10 movies

maijs 8, 2002

An entrepreneurial criminal, Slim (Dorff) is as smart as they come. Cocky and confident, he assembles a team of risk-taking rush-seekers to pull off a series of five bank heists, each time using a different extreme sport to make the getaway. Following an unexpected windfall on only their second job, the gang nets $20 million in untraceable bonds. Having scored enough money to retire on, Slim and his crew decide to call the robbery game quits. But both the mob and the police have other plans in mind for Slim: they want him to keep working, for them.

februāris 8, 1984

A priest helps the small town he's stationed in to resolve conflicts by working together.

decembris 4, 1916

Pēc nogurdinošas maiņas restorānā Čārlijs izmanto pusdienu pārtraukumu, lai dotos pavizināties ar skrituļslidām. Pēc tam, kad viņš palīdz daiļajai Ednai slidot un pats izrāda visai iespaidīgas prasmes, Edna viņu uzaicina uz ballīti.

decembris 19, 1979

Teen lovers Bobby and Terry band together with other roller skaters to try and prevent a powerful mobster taking over the land their favourite skating rink sits on, and compete in the Boogie Contest.

aprīlis 29, 1955

Among the strategies that fail in Wile E. Coyote's attempts to catch the Roadrunner: glue on the road, a giant rubber band, an outboard motor in a wash tub, and dressing in drag as a female Roadrunner.

aprīlis 19, 2018

When America's last standing roller rinks are threatened with closure, a community of thousands battle in a racially charged environment to save an underground subculture.

oktobris 1, 1979

A street-gang leader challenges a handsome young skater in a championship contest at the local roller-disco rink.

augusts 14, 2012

Roller-skaters fight back against the video-game gangsters trying to take over their town.

jūlijs 18, 2021

A mysterious serial killer attacks the roller skater community in London. The police cannot catch him, as he is a very skilled and fast roller skater himself. A group of friends decide to take the matter in their own hands, and organise a man hunt across the streets of London.

marts 28, 1978

Fan film/remake of the 1974 made-for-TV film ROLL, FREDDY, ROLL, made by Missouri college students in 1978.

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