. A BSc medicine student, he has become a drug addict and lost himself in the slums. Setting out to help him out of his conditions, and deliver his mother's care to him, his father starts searching for him. The movie is embedded in the social conditions of the 70s AD Iran, has a 70s Iranian chivalric tincture, religious color-as was the climate of the Iranian society at the time- and is blended with historic state propaganda. For the audience of that time, this movie would have received a fair score, as it touches on religious notions. However, the issue it addresses is far more complicated and sophisticated at this age, and its propaganda outlook can no longer attract significant commercial or critical attention.

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