Diskutuoti apie Pretty in Pink

There is a black-and white photo on Andie’s bedroom wall to the left of her window seat (not her left, the viewers’ left). It looks like a fashion photo or something. Does anyone know who it is of? There appears to be a faint signature in the upper left corner of the photo, like an autograph or something. Thank you.

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@TwoSheds1 said:

There is a black-and white photo on Andie’s bedroom wall to the left of her window seat (not her left, the viewers’ left). It looks like a fashion photo or something. Does anyone know who it is of? There appears to be a faint signature in the upper left corner of the photo, like an autograph or something. Thank you.

It looks like a photo from the 1930's, but without more info it would be hard to track it down.

Here is Ringwald's twitter page maybe she can answer your question?


Thank you!

You are welcome.

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