115 部电影

2018 年 05 月 18 日

When teenager Elle's first kiss leads to a forbidden romance with the hottest boy in high school, she risks her relationship with her best friend.

A woman, who has just separated from her husband, comes to stay at the villa of the friend. The friend is away (and throughout the whole movie only appears as a voice on the phone), but the woman's goofy son (who looks like he just escaped from the Monkees) is staying there too. The son falls for her, not surprisingly since she always dresses in skimpy miniskirts or bikinis, and rarely closes the door when she is changing clothes or showering.

一個法國家庭的日常生活,因為家裡最小的孩子羅蒙而天翻地覆,因為他被逮到在生物課的時候打手槍並且用手機拍攝下來。面對被學校退學的危機......而這一切都只是女孩們男孩們想要在彼此間「找樂子」的一種討戰。但不幸的只是,他被逮到了。 從這個事件開始,性成為家庭中最主要的禁忌與樂趣,我們將隨著影片進入這個家庭的親密性愛世界,探索父母親的性生活,幾個從18至22歲孩子們的性生活,甚至......阿公的性生活!

2001 年 12 月 07 日

當全校最受歡迎的大帥哥被他的壞女友甩了,他會做些什麼事呢?答案是他會開始跟人打賭,他能把醜小鴨變成天鵝,他把他的焦點,轉移到怪女孩珍妮身上。這個改造計劃看來似乎無望,因為珍妮實在太怪異了! 雖然有他的前女友和妹妹百般阻撓,傑克卻有如鬼斧神工,把那怪胎改頭換面;同時,傑克的死黨急於想在高中畢業前失去貞操。有人想要改造別人,有人想當絆腳石,有人則想趕快變成男人。

2006 年 11 月 17 日


2000 年 12 月 25 日

影片背景是1940年的西西里島的寧靜小鎮,當時義大利剛剛宣布參戰。女主角瑪蓮娜的丈夫Nino Scordia參軍未歸,被認定為死亡。瑪蓮娜離開家鄉,來到了這個海邊小鎮,在這裡,她吸引了所有男人的目光,包括12歲的雷納托。儘管八卦不斷,瑪蓮娜一直忠於自己的丈夫。而雷納托悄悄地迷戀上這個女人,跟蹤、窺視她的生活,陷入了情慾幻想。

2003 年 09 月 01 日


Fifteen-year-old Lulu has never known any affection from her family. But when she goes to a rock concert with Pablo, a friend of the family, he introduces Lulu to her first sexual experience. Years later, Pablo and Lulu have married; Pablo has created a sheltered, private world for Lulu, into which nothing intrudes. However, Lulu tires of her cloistered existence, and begins hanging out in shady bars, looking for vicarious thrills and danger.

1974 年 03 月 27 日

《大亨小傳》(英語:The Great Gatsby,中國大陸譯《了不起的蓋茨比》)是一部2013年的美國歷史浪漫劇情電影。根據史考特·費茲傑羅於1925年的同名小說而改編。電影並由巴茲·魯爾曼執導,並由李奧納多·狄卡皮歐飾演傑·蓋茲比,其他演員包括陶比·麥奎爾、凱莉·墨里根、喬爾·埃哲頓及伊莉莎白·戴比基[1]。電影於2011年於澳洲取景,製作預算為1億9千萬美元。這部電影講述百萬富翁傑·蓋茲比及其鄰居尼克·卡拉威的時代與生平事跡,談及他在咆哮的二十年代於紐約州與蓋茨比的相遇。

1968 年 09 月 25 日

莎士比亞的愛情悲劇《羅密歐與朱麗葉》自1595年問世以來已被搬上銀幕12次,其中,1968年由弗蘭克·杰弗瑞裡導演的版本,自問世以來就一直被視為典范之作。   在十五世紀意大利的維羅納城住有二家聲望很高而彼此尖銳對立的望族。他們之間不斷的發生血腥的爭執。蒙達猶家族的羅密歐(萊昂納德·懷廷 Leonard Whiting 飾)與卡普雷特家族的朱麗葉(奧麗維婭·赫西 Olivia Hussey 飾)。卻一見鐘情,私自結婚。朱麗葉的表兄挑舋羅密歐而被誤殺,羅密歐因此被流放到城外。為了躲避家人逼婚,朱麗葉在神父的幫助下假死,當羅密歐知道后,趕了回來看到墓穴中熟睡的朱麗葉,絕望之余喝下毒藥自殺,當醒來的朱麗葉看到愛人死后也絕望的用短劍刺入了自已的胸部殉情而死。

