Über Days of Heaven diskutieren

The 70’s and early 80’s had some jaw-droppingly beautiful films. What are some of your choices? For me, Days of Heaven is right up there. Others for me are Barry Lyndon, The Duellists, Nostalghia (Tarkovsky film), Blade Runner, 2001 a Space Odyssey, The Third Man.

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Mine include Barry Lyndon, Wings of Desire and Raging Bull. I'm big on black & white film.

Maybe include Do the Right Thing because I like the way that they conveyed hot temperature in it.

Kudos to Black Orpheus.

Not sure it could be called "beautiful," but Fat City stands out to me as a film from the 70's that has a kind of beauty in its scenes of central California desolation.

@CelluloidFan said:

Mine include Barry Lyndon, Wings of Desire and Raging Bull. I'm big on black & white film.

Maybe include Do the Right Thing because I like the way that they conveyed hot temperature in it.

Kudos to Black Orpheus.

Check out Brief Encounter. Gorgeous BW film by David Lean.

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