12 部电影

2006 年 07 月 25 日

  影片开始于一片白茫芒的大地,南极。这片在20世纪以前没有人踏足过的土地,飞机停留在上面,时间也仿佛静止。故事就从Matt的口述开始。   我第一次遇见她,是在布鲁克斯顿的音乐节。她叫Lisa,21岁,很漂亮,我想她就是我一直以来追求的梦中情人,激情而又疯狂。我们一起听演唱会,做饭,磕药,还有不停歇的,做爱。日复一日,这就是生活。演唱会上沸腾的人群,激昂的歌手,是我们爱情的见证。我迷恋她修长的、像男孩儿般的身体,还有她可爱的舞蹈。我不知道这样的日子会持续多久,尽管偶有争吵,但至少,现在,我真实的抱着她,感觉着她。   那首歌里唱到:现在我们悲伤,因为现在已经消逝不见。那一天终于来到,她却不让我到机场送她。她说,她不喜欢告别的仪式太长。我走在街上,纷扰的人群依旧,只是她已不在。我知道,在地球的另一头,美国,她的生活依然会继续,可是已经与我无关。很多年后,当我想到Lisa,我想到的是天边的云彩,还有一种滋味。那是爱情的滋味

1977 年 05 月 27 日


2013 年 01 月 20 日

本片讲述了Michał(Jakub Gierszał饰)和Karina(Magdalena Berus饰)之间的故事,两位主人公在西班牙度暑假时坠入了深深的爱河。在葡萄园醉人的暖阳下,当他们沉浸于情难自抑的新浪漫之中时,一切感觉都是那么无忧无虑天真无邪。但当米皓(Michał)潜水时遭遇了一位令人厌恶的业主的胁迫后,一时的冲动导致事件发生了毁灭性的逆转。

1984 年 08 月 30 日


Pathé film number 380, also known as "What Happened to the Inquisitive Janitor" (US) and "Peeping Tom" (UK). It should not be confused with its remake from 1905 also titled What is Seen Through a Keyhole, a film now considered lost. As a janitor is cleaning a hotel, he decides to peek through the keyholes to observe some of the guests in their rooms. In room 8, a woman is busy making herself look more attractive, and the janitor enjoys watching her. There are also some interesting things going on in the other rooms on the floor.

  电影甫开场,一位性学博士向观众介绍各地关于性崇拜的传统……电话接线员伊莎贝拉(Eva Ras 饰)和好友露扎闲聊着关于男人的话题,轻薄的邮递员米卡百般纠缠二人但始终得不到伊莎贝拉的好感。卫生督察艾哈迈德(Slobodan Aligrudic 饰)出现在伊莎贝拉的生活中并得到了她的芳心。与此同时,伊莎贝拉的尸体在一处深水井中被打捞出来,尸检发现她已有孕在身。政府掀起了灭鼠运动的高潮,艾哈迈德则搬入了伊莎贝拉家中,两人开始甜蜜的同居生活,不久伊莎贝拉发现自己怀孕,情绪顿时陷入低谷,与艾哈迈德的关系濒临崩溃,两人在街上互相撕扯追逐时艾哈迈德不慎失手……

  本片又名《爱情档案》(Love Dossier),导演马卡维耶夫在电影中加入了诸如灭鼠运动之类的春秋笔法表达对现实的看法。

2006 年 04 月 07 日


2019 年 01 月 26 日

Hannah wasn't always happy about the existence of her 'Vajayjay'. She talks about how she used to imagine having sex would be like a Céline Dion song and how she discovered masturbation thanks to her PlayStation controller. She's in a love-hate relationship with her vagina and chronicles how her feelings towards her sexuality have changed over time.

2019 年 08 月 23 日

An experimental film about bloodletting.

A man and a woman are entangled in a warehouse at a company. The man, Yuji, aims to cum inside her, but is met with resistance from the woman. The woman's bodily fluids spill onto one of the mannequins... Immediately afterwards, Yuji comes into the warehouse in place of the two men. Suddenly, a naked woman appears in front of him, wiping the cum from her body. Surprised, Yuji calls for someone to come in, only to find a mannequin lying around the warehouse...

1970 年 01 月 01 日

A British porn director named Dave is casting his movies. Melissa is a buxom blonde who satisfies Dave both in his office and on the set. Minimal plot has Dave's jealous (and prudish) girl friend calling the cops on him during the inevitable orgy finale.

1993 年 06 月 08 日

A somewhat perverted man who has a peculiar interest in hair starts dating a female artist who opens her own exhibition of pubic hair gathered from men she had slept with. Their abnormal relationship is established by exchanging visual letters shot on 8mm.



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