49 部电影

2015 年 09 月 11 日

貝嘉 (奧莉菲亞狄莊 飾) 和弟弟泰勒 (艾德奧森堡 飾) 的媽媽 (嘉芙蓮漢恩 飾) 與父母斷絕來往十數年後,突然收到他們的邀請,說想見見兩個孫兒。貝嘉和泰勒希望藉此協助雙方修補關係,決定探訪住在遠郊素未謀面的外公外婆 (彼得麥羅比、狄安娜登娜瑾 飾) 並同住一星期。原以為這是個共享天倫樂的旅程,貝嘉和泰勒卻沒想到與外公外婆相處越久,越發覺他們行徑異常,每到晚上發生的怪事更叫他們坐立難安……兩姊弟意識到這個家不宜久留,想要逃跑之際,外公外婆已準備將他們永遠留在自己身邊…

2015 年 10 月 16 日

一個年輕媽媽Ma的牢籠,是她五歲兒子的全世界。對五歲的Jack(雅各川伯尼 飾)而言,房間就是全世界。這是他出生和成長的地方,他跟媽媽Ma(貝兒娜森 飾)住在這裡,學習、閱讀、吃飯、睡覺、遊戲。晚上,總會有一名男子來訪,媽就把他安全地關在衣櫃裡。但房間對Ma而言,卻是被囚禁了七年的監獄。靠著決心、機智和強大的母愛,Ma為Jack創造了人生。但她知道這樣是不夠的……對她不夠,對Jack也不夠。她想出一個大膽的脫逃計劃,需要仰賴她兒子的勇氣,以及大量的運氣。她沒想到的是,對這計劃一旦成功會產生什麼樣的後果,而自己竟然沒有充分的準備…

谷媽Charlotte(戴安基頓 飾)有一個小小的聖誕願望:希望一家人可以擁有一次難忘的完美聖誕回憶。 四代同堂,難就難忘,不過係艱難個難!谷爸Sam(約翰古德曼 飾)同Charlotte 40年夫妻本來緣已盡,但在她請求下答應不在平安夜向家人透露分居的消息。谷女Eleanor被未婚夫拋棄,打算躲在機場避節,以免家人知道,怎料竟然在機場邂逅最佳聖誕大禮:軍人Joe,跟手臨時拉伕擔任Eleanor的冒牌男友。谷仔Hank(艾希姆斯 飾)湊著三個百厭仔仔,又要應付前妻,還要隱瞞失業真相。谷姨 Emma一時歪念,竟在商場行騙,撞正患有假期焦慮症的警察Williams(安東尼麥奇 飾)。谷爺Bucky(艾倫雅堅 飾)疑似忘年戀上年輕女侍應Ruby(雅曼達施菲 飾)。當然不少得和藹可親的Fishy婆婆和得意可愛的狗仔Rags。 谷家有本難念的經,還有不速之客到訪,今個聖誕,如何化解谷家大戰,團圓過佳節?

2013 年 07 月 12 日

Craig, a fiercely determined New Brunswick farmer, sets out to build a more suitable house for his ailing wife, Irene, despite their children's concerns. As he starts building, he is blindsided by the bureaucratic codes and officials. As Irene becomes increasingly ill, Craig fights back. Based on a true story.

In the wake of their parent's separation, three siblings spend the summer in the south of France with their estranged Grandfather. In less than 24 hours, a clash of generations has occurred between the teenagers and the old man. During this turbulent summer, both generations will be transformed by one another.

2020 年 10 月 09 日

A bereaved Satanist couple kidnap a pregnant woman so they can use an ancient spellbook to put their dead grandson's spirit into her unborn child, but they end up summoning more than they bargained for.

2003 年 12 月 12 日

Christmas Eve. On his way to his in-laws with his family, Frank Harrington decides to try a shortcut, for the first time in 20 years. It turns out to be the biggest mistake of his life.

2004 年 10 月 22 日

The Munns, father John and sons Chris and Tim, recede to the woods of rural Georgia. Their life together is forever changed with the arrival of Uncle Deel, though the tragedy that follows forces troubled Chris to become a man.

