Über The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc diskutieren

At first I believed the movie would be an apology to ICAR, showing her as a saint. I was glad when I saw Milla having those twitches implying she was sick.

It didn't make as if she was, because after all someone with the childhood trauma she had and then having a direct contact with god would for sure have trouble dealing with it all. But it kept open and ambiguous if it was all real or just a sickness.

The fact we have is that she turned over a war that was won, but also she was captured and no supernatural event happened to avoid she being murdered.

I also loved how the movie implied it could be some devil tricking her, and how it showed that french soldiers also committed crimes. After all, why would god bother with a war between 2 kingdoms, and take a side?

She could pretty much had schizophrenia combined with a strong fanatism and had just motivated soldiers into fighting to their deaths while english soldiers preferred to flee. Or maybe be a medium and be in contact with good and bad spirits.

Only thing I didn't like on the movie was depicting her guessing the king identity. It never happened IRL, and of course it'd almost be impossible.

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