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A weird thing happened re-watching Iron Man & Iron Man 2 back to back (which in Disney+ timeline order your now supposed to do!), I found myself liking the first film a little less and the sequel a little more!


Scarlett Johansson's debut as Black Widow.

Rhodey getting his suit.

Garry Shandling 😂

Big Sam Rockwell fan and loved his performance as Justin Hammer although I can see why some would disagree.


Whiplash was a weak villain played by a bored Mickey Rourke. It's the only standout bad thing but it's a major one.


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@GusGorman said:

A weird thing happened re-watching Iron Man & Iron Man 2 back to back (which in Disney+ timeline order your now supposed to do!), I found myself liking the first film a little less and the sequel a little more!


Scarlett Johansson's debut as Black Widow.

Rhodey getting his suit.

Garry Shandling 😂

Big Sam Rockwell fan and loved his performance as Justin Hammer although I can see why some would disagree.


Whiplash was a weak villain played by a bored Mickey Rourke. It's the only standout bad thing but it's a major one.


Suit yourself. (No pun intended.) I will always prefer the first film to the sequel. Actually, I've dug Iron Man more precisely for the reason that Justin panned it -- because it's so simple. It's just a basic story with some humor to it, whereas Iron Man 2 is this patchwork thing that they awkwardly used to jump off much of the MCU. I also feel like they attempted to adapt the old "Demon in a bottle" storyline from the comic books, omitting much of Tony's drinking and having his "demon" stem from the mini arc reactor (?) that's keeping him alive. I think that's what it's called. When Tony does get drunk at his party, we get TMI regarding his suit... too much information.

@GusGorman said:

A weird thing happened re-watching Iron Man & Iron Man 2 back to back (which in Disney+ timeline order your now supposed to do!), I found myself liking the first film a little less and the sequel a little more!

I always found the 2nd one to be a very slight improvement on the 1st. They're both essentially the same thing. But I see the 2nd one as better because it doesn't have that huge plothole the 1st one has. The bit where he's building the suit in the cave and his captors don't just have a quick peek around the corner to see what he's building. I always found the suspension of disbelief a bit too much for me there.

@CelluloidFan said:

Actually, I've dug Iron Man more precisely for the reason that Justin panned it -- because it's so simple. It's just a basic story with some humor to it, whereas Iron Man 2 is this patchwork thing that they awkwardly used to jump off much of the MCU.

I wouldn't say I panned it. I did enjoy both films.

I actually quite like the MCU set up stuff. I see it as part of the fun.

When Tony does get drunk at his party, we get TMI regarding his suit... too much information.

I agree with you entirely!

Maybe it was a misjudged homage to Dirty Rotten Scoundrels? https://youtu.be/4MKRLF1r3Mw

@JustinJackFlash said:

@GusGorman said:

A weird thing happened re-watching Iron Man & Iron Man 2 back to back (which in Disney+ timeline order your now supposed to do!), I found myself liking the first film a little less and the sequel a little more!

I always found the 2nd one to be a very slight improvement on the 1st. They're both essentially the same thing. But I see the 2nd one as better because it doesn't have that huge plothole the 1st one has. The bit where he's building the suit in the cave and his captors don't just have a quick peek around the corner to see what he's building. I always found the suspension of disbelief a bit too much for me there.

Hmmm...the part where the terrorists don't look inside Tony's part of the cave is something that I felt was a potential or actual plot hole too. I guess I gave it a pass because it's just a comic book movie... I wanted to enjoy Tony's adaptation to the big screen, not pick holes. Plus, the stakes were so high for Tony, I was just willing to overlook the possible “hole.”

@CelluloidFan said:

Actually, I've dug Iron Man more precisely for the reason that Justin panned it -- because it's so simple. It's just a basic story with some humor to it, whereas Iron Man 2 is this patchwork thing that they awkwardly used to jump off much of the MCU.

I wouldn't say I panned it. I did enjoy both films.

I actually quite like the MCU set up stuff. I see it as part of the fun.

That's fine. Let's not argue opinions... we've been pals on the site like, forever. Cheers.

@Damienracer said:

@GusGorman said:

A weird thing happened re-watching Iron Man & Iron Man 2 back to back (which in Disney+ timeline order your now supposed to do!), I found myself liking the first film a little less and the sequel a little more!