2010 年 05 月 21 日

It's a movie for everyone whose life has been thrown off-course, out of whack, or simply not turned out the way they planned it. In other words, it's a movie for everyone, period. Set in suburban Long Island in the summer of 2002, with the psychic wounds of 9/11 still fresh, A Little Help is a story that takes a comic, searching and profoundly empathetic look at a few pivotal months in the life of dental hygienist Laura Pehlke (Jenna Fischer)-an ordinary woman whose life suddenly flies off the rails-and her heroic efforts to re-establish a sense of security and normalcy for herself and her son.

1986 年 04 月 18 日

A coming-of-age story about a young brother and sister whom spend a pivotal summer in the country with their grandparents.

2000 年 10 月 08 日

Susannah and Jesse Stanton divorced two years prior with three children. When Susannah starts dating a lawyer, the children decide to find someone for their father, sending a letter to a popular magazine called Alaskan Love. He receives a large number of responses, but the children later feel that his perfect match is Susannah, and they try to arrange a plan to bring them together.

2009 年 12 月 11 日

Dumped on her grandparents for the summer by her indifferent mother, acerbic and self-destructive teenager Greta disrupts the elderly couple's staid life on the Jersey Shore. Eventually, a romance helps Greta face down her demons.

2017 年 11 月 10 日

Centered around a group of individuals, who come to experience magical moments over the course of one day. Full of the power of family, love and the spirit of forgiveness. Each individual comes to realize that Christmas, more than any other time of the year, is full of wonder and surprises.

2018 年 07 月 11 日


2017 年 01 月 12 日

Travis and his sister, Whitney, visit their grandparents for the summer and fall through a magical portal which transports him to the world of American hero Paul Bunyan and his big, blue, talking ox, Babe.

2013 年 11 月 25 日

While coming to terms with his dad's recent passing in a tractor accident, 13-year-old George McCray is living with his grandparents on their Kansas farm. George misses his mom, Jill, who has moved to Minnesota to deal with her grief, but there is the promise of their reunion at Christmas. George feels needed on the farm as he helps his grateful grandfather Bo with daily chores and comforts his grandmother Cora. He has also made friends with Mary Ann and became attached to Tucker, the smart and friendly dog the McCrays take in when his troubled owner Frank Thorne lands in jail.

A portrait of a seemingly ordinary house - one that holds cherished memories while also bearing the burden of abandonment and neglect. Revisiting my grandparents’ house, I find myself exploring the intersection of home, nostalgia, and the passage of time while trying to grasp the essence of a place where time seems to stand still.

2024 年 02 月 16 日

As every summer, Louise is entrusted to her grand-parents for a few days of vacation in the country. The green grass of the garden, the swimming in the lake, the fishing with Grandpa, everything seems as sweet as Grandma's strawberry pies. Yet this year, the snow will fall in summer and a monster will die.

1939 年 07 月 07 日

Young Pud is orphaned and left in the care of his aged grandparents. The boy and his grandfather are inseparable. Gramps is concerned for Pud's future and wary of a scheming relative who seeks custody of the child. One day Mr. Brink, an agent of Death, arrives to take Gramps "to the land where the woodbine twineth." Through a bit of trickery, Gramps confines Mr. Brink, and thus Death, to the branches of a large apple tree, giving Gramps extra time to resolve issues about Pud's future.

2023 年 10 月 23 日

My Baba Bozorg was a professor of literature in Tehran, Iran. He moved to Canada in 2002 to live with his son, my father. He spends his days, at large, seldom in his room on the top floor of our suburban home in Scarborough, Ontario. Primarily reading and writing, studying English, watching Persian films, following Persian news, and keeping company to our family dog, Oreo. He never misses his daily walk, morning and evening cups of tea, and telling me Dooset Daram (I love you) when our paths cross. He has watched me grow in this house for 21 of my 22 years of life. Our verbal exchange is remarkably limited given our understanding of one another. A bond I believe can be largely attributed to the beauty our language barrier allows us to see. Nothing about this film was coordinated or discussed prior to shooting. I saw him sleeping, and he woke up and saw me. The rest unfolded. No questions or hesitations.



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