1986 年 12 月 19 日

Seymour Krelborn is a nerdy orphan working at Mushnik's, a flower shop in urban Skid Row. He harbors a crush on fellow co-worker Audrey Fulquard, and is berated by Mr. Mushnik daily. One day Seymour finds a very mysterious unidentified plant which he calls Audrey II. The plant seems to have a craving for blood and soon begins to sing for his supper.

2017 年 10 月 13 日

事講述男孩(猶大•路易斯 飾)對新來的性感保姆(薩瑪拉•維文 飾)產生愛慕之情。可某日保姆將朋友帶到家裡來後,卻觸發了一系列殘忍的虐殺活動……

1995 年 09 月 14 日

A drama about a Maori family living in Auckland, New Zealand. Lee Tamahori tells the story of Beth Heke’s strong will to keep her family together during times of unemployment and abuse from her violent and alcoholic husband.

1986 年 02 月 28 日

Andie is an outcast, hanging out either with her older boss, who owns the record store where she works, or her quirky high school classmate Duckie, who has a crush on her. When one of the rich and popular kids at school, Blane, asks Andie out, it seems too good to be true. As Andie starts falling for Blane, she begins to realize that dating someone from a different social sphere is not easy.

莎曼珊的家人忘了她的 16 歲生日,要是傑克·萊恩能注意到她,這天就堪稱完美了。

2006 年 05 月 09 日

This movie stars Barbie as a teenage girl, trying to deal with crushes, rivals and friendship as she tries to achieve her dream of working as a news anchor for her school's TV station. She doesn't always make the right decisions, but she's a nice enough character and considerably less "perfect" than she is portrayed in her other films.

2005 年 04 月 08 日

Dr. Drakken has an evil new plot for world domination, but his ultimate success depends upon finding out KP's weakness which may involve a new hottie at Middleton High School named Eric, who suddenly sparks feelings in Ron about Kim that resemble much more than friendship. To make matters worse, Bueno Nacho, Ron's favorite fast food chain has turned sour on him by bombarding him with little Devils

A strait-laced French student moves into an apartment in Barcelona with a cast of six other characters from all over Europe. Together, they speak the international language of love and friendship.

本片描述在紐約以行竊視聽設備維生的哈利(小勞勃道尼飾)為了躲避警方的追捕,竟誤闖試鏡現場,誤打誤撞雀屏中選的他因此一腳踏入好萊塢,並且結識了蓋伊派瑞(方基墨飾)這個同志私家偵探。 在舞會上,哈利巧遇從小時候就一直深愛的哈夢妮(蜜雪兒摩納漢飾),一切看起來似乎充滿希望且美好。然而,哈利和派瑞卻無端捲入了湖中女屍命案,哈夢妮的妹妹也自殺身亡,三個小時內的兩具屍體搞得哈利和派瑞驚慌失措、身陷危機,這下他們要如何化險為夷、解開謎團?

2005 年 06 月 10 日

Paul (Macfadyen), a prize-winning war journalist, returns to his remote New Zealand hometown due to the death of his father, battle-scarred and world-weary. For the discontented sixteen-year-old Celia (Barclay) he opens up a world she has only dreamed of. She actively pursues a friendship with him, fascinated by his cynicism and experience of the world beyond her small-town existence. But many, including the members of both their families (Otto, Moy), frown upon the friendship and when Celia goes missing, Paul becomes the increasingly loathed and persecuted prime suspect in her disappearance. As the violent and urgent truth gradually emerges, Paul is forced to confront the family tragedy and betrayal that he ran from as a youth, and to face the grievous consequences of silence and secrecy that has surrounded his entire adult life.



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