Scarlett Johansson's debut as Black Widow.

Rhodey getting his suit.

Garry Shandling 😂

Big Sam Rockwell fan and loved his performance as Justin Hammer although I can see why some would disagree.


Whiplash was a weak villain played by a bored Mickey Rourke. It's the only standout bad thing but it's a major one.


Mickey Rourke wasn't bad and I didn't find him weak at all. I liked the whole barbaric Vlad the Impaler look.

Look, Whiplash's badass, rad-ass look aside, Gus is right - he is another weak Marvel Studios supervillain, basically. We could start by looking at how inactive he is in the whole film - two attacks on our good guy, with the first one being rather frightening and the second feeling mechanical and by-the-numbers (attacking Stark and Rhodey after sending umpteen robots to get them). I was bored with the character. And Whiplash is, in my opinion, one of Marvel's more colorful supervillains for sure, but this is really going into another subject. This is a weak spot for the company, I daresay.

@Damienracer said:

@CelluloidFan said:

@Damienracer said:

@GusGorman said:

A weird thing happened re-watching Iron Man & Iron Man 2 back to back (which in Disney+ timeline order your now supposed to do!), I found myself liking the first film a little less and the sequel a little more!


Scarlett Johansson's debut as Black Widow.

Rhodey getting his suit.

Garry Shandling 😂

Big Sam Rockwell fan and loved his performance as Justin Hammer although I can see why some would disagree.


Whiplash was a weak villain played by a bored Mickey Rourke. It's the only standout bad thing but it's a major one.


Mickey Rourke wasn't bad and I didn't find him weak at all. I liked the whole barbaric Vlad the Impaler look.

Look, Whiplash's badass, rad-ass look aside, Gus is right - he is another weak Marvel Studios supervillain, basically. We could start by looking at how inactive he is in the whole film - two attacks on our good guy, with the first one being rather frightening and the second feeling mechanical and by-the-numbers (attacking Stark and Rhodey after sending umpteen robots to get them). I was bored with the character. And Whiplash is, in my opinion, one of Marvel's more colorful supervillains for sure, but this is really going into another subject. This is a weak spot for the company, I daresay.

I thought whatever or whoever you are put me on ignore? And don't "look" me, he may not have been perfect to you and Richard Pryor but to me he wasn't bad.

Obviously, you aren't on ignore - now. And you're forbidding me from using the word look on the site? Wow.

On a semi-related note, I think Tom Holland, Zendaya and the whole Marvel shebang are down here filming right now -- I was driving in Jonesboro, I guess, last week, and a truck whizzed past me that said "Marvel Studios." I was like, "Whaaaat?"

@Damienracer said:

@CelluloidFan said:

@Damienracer said:

@CelluloidFan said:

@Damienracer said:

@GusGorman said:

A weird thing happened re-watching Iron Man & Iron Man 2 back to back (which in Disney+ timeline order your now supposed to do!), I found myself liking the first film a little less and the sequel a little more!


Scarlett Johansson's debut as Black Widow.

Rhodey getting his suit.

Garry Shandling 😂

Big Sam Rockwell fan and loved his performance as Justin Hammer although I can see why some would disagree.


Whiplash was a weak villain played by a bored Mickey Rourke. It's the only standout bad thing but it's a major one.


Mickey Rourke wasn't bad and I didn't find him weak at all. I liked the whole barbaric Vlad the Impaler look.

Look, Whiplash's badass, rad-ass look aside, Gus is right - he is another weak Marvel Studios supervillain, basically. We could start by looking at how inactive he is in the whole film - two attacks on our good guy, with the first one being rather frightening and the second feeling mechanical and by-the-numbers (attacking Stark and Rhodey after sending umpteen robots to get them). I was bored with the character. And Whiplash is, in my opinion, one of Marvel's more colorful supervillains for sure, but this is really going into another subject. This is a weak spot for the company, I daresay.

I thought whatever or whoever you are put me on ignore? And don't "look" me, he may not have been perfect to you and Richard Pryor but to me he wasn't bad.

Obviously, you aren't on ignore - now. And you're forbidding me from using the word look on the site? Wow.

