Keskustele nimikkeestä Dead Presidents

Spoilers* I just found out this was a true story, I was reading an historical non-fiction Vietnam war book called "Bloods": Black soldiers in the war. And in the Haywood T Kirkland account, he goes on to talk about being a grunt, his "white" squad member cutting off a VC head, and keeping in around, until the CO threatens a court martial. But he still kept all his VC ears. After the war Kirkland works for the Postal service where he sees they ship old money to burn, he quits, sets up the heist, albeit it goes smoothly they hide around the truck stop early morning, they tie up the guards, and make off with $320,000. They hand out turkeys for kids around Christmas, but their one buddy goes around handing out money, and gets caught, gives them all up. Kirkland does 6yrs but gets out early because the judge made a mistake under prosecution.

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The romantic angle between Anthony and Delilah's sister Juanita is laughable, and there can be little question why their relationship ends promptly: The PTSD-stressed Anthony is undercut and insulted again and again by Juanita (and her ex-boyfriend Cutty). One wonders if the couple have anything to work with beyond their desire for one another. Christ, is Juanita a pain in the a$$.

I perceived a spark of mutual interest between Anthony and Delilah pretty early in the film, but it was for naught, as she died an ugly death. Lastly, Anthony's trip to jail inspired the sound track accompaniment of Isaac Hayes' "Walk On By," which doesn't make much sense lyrically, but hey, it feels really sad as well as slick, so why not?

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