بحث The Cat in the Hat

This one is showing on a premium channel & everytime its on, me AND my teens leave it on...its HILARIOUS! Definitely NOT Seuss' intended story and maybe should've been edited better...could've done without some of the adult jokes (namely the "dirty hoe" and "son of a b----!"), but its funny and keeps the kids attention (my cousin's younger kids were over & didn't want to leave since they wanted to keep watching).

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It's also so awkwardly hilarious in its bastardization of Dr. Suess that it's so bad it's good.

Directed by a first-time helmer, written by Seinfeld/Curb Your Enthusiasm writers, and taken over completely by the bottomless ego of Myers, The Cat in the Hat is the kind of dumpster fire that should have been quickly forgotten.

And yet, something about it manifests itself in viewers' minds to the point that, over a decade later, we still remember it.

It's these factors that make this wonderful travesty stick to the noggin. I can not for the life of me think of a single directional decision made here that was good. From the questionable big star casting, the adult jokes, non-sequitur humor, and phony presentations at being self-aware, it's astounding to me that the production team and studio found this to be suitable for a wide release for children. But I laughed at the bad jokes, as an adult, I now laugh at the jokes because they are so bad it's good.

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