When you're directing the word "look" at me as if I need setting straight on a topic that I'm way more knowledgeable than you and Richard Pryor about then yes you're forbidden from using it, at me.

Look, you read all that into my post.

Here's a brief article from The Hollywood Reporter about how Marvel supervillains usually come in 2 different forms and rarely get the nuance or motivation that they should have.

@CelluloidFan said:

@Damienracer said:

@GusGorman said:

A weird thing happened re-watching Iron Man & Iron Man 2 back to back (which in Disney+ timeline order your now supposed to do!), I found myself liking the first film a little less and the sequel a little more!


Scarlett Johansson's debut as Black Widow.

Rhodey getting his suit.

Garry Shandling 😂

Big Sam Rockwell fan and loved his performance as Justin Hammer although I can see why some would disagree.


Whiplash was a weak villain played by a bored Mickey Rourke. It's the only standout bad thing but it's a major one.


Mickey Rourke wasn't bad and I didn't find him weak at all. I liked the whole barbaric Vlad the Impaler look.

Look, Whiplash's badass, rad-ass look aside, Gus is right - he is another weak Marvel Studios supervillain, basically. We could start by looking at how inactive he is in the whole film - two attacks on our good guy, with the first one being rather frightening and the second feeling mechanical and by-the-numbers (attacking Stark and Rhodey after sending umpteen robots to get them). I was bored with the character. And Whiplash is, in my opinion, one of Marvel's more colorful supervillains for sure, but this is really going into another subject. This is a weak spot for the company, I daresay.

You know what youre problem is Celluloid Fan..... you got this plate full of Ego and you like to wipe your face all over it. Just one opinion different to yours and you think its a Cardinal Sin. Let me tell you that Iron Man 2 is a much better movie and deserves much more credit than crappy Endgame which is liked by all clits. Sam Rockwell & Mickey Rourke add so much meaning to the movie ......... not to forget that Stark discovers a whole new element in the universe..... so dont give me all that robots by the numbers cock and bull stories.

@tmdb88121088 said:

@CelluloidFan said:

@Damienracer said:

@GusGorman said:

A weird thing happened re-watching Iron Man & Iron Man 2 back to back (which in Disney+ timeline order your now supposed to do!), I found myself liking the first film a little less and the sequel a little more!


Scarlett Johansson's debut as Black Widow.

Rhodey getting his suit.

Garry Shandling 😂

Big Sam Rockwell fan and loved his performance as Justin Hammer although I can see why some would disagree.


Whiplash was a weak villain played by a bored Mickey Rourke. It's the only standout bad thing but it's a major one.


Mickey Rourke wasn't bad and I didn't find him weak at all. I liked the whole barbaric Vlad the Impaler look.

Look, Whiplash's badass, rad-ass look aside, Gus is right - he is another weak Marvel Studios supervillain, basically. We could start by looking at how inactive he is in the whole film - two attacks on our good guy, with the first one being rather frightening and the second feeling mechanical and by-the-numbers (attacking Stark and Rhodey after sending umpteen robots to get them). I was bored with the character. And Whiplash is, in my opinion, one of Marvel's more colorful supervillains for sure, but this is really going into another subject. This is a weak spot for the company, I daresay.

You know what youre problem is Celluloid Fan..... you got this plate full of Ego and you like to wipe your face all over it. Just one opinion different to yours and you think its a Cardinal Sin.

Welll..... as they used to say in my childhood, "It takes one to know one," doesn't it? I don't think my ego is that out of control, although it's nice to have one. And it must take a bit of ego on your part to go after me like that. You call what I posted narcissism? I call it vigorous discussion. So sorry to offend you with my overarching opinion (not really).

Let me tell you that Iron Man 2 is a much better movie and deserves much more credit than crappy Endgame which is liked by all clits.

Almost any MCU movie is better than Avengers: Endgame, although I'm not sure what people's genitalia have to do with it?

Sam Rockwell & Mickey Rourke add so much meaning to the movie ......... not to forget that Stark discovers a whole new element in the universe..... so dont give me all that robots by the numbers cock and bull stories.

Very good, carry on... BTW, your statement about Rourke and Rockwell adding "meaning to the movie" is so weak on argument, you might as well have not mentioned it